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  • Thread Starter ADVICE FROM A COP


    To be more clear, I am going into my Dashboard, then Appearances, then Customize, then Typography. I used to have the ability to change all sorts of things. Now, I can only change the font family, font weight, and text transform. It tells me that the font size is set to 20 px.

    Thread Starter ADVICE FROM A COP


    Norton just messaged me that they verified the site and will manually rate it for me. I think they might just be taking pity on me and pushing me through, haha! Thanks for your time, I really do appreciate it.

    Thread Starter ADVICE FROM A COP


    Oh boy. That is all way over my head. Where is the parent theme’s directory? Where would I put it in the child theme’s directory? What is an FTP program?

    What about the other method Norton offers, something about uploading something to somewhere? LOL. Is there an idiot’s guide on how to do that somewhere? I don’t know where to locate the website’s remote file.

    Thanks for trying. =)

    Thread Starter ADVICE FROM A COP


    Okay, thank you, this is a start! I went to Appearance -> Editor, but I can’t find Header. On the right side, it gives me an option to select the theme I want to edit (mine is highlighted by default), then underneath there is a link that says Theme Functions, then Stylesheet. Stylesheet doesn’t seem to do much, but when I click Theme Functions, a whole bunch of code pops up. This is what it gives me (if it isn’t okay for me to post this, please let me know so I can delete it). Would I paste the Meta Tag somewhere in this code? Thanks.

    [ Moderator note: code fixed. Please wrap code in the backtick character or use the code button. ]

     It's not recommended to add functions to this file, as it will be lost if you ever update this child theme.
     Instead, consider adding your function into a plugin using Pluginception:
    add_action( 'admin_notices', 'office_reset_customizer_settings' );
    function office_reset_customizer_settings() {
    	global $pagenow;
    	$generate_settings = get_option('generate_settings');
    	if ( empty($generate_settings) )
    	if ( is_admin() && $pagenow == "themes.php" && isset( $_GET['activated'] ) ) {
    		echo '<div class="updated below-h2">';
    			echo '<p>';
    				_e('<strong>Almost done!</strong> Previous GeneratePress options detected in your database. Please <a href="' . admin_url('themes.php?page=generate-options#gen-delete') . '">click here</a> and delete your current options for new to take full effect.','generate');
    			echo '</p>';
    		echo '</div>';
     * Run various functions
    function office_setup()
    	// Add functions in here to run after the theme has loaded
    if ( !function_exists( 'office_defaults' ) ) :
    	add_filter( 'generate_option_defaults','office_defaults' );
    	function office_defaults()
    		$office_defaults = array(
    			'hide_title' => '',
    			'hide_tagline' => '',
    			'logo' => '',
    			'container_width' => '1150',
    			'header_layout_setting' => 'contained-header',
    			'center_header' => 'true',
    			'center_nav' => 'true',
    			'nav_alignment_setting' => 'center',
    			'header_alignment_setting' => 'center',
    			'nav_layout_setting' => 'contained-nav',
    			'nav_position_setting' => 'nav-below-header',
    			'nav_search' => 'enable',
    			'content_layout_setting' => 'one-container',
    			'layout_setting' => 'right-sidebar',
    			'blog_layout_setting' => 'right-sidebar',
    			'single_layout_setting' => 'right-sidebar',
    			'post_content' => 'full',
    			'footer_layout_setting' => 'contained-footer',
    			'footer_widget_setting' => '3',
    			'background_color' => '#3d3d3d',
    			'text_color' => '#3a3a3a',
    			'link_color' => '#847b46',
    			'link_color_hover' => '#636363',
    			'link_color_visited' => '',
    		return $office_defaults;
     * Set default options
    if ( !function_exists( 'office_get_color_defaults' ) ) :
    	add_filter( 'generate_color_option_defaults','office_get_color_defaults' );
    	function office_get_color_defaults()
    		$office_color_defaults = array(
    			'header_background_color' => '',
    			'header_text_color' => '#3a3a3a',
    			'header_link_color' => '#ffffff',
    			'header_link_hover_color' => '#efefef',
    			'site_title_color' => '#ffffff',
    			'site_tagline_color' => '#cccccc',
    			'navigation_background_color' => '#000000',
    			'navigation_text_color' => '#ffffff',
    			'navigation_background_hover_color' => '#847f67',
    			'navigation_text_hover_color' => '#ffffff',
    			'navigation_background_current_color' => '#847f67',
    			'navigation_text_current_color' => '#ffffff',
    			'subnavigation_background_color' => '#847f67',
    			'subnavigation_text_color' => '#ffffff',
    			'subnavigation_background_hover_color' => '#847f67',
    			'subnavigation_text_hover_color' => '#212121',
    			'subnavigation_background_current_color' => '#847f67',
    			'subnavigation_text_current_color' => '#212121',
    			'content_background_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'content_text_color' => '#3a3a3a',
    			'content_link_color' => '',
    			'content_link_hover_color' => '',
    			'content_title_color' => '',
    			'blog_post_title_color' => '',
    			'blog_post_title_hover_color' => '',
    			'entry_meta_text_color' => '#888888',
    			'entry_meta_link_color' => '#666666',
    			'entry_meta_link_color_hover' => '#847f67',
    			'h1_color' => '',
    			'h2_color' => '',
    			'h3_color' => '',
    			'sidebar_widget_background_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'sidebar_widget_text_color' => '#3a3a3a',
    			'sidebar_widget_link_color' => '',
    			'sidebar_widget_link_hover_color' => '',
    			'sidebar_widget_title_color' => '#000000',
    			'footer_widget_background_color' => '#222222',
    			'footer_widget_text_color' => '#ffffff',
    			'footer_widget_link_color' => '#847f67',
    			'footer_widget_link_hover_color' => '#ffffff',
    			'footer_widget_title_color' => '#ffffff',
    			'footer_background_color' => '#000000',
    			'footer_text_color' => '#ffffff',
    			'footer_link_color' => '#847f67',
    			'footer_link_hover_color' => '#ffffff',
    			'form_background_color' => '#FAFAFA',
    			'form_text_color' => '#666666',
    			'form_background_color_focus' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'form_text_color_focus' => '#666666',
    			'form_border_color' => '#CCCCCC',
    			'form_border_color_focus' => '#BFBFBF',
    			'form_button_background_color' => '#666666',
    			'form_button_background_color_hover' => '#847f67',
    			'form_button_text_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'form_button_text_color_hover' => '#FFFFFF'
    		return $office_color_defaults;
     * Set default options
    if ( !function_exists('office_get_default_fonts') ) :
    	add_filter( 'generate_font_option_defaults','office_get_default_fonts' );
    	function office_get_default_fonts()
    		$office_font_defaults = array(
    			'font_body' => 'Open Sans',
    			'body_font_weight' => '300',
    			'body_font_transform' => 'none',
    			'body_font_size' => '19',
    			'font_site_title' => 'inherit',
    			'site_title_font_weight' => '300',
    			'site_title_font_transform' => 'none',
    			'site_title_font_size' => '78',
    			'font_site_tagline' => 'inherit',
    			'site_tagline_font_weight' => '300',
    			'site_tagline_font_transform' => 'none',
    			'site_tagline_font_size' => '20',
    			'font_navigation' => 'inherit',
    			'navigation_font_weight' => '300',
    			'navigation_font_transform' => 'none',
    			'navigation_font_size' => '17',
    			'font_widget_title' => 'inherit',
    			'widget_title_font_weight' => '300',
    			'widget_title_font_transform' => 'none',
    			'widget_title_font_size' => '23',
    			'widget_content_font_size' => '19',
    			'font_heading_1' => 'inherit',
    			'heading_1_weight' => '300',
    			'heading_1_transform' => 'none',
    			'heading_1_font_size' => '40',
    			'font_heading_2' => 'inherit',
    			'heading_2_weight' => '300',
    			'heading_2_transform' => 'none',
    			'heading_2_font_size' => '30',
    			'font_heading_3' => 'inherit',
    			'heading_3_weight' => 'normal',
    			'heading_3_transform' => 'none',
    			'heading_3_font_size' => '20',
    			'font_heading_4' => 'inherit',
    			'heading_4_weight' => 'normal',
    			'heading_4_transform' => 'none',
    			'heading_4_font_size' => '15',
    		return $office_font_defaults;
     * Set default options
    if ( !function_exists( 'office_get_spacing_defaults' ) ) :
    	add_filter( 'generate_spacing_option_defaults','office_get_spacing_defaults' );
    	function office_get_spacing_defaults()
    		$office_spacing_defaults = array(
    			'header_top' => '60',
    			'header_right' => '40',
    			'header_bottom' => '60',
    			'header_left' => '40',
    			'menu_item' => '20',
    			'menu_item_height' => '70',
    			'sub_menu_item_height' => '10',
    			'content_top' => '50',
    			'content_right' => '50',
    			'content_bottom' => '50',
    			'content_left' => '50',
    			'separator' => '15',
    			'left_sidebar_width' => '25',
    			'right_sidebar_width' => '25',
    			'widget_top' => '50',
    			'widget_right' => '50',
    			'widget_bottom' => '50',
    			'widget_left' => '50',
    			'footer_widget_container_top' => '50',
    			'footer_widget_container_right' => '0',
    			'footer_widget_container_bottom' => '50',
    			'footer_widget_container_left' => '0',
    			'footer_top' => '20',
    			'footer_right' => '0',
    			'footer_bottom' => '20',
    			'footer_left' => '0',
    		return $office_spacing_defaults;
    Thread Starter ADVICE FROM A COP


    Thanks for all the help! In this case, it was operator error. I hit Save instead of Schedule (duh). Newbie mistake. But I will keep these things in mind going forward! Thanks again for your time.

    Thread Starter ADVICE FROM A COP


    No offense taken! Thanks again for using your time to help a newbie! =)

    Thread Starter ADVICE FROM A COP


    No, I didn’t search… Sorry about repeating a common problem. I could barely figure out how to post the question, so searching is still a bit above my pay grade right now, lol.

    But you nailed it, I didn’t save as a Schedule. I didn’t realize I needed to do that. Thanks so much for your time and help!! I really appreciate it.

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)