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  • Hi there ??

    I’ve been working on my “File Gallery” plugin for a while now and it’s available for download and testing from here:

    Among other features, you can use it to detach (unattach) attachments from posts.

    Please leave a comment if you find it useful, cheers ??

    thank you, waltervos, your plugin is a lifesaver ??

    this works for pages:

    function custom_pages_query( $query )
    	global $wp, $wpdb;
    	if( isset($_GET["meta_key"]) )
    		$wp->private_query_vars[] = 'meta_key';
    		$query['meta_key'] = $_GET["meta_key"];
    	if( isset($_GET["meta_value"]) )
    		$wp->private_query_vars[] = 'meta_value';
    		$query['meta_value'] = $_GET["meta_value"];
    	if( isset($_GET["post_parent"]) )
    		$post_parent = $_GET["post_parent"];
    		$wp->private_query_vars[] = 'post_parent';
    		if( !is_numeric($post_parent) )
    			$post_parent = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare("SELECT <code>ID</code> FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE <code>post_name</code>='%s' AND <code>post_type</code>='page' AND <code>post_status</code>='publish'"), $post_parent);
    			if( NULL === $post_parent )
    				$post_parent = "";
    		$query['post_parent'] = $post_parent;
    	return $query;
    add_filter('manage_pages_query', 'custom_pages_query');

    this is for the edit pages screen. i haven’t looked into edit posts screen much, but the situation is a bit different there since the posts are displayed with post_rows() function, which calls ‘&$wp_query->posts’ to get the list of posts.

    so you would have to modify wp_query when on edit.php screen within wp-admin to add custom stuff.

    i’ll look into it when i find time…


    the code works, but you won’t see the sizes in the admin interface – check your uploads folder to see the result, that is different sizes of uploaded images.

    or if i misunderstood you, please explain a bit further so i may be of assistance ??

    Fixed in ??

    well, i can guarantee you that decategorizer or redirection aren’t the culprits, neither of them touches the permalink structure.

    what other plugins do you have installed?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Force crop to Medium size


    oops sorry about that ??

    also, i’ve learned recently, it’s better to check an option’s existence with

    if(false === get_option())

    than with


    because the second version will also return false (equal to true, that is) if option is there, but empty.

    mores: i’ll look into it, it all depends on the order in which functions are executed.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Force crop to Medium size

    sorry, pasted the wrong option again, argh, should be:

        add_option("medium_crop", "1");
        update_option("medium_crop", "1");

    please take a look at this topic:

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Force crop to Medium size

    you don’t need to hack the code, you just have to change the medium size crop option from 0 to 1, which you can do from your functions.php file, or by writing a plugin.

    placing something like this inside your functions.php should do the trick:

        add_option("medium_size_crop", "1");
        update_option("medium_size_crop", "1");

    also take a look at this topic if you wish to add more image sizes to your wp installation.

    correction: when setting crop option, it should be written like this:

    add_option("anothersize_crop", "0");

    instead of:

    add_option("anothersize_size_crop", "0");

    no need for “_size” after size name and before “_crop”, sorry about that.

    also, i’ve recently discovered this awesome plugin called “scissors”, which allows you to crop image after upload via javascript, and it really works very well ??

    try something like this:

    if( FALSE === get_option("frontpage_size_w") )
    	add_option("frontpage_size_w", "260");
    	add_option("frontpage_size_h", "0");
    	add_option("frontpage_size_crop", "0");
    	update_option("frontpage_size_w", "260");
    	update_option("frontpage_size_h", "0");
    	update_option("frontpage_size_crop", "0");
    function additional_image_sizes( $sizes )
    	$sizes[] = "frontpage";
    	return $sizes;
    add_filter( 'intermediate_image_sizes', 'additional_image_sizes' );

    the above example will add size called “frontpage” to the list of image sizes. for each additional image size, you will have to add its name to the $sizes array and add its width, height and crop values to wp’s options.

    like this:

    if( FALSE === get_option("frontpage_size_w") )
    	add_option("frontpage_size_w", "260");
    	add_option("frontpage_size_h", "0");
    	add_option("frontpage_size_crop", "0");
    	add_option("anothersize_size_w", "260");
    	add_option("anothersize_size_h", "0");
    	add_option("anothersize_size_crop", "0");
    	update_option("frontpage_size_w", "260");
    	update_option("frontpage_size_h", "0");
    	update_option("frontpage_size_crop", "0");
    	update_option("anothersize_size_w", "260");
    	update_option("anothersize_size_h", "0");
    	update_option("anothersize_size_crop", "0");
    function additional_image_sizes( $sizes )
    	$sizes[] = "frontpage";
    	$sizes[] = "anothersize";
    	return $sizes;
    add_filter( 'intermediate_image_sizes', 'additional_image_sizes' );

    you can put this code in the functions.php file, or create a plugin out of it.

    cheers ??

    hi, calii ??

    could you please explain what kind of problem is it?

    No problem ??

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