Hi, I think this problem is resolved. It might have been related to the table command I used which is exactly the same as the one I used in a post in my blog on the same site and published no problems – yet copied and pasted to a page and it would not work. No idea why not. Sigh, so will have to configure the page without tables to provide the separations I need until I can get another table command that works
I have downloaded plugin tables but am too confused about how to make them work and they dont show either anyway. So what I did was open Dreamweaver, insert a table there wysiwyg with rows and columns I want and the width then switched to html code view, copied and pasted into the edit post or blog. Works fine in a blog post and no idea why it wont work in a page related to the same blog, using same stylesheets etc.
Maybe this is something to do with the Om Nom Nom Nom theme. Has anyone else experienced this with other wordpress themes? I have other themes for other websites I own but I havent had time to play around with those as yet.
Cheers Adrienne