Andrea Ercolino
Forum Replies Created
Anyway, there is a reason for the checkbox not to be already ticked and for the instructions not to make any specific mention about ticking it, and it’s because there is no need to tick the checkbox for all the system to work flawlessly.
I like comparisons too. Unfortunately, the bookmarklet is to my plugin what the key is to a car. You surely need to know what is a key, why there is one, how to use it, in order to get in the car, turn the engine on, and drive.
I put my best into making a useful and usable plugin and you did not pay a cent for it (in any currency: it’s not a country related issue, as you seem to imply). I hope you see that even if keep repeating this basic fact and you keep ignoring it, I’m still here answering your questions and giving you my attention.
But I only do so because I want, not because it’s required or expected.
Wow, you do like to talk. ??
I answered your other thread before seeing there were so many new words here…So, first of all I apologize if you felt I was rude, because I don’t like it. And, even if you think that we as WordPress developers are supposed to offer plugins and support just because, I tell you it’s not the case.
Before telling the world (we are talking publicly, you know?) that a plugin does not work at all, first and foremost you have to try a bit harder to make it work (also because you see there are many downloads and no complaints, that should be a clue), and second, always be kind to the developer, maybe like “Am I doing something wrong?” or “Could you please help me understand your instructions?”
About all misunderstandings in my instructions, thank you for the effort you took in describing them. Anyway, most, if not all, of them are related to not knowing what a bookmarklet is. So, why are you trying to install a plugin that states it’s based on something you don’t know anything about?
And just to be sure other readers of this thread don’t get fooled by what the OP put emphasis around, there’s no need to tick both checkboxes.
Version 1.4, which was published before the first comment of the OP, only has one checkbox. (previous versions had two) And ticking the checkbox will only send you a copy of the bookmarklet code for backup.
No, sorry you feel like that, but the instructions are very detailed, really.
There is a tab in this plugin page named Installation.
Step number 3 is Configure.
Just one line beneath there’s a title named Configuration.
And beneath the title there are three steps with what to do from where.
When you go there you find additional instructions.Moreover, there are already answered comments from other users where I cover even more details. So please, the next time just READ, and always remember to show respect for people giving you their time and effort for free.
So it seems to me the plugin was working quite fine for you. If you could not access your blog with your standard login, that’s exactly what the plugin is supposed to do !!
Yes, the point of the plugin is to make the standard login useless SO THAT people other than you cannot get in.
And you get in by using your bookmarklet, that is automatically generated for you by the plugin, using your configuration, through your profile page.
I have no problem in telling you again all this, BUT wouldn’t it be much easier just to read the documentation before shouting the plugin doesn’t work?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Login Dongle] [Plugin: Login Dongle] Clever pluginI published the new version (1.4.1) with support for translations. I already added Spanish (and English is the base). I hope people know how to add new ones. I’ll be pleased to add them in future updates.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Login Dongle] [Plugin: Login Dongle] Theme My Login compatibility?A few hours ago I published the new version (1.4.1) with support for TML. You only need to add one line in one file of TML, as explained in the FAQ. Tell me if it works for you. I only tested with basic configuration of TML.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Login Dongle] [Plugin: Login Dongle] Theme My Login compatibility?I got it.
1- TML changes the standard login URL. I’ll add a new option to my plugin for it.
2- TML doesn’t ever fire the login-init event. I’ll document where to change TML.This will be in the next release.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Login Dongle] [Plugin: Login Dongle] Theme My Login compatibility?I’ll look into it.
I have a feeling it will be difficult, at least because I used very standard hooks, so It’s possible that Theme My Login is doing something not in a standard way (the standard being what the wp-login.php page does). But hopefully I’m wrong now, and it’s easy. I’ll tell you something soon.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Login Dongle] [Plugin: Login Dongle] Clever pluginI didn’t until a moment ago… I’ll look into it soon. Thanks for the suggestion.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Login Dongle] [Plugin: Login Dongle] After activate, then what?You welcome.
1. Yes, you’ll have to always use the bookmark. The Login Dongle plugin causes the standard Log In button to not work. It also makes it impossible to automatically check your login data. Brute force attackers, when trying to get access to your blog, not only use programs to try many different combinations, but they also do it without ever filling the login page…
2. Each of your contributors can access your blog as they were used to, without the need for a bookmark. That is actually a good thing, because the most attacked account is usually the “admin”. However, each of them can have their own different bookmark, and also completely different from yours. They can configure their login dongle by themselves or you can do it on their behalf as the admin. Each user’s profile is where the login dongle is configured, saved, and drag-and-dropped to the bookmarks bar and / or sent to their email.
Remember two things: (a) the plugin works ONLY for users whose challenge is set to something not empty, otherwise the standard Log In button will work as usual for them. (b) If you configure your other contributors’ login dongles, then they must create their bookmark using the code they received in the email, BUT if they configure their login dongles themselves then they can drag-and-drop the bookmarks.
(I think they were 2, really ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Login Dongle] [Plugin: Login Dongle] Clever pluginI’ve answered your question here.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Login Dongle] [Plugin: Login Dongle] After activate, then what?1. Install the plugin.
2. Activate it.
3. Edit your user profile.
4. Locate the Login Dongle section.
5. Fill in the Challenge and the Response fields, and also tick both checkboxes.
6. Save your user profile.
7. Have your browser show the bookmarks bar if it’s currently hidden.
8. Now locate in your just saved user profile the text that reads: ‘After saving any changes you should drag ad drop into your bookmarks this login dongle bookmarklet’. You will notice that the “login dongle” words in that text are actually a link.
9. Click on that link without releasing the mouse button.
10. Move the mouse such that the cursor is finally placed onto the bookmarks bar.
11. Release the mouse button there. (the sequence 9 through 11 is what goes under the expression “drag and drop”).
12. If you were lucky, you will see a new bookmark in your bookmarks bar. If you do not see it, please make sure that it’s not been placed by your browser after many other bookmarks already displayed. That happens some time.
13. If you do not see the new bookmark, it’s possible that for some reason the drag and drop operation was not exactly perfect, so just repeat steps 9 through 11 as many times as required for the new bookmark to appear on the bar.
14. Some browsers use better names than others for drag-and-dropped bookmarks. If you do not like the name, just click on it with the right button of the mouse without releasing the button. A short menu should appear, and one menu option should be available for editing the bookmark. Move the mouse such that the cursor highlights the edit option and release the mouse button there. A browser dialog box should appear, and there should be a way for changing the name of the bookmark. Do as you see fit, and save and close the dialog.
15. Now yo can test your new login dongle by logging out of your blog.
16. In the same browser with the new bookmark, open the login page as you were used.
17. Fill in your username and your password as usual.
18. If you now click the Log In button on the login page, you should see as a result the message that you configured for improper access. That is OK, it means that the login dongle plugin is working as it should.
19. Go back to the login page. All fields should already be filled, but if they are not, then simply fill them again, BUT do not click the Log In button on the login page.
20. Instead, click the new bookmark. A small dialog box should appear with the text of the challenge you configured and near it an empty text box.
21. Fill the box with the response that you configured.
22. Accept the dialog box.
23. If all is working OK, you should now be logged in.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: bullet points change font and layout of textI just published a short post about this issue.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problems with pluginslogging on activation / deactivation removed in version 1.3