Forum Replies Created
I thing also is config but I cant find
yes this
I not thing is bug in the plugin
I search to the console of google and is not show me rank
Maybe I not setup correct the console of the google I have try many times to fine solution but not luck
Thanks for the support
Giorgosyes I use program SERPmojo i check in the and in
I know the browser is not clear in browser i see ranking 3 but is not real.
Thank you for your replay
Best regards
GiorgosIs continuum to not show ranking
I check the search console of google and is not show my site
Is not bug of the program the search console is not show my site
if make search normal not to console and I see in top
GiorgosI will do and I let you know
Is setup per 1
it must to change?
Giorgosthank you very much for everything
for your time quick response and supportFist I like to thank you for your plugin and the fast support
Sorry about my English I me not good
I have the site
the keywords
‘best voip reseller’ i me in the google in 43
‘wholesale voip reseller’ I me in the google in 24In the plugin is show ‘No rank found’
What mistake I make
Thanks for your support
GiorgosNow is make search
I have question I make search two keywords and the one i me in 24 and second in 43
In the plugin is not show to me 0 rank
I make any mistake i not thing is the plugin bug
Thanks again
GiorgosThanks for your fast replay
I will try
Let me ask again if need more help
Thanks again for your help and the fast responce
GiorgosThank you for your replay and your help
Is not show me the information in your plugin
Thanks again
GiorgosThe information i get is
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