Forum Replies Created
ahh yes I managed to do this.
Unfortunately its was a trail and error method that I used so I did not really learn from it its (2:20 am here) .. He is the code that worked for me though
<?php foreach(get_field('music_genre_1') as $array_item){ $image = get_template_directory_uri(). '/images/icons/' .$array_item.".png "; $imagesquare = '<img src='.$image.'/>'; echo $imagesquare; } ?>
ahh now its listing the correct full directory. thanks man. Now how can i make the echo a img. Is it like this?
<?php foreach(get_field('music_genre_1') as $array_item){ echo '<img src = "get_template_directory_uri(). '/images/icons/' .$array_item.".jpg ""/>'; } ?>
Hi thanks for your help. Using what you gave me I made this
<?php foreach(get_field('music_genre_1') as $array_item){ echo '<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/icons/'.$array_item.".jpg "; } ?>
but the get_template_directory will not work . It just shows the following:
/images/icons/Bashment.jpgHow do i make it search in my template directory using that script?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Image that changes depending on the Page IdAh Alchymyth ( the legend) to be honest I was hoping you would receive your help on this. However, its a bit too late. After posting, I realized and decided not to give users anymore pictures to download and used text instead. My website is a child theme. I decided to write VIDEO GALLERY and BLOG instead of using pictures .
I hope the others in this this thread find their answers.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Image that changes depending on the Page IdHi Rebecca, Nothing is loading at all. It shows that broken image icon. Upon further inspection with Firebug, “Img Src” does not show the complete url of the image.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I add Pagination to my custom pagelol it still didn’t work :/ …by the way.. If you look at my video page.. I have a very annoying little “directly before” down there. Do you know how I can remove it?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I add Pagination to my custom pageokay thanks..i’ll give it a try
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I add Pagination to my custom pageAt first there were 14.. but after I put in your code, nothing would show up until i put the number of posts down to 12. I reverted the code back to its original and now I have 13 posts.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I add Pagination to my custom pageI’m afraid that didn’t work
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I add Pagination to my custom pageI’m afraid that doesn’t work. Thanks though.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I add Pagination to my custom pageMy website is at by the way.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Extend menue ( #access) across entire pageDon’t worry , I solved it ( I put Left: 0px).
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Extend menue ( #access) across entire pageignore me. I just edited ‘top’ and re-positioned it as you said. I have one issue though.
While the bar has extended, the access bar does not fully touch each end of the browser window. (There seems to be ‘padding’ there but entering a ‘0px’ value for that does not solve the issue)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Extend menue ( #access) across entire pageThanks J.. Is it possible for me to take it out of its container ( Branding) but still relate it to it. So that it could still be in the same posistion if I choose “position:relative” .
Forgive if what I’m saying makes no sense, I only learnt what i know from using Firefox. I’m very open to correction.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Extend menue ( #access) across entire pageHi J,
What you posted didn’t work for me unfortunately ??