Yeah it looks like it was a problem that needed to fixed in Gatsby. I’ll leave the solution here for anyone that runs into this.
You need to add
exports.createSchemaCustomization = ({ actions }) => {
const { createTypes } = actions;
const typeDefs = `
type WordPressYoastMeta @dontInfer {
property: String
content: String
name: String
type wordpress__wp_work implements Node @infer {
yoast_meta: [WordpressYoastMeta]
type wordpress__POST implements Node @infer {
yoast_meta: [WordpressYoastMeta]
type wordpress__wp_media implements Node @infer {
yoast_meta: [WordpressYoastMeta]
type wordpress__wp_insights implements Node @infer {
yoast_meta: [WordpressYoastMeta]
to gatsby-node.js
If you get a build error your gatsby dependancy is probably out of date and does not support exports.createSchemaCustomization.