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  • @m&S Consulting: when you get the opportunity, could you please let us know if you can duplicate the blank download page issue when using WordPress 4.4.x, EBD inline link only option and a Contact Form 7 email field named something other than “your-email”?


    Hi dtynan, thanks again for your feedback.

    I don’t know if your 4.3 set up was really sending both emails or not (perhaps you were confusing the notification email with the other one that goes out, not sure).

    We use only the Contact Form 7 notification email and not the EBD email feature (we use in-line link only).

    Things will work without that, but if you want the name to show up in the log then you have to use “your-name”.

    Good to know, although we collect both first and last name in our forms which means we cannot use your-name. We don’t generally refer to the logs much because we collect and monitor the Contact Form 7 emails.

    the fact you changed contact form IDs and things changed makes it highly likely that either you had “leftover” data in there and/or that you hardcoded that email address in the CF7 form so that the notification email is being sent to that address and perhaps you thought it was the email with the download link.

    I’m not sure I understand this advice because we don’t use the email with the download link. As mentioned previously, to get our original Contact Form 7 download form to work, the only change I made to make the download page work is to change the email field name to “your-email”. Nothing else has changed.

    With the information provided, I’m hoping that M&S Consulting will be able to replicate the problem and discover the exact cause. While there is a work-around, as something changed recently, it’s probably best to know what and hopefully create a more elegant solution.

    Below are the steps (from memory).

    1. Create a new Contact Form 7 form.
    2. Rename the email field name to something other than “your-email”.
    3. Use the email field for setting up the primary Contact Form 7 email.
    4. Configure EBD to use inline only (not email with link).
    5. Configure a test download file in Download Monitor.
    6. Create page which uses the EBD shortcode with the test download and form.
    7. Test the form to see if it serves the file correctly when the page download file link is clicked (in my case it fails with a blank page and no file served).
    8. Rename the Contact Form 7 email field back to “your-email”, update the Contact Form 7 primary email to use the renamed field and retest the inline link download. It should now work.

    I hope this helps. Thanks again dtynan for all your help.

    While we installed EBD with the idea of having the option of emailing the link, we’ve never used it.

    You must use a field name of “your-name” and a field name of “your-email” for the form names for a name field and an email field. That is a requirement of EBD.

    We do not use “your-name” for the Contact Form 7 name field and yet EBD has always worked until recently and does again now with the “your-email” email field name work-around documented above.

    If you decide to configure the Email Before Download option to send the user an email with a link to the download, then you will want to name the email field “your-email” as shown in the example screenshots. Outside of that, nothing special.

    EBD’s FAQ, quoted above, states that you only need to use the “your-email” email field name if you use the EBD email option with the link. We do not and never have. It worked until the recent site updates, the most notable being the WordPress 4.4.x.

    So the question remains: what changed recently to make “your-email” the required Contact Form 7 email field name for EBD when only serving the file for download (i.e. using inline link option only)?

    After much testing I believed I have isolated and worked-around the EBD problem on our site.

    I have found that one Contact Form field in particular, the email field, must now be named your-email. No other email field name seems to work and it is also case sensitive, for example, using Your-Email will not work, even if the Mail fields include the correct case for the email field name. Apart from the email field, no other field name changes I tested, such as text and textarea, precipitates the blank download page problem and where your download is not served.

    I fixed our live RecollX download form by changing the email field name from [email-addr], which had literally worked for years prior to the WordPress 4.4.x upgrade, to [your-email] and voila, it all works again!

    I hope the isolation of the syntax dependence on the [your-email] Contact Form 7 field will provide the clue necessary to resolve the underlying cause of the problem.

    Some good news, although I don’t know why it works. I had thought I was using a default contact form in the test download but proved that this assumption was incorrect.

    I created a brand new default contact form for the test page and now EBD works, the file is served correctly!

    I’m sorry that I made such a basic error in not following the M and S Consuting instructions to the letter… I should know better. Anyway, it’s a step forward.

    But the question is why and what does that mean for all our existing forms? How do we get these forms to work again? If I have to recreate all the forms are there some new guidelines to follow? I suspect that can only be answered once the cause is known.

    It seems to be something which is precipitated by a change introduced in the WordPress 4.4.x update.

    Hi mproudlock13. You are not alone and the issue is being discussed in this thread:

    Hi dtynan,

    Thanks for your suggestions. Yesterday I ensured that your previous suggestions were reverted by deleting and reinstalling the EBD plugin.

    The URL from Download Manager is: as you expected.

    Shortcode: [email-download download_id=”5″ contact_form_id=”351″]

    Our hosted servers use Linux.

    I’m not aware of any redirects or other factors which changed on both our sites at the time of the WordPress 4.4.x upgrade.

    While I appreciate these issues may not be related to WordPress 4.4.x because we don’t yet know the cause(s), it is a strange coincidence that both our sites, hosted on different servers, stopped working immediately after the 4.4.1 upgrade. Reverting to a backup for one of our sites immediately rectified the issue. The question is: did it start working again because of reverting to WordPress 4.3.x or some other plugin or data variation that Duplicator restored? Hopefully we’ll find out at some point!

    Thanks again for your help and let me know if you need any further information or want me to try something.

    What’s the best approach to help you debug the code? Do you have any recommended plugin debugging resources? We write code for a living but no PHP, so it is not familiar territory and we have limited resources to allocate to troubleshooting this issue.

    Happy to help isolate the problem on our site if it is practical for us to assist.

    Hi dtynan, thanks very much for the heads-up. Sorry, I noticed the page was set to private so it worked for me but of course, nobody else. (doh!)

    There is a basic form and a test link below it which is the simple Download Monitor link, which works fine.

    I tried the Default Example Form here: and I still get the same symptom of the URL displaying but the download file not being served by the browser.

    Are you able to provide more detail on what is considered to be customization?

    Thanks for the work-around @dru.web. Due to the dependence of the outdated Download Monitor, I thought this day might come where an alternative approach to EBD is required. Perhaps we’ve put it off as long as can be expected? We have to find a reliable solution so we can move forward.

    Can anyone recommend a good alternative to EBD?

    I’d rather keep the current EBD solution if this issue can be solved but I’m not sure what is happening with a fix, particularly if M and S Consulting cannot reproduce the issue that many here seem to experience.

    I disabled all plugins except for Contact Form 7, Email Before Download and WordPress Download Monitor while running WordPress 4.4.1 and the problem still persists. I had already setup a test page on our site.

    What’s the next step and how can we assist further?


    Happy New Year. I updated to 4.4.1 on our site and no change to the symptom. We do not use the Advanced Custom Fields plugin on any of our sites.

    Interesting and thank you for mandsconsulting for your testing efforts so far. If EBD works with a vanilla WordPress 4.4 installation, perhaps there is a conflict with one of the common plugins we use across our sites, which use different themes. We do not use MailChimp. It is interesting that a number of sites using EBD were suddenly impacted after the 4.4 update. I wonder why?

    When I reverted one of our sites back to WordPress 4.3.1 using a Duplicator Pro backup, I disabled auto-update!

    Prevent automatic WordPress Updates

    define( ‘AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED’, true );

    Hopefully this upgrade prevention strategy will not be required for long.

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