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In other words, EM does not propagate recurring event custom fields when creating the instances.
Ok, i understand. both types are several things.
with thumbnails i have the same problem.
but is it possible to transform custom fields of recurring event to cf of several event? maybe the same way for thumbnails?thank you. yes, i want to setup custom fields in a recurring event. so events of this recurring term will have the same configuration. but it doesnt there a solution? i do not want to setup the several event..
ok, thank you!
here my solution in theme_folder/plugins/events-manager/templates/templates/events-single.php<?php /*Begin*/ $today = date('d-m-Y'); $eventday = $EM_Event->output("#d-#m-#Y"); if ($today!==$eventday) { echo $EM_Event->output("{has_bookings}<h2>Bookings:</h2>#_BOOKINGFORM{/has_bookings}"); } else{}; /*END*/?>
any help for it? hello world?
thank you. i think i can get it by myself. what means event_rsvp_time?
i have created template file called “single-event.php”. i think in this template i can define this function as a normally comparison with event start date and todays date. its a pitty, i thought that i can manage this with em-templates at last. but thank you for your hints. great support! ??yes! this would be nice..
thank you – i will have a look on this template.
for avoiding any missunderstandings: i do not want to use the default setting of cut off –> any bookings should not work on the whole events starting day.
which template file could i edit for it?
thank you. is it possible to add automatically this deadline to all bookings?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Theme My Login] Not redirecting to the referrer pageit was a help for me, because i couldnt log in to my website before..
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Theme My Login] Not redirecting to the referrer pagea workaround for you untill this bug will be fixed: go to plugin-folder and rename folder called theme-my-login to another name like “theme-my-loginnnnnn” or so. then try again login with url: your-domain/wp-admin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Theme My Login] Not redirecting to the referrer pageMy site has this problem too – plugin was installed over 6 month ago and worked fine for me. WP version 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 same issue..
I am astonished that nobody can help me. what about the author of this great plugin?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-mpdf] Open PDF in a new Tab?thank you. where can i read about parameters – i cant find any manuals or tutorials?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-mpdf] function the_post_thumbnail() in a custom templatethank you. it works..