Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RICG Responsive Images] Double downloading?This bug happens under specific circumstances. Can you go through this bug report: Plugins
In reply to: [RICG Responsive Images] Double downloading?This is not a picturefill issue. If you have the same result with FF, IE or Safari it is either a picturefill issue or more likely an issue with the respimage markup provided by the wordpress plugin.
About this chrome thing: I think this is a Chrome bug, but I’m not 100% sure. If you disable or clear the cache or you normally navigate to the page there is only one request.
If you reload and before reload the large image was in cache, this double download seems to happen.
I think Chrome detects, that the large image is in cache and loads it, but due to how the user requests the page all resources should be refreshed and therefore this double request happens or what ever, I really don’t know.
I will ask around and inform you, but it’s not that bad as it looks like ;-).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RICG Responsive Images] Double downloading?@pj
Actually I was only referring to polyfilled browsers (i.e. all browsers but Chrome). About Chrome: can you create an example: Plugins
In reply to: [RICG Responsive Images] Double downloading?@jow McGill
Yes, this is a known issue with picturefill, that can’t be solved with JS and needs to be solved with the markup.
The produced markup should look like this:
<img class="image__img" src="" srcset=" 160w, 235w, 653w, 930w, 620w, 413w, 992w" />
Also note: that I have removed the double 992w image candidate.
You can workaround this problem by trying to install the following lazyload plugin (it’s still beta, and I’m not a php/wordpress dev, but got/want some help) on top this plugin.