Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Disable “Welcome to the block editor”Same problem here. That linked thread above is closed and the advice is no longer valid anyway as of WordPress 5.8. (at least) It seems this infernal pop-up is triggering off a missing cookie. If that is the case, it is absurd. I trash cookies after each session. That shouldn’t subject me to infinite pestering. If you are going to get in my (the user’s) way of doing my work, do it once and then honor my dismissal of your intrusion. That’s just being polite, and good UI/UX. Relying on a cookie, is a very bad idea.
Until this gets fixed, anyone have any guesses? (I suppose I can try blocking the element with Ublock Origin, but I have that turned off while on my Admin sites for a good reason as I don’t want to have to waste time making special rules for sites I should already trust, **because I run them**)
It appears the conflict is with the plugin: “WooCommerce Category Locker” by Benchmark ( which seems to be abandoned as it hasn’t had updates in over 3 years. This is unfortunate as I really need to protect my clients’ images in the main WooCommerce store as well. I’ll have to disable it for now so my current client can access their Picu collections.
Thank you for your time and assistance in helping me track this down.
Thanks, will do.
It also simply reloads the page.
I tested removing the password and it worked just fine. But I really don’t want any client images exposed to anyone but the client. I’ve sent an e-mail with a link to one of the galleries that has this issue.
I found the answer in other support topics. You now have to add the modules you want to the MEC Side Bar widget under Appearance. (main WordPress settings)
- This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by adrienm.
I can confirm this as well. I was having the problem with 5.6.1 and was hoping an upgrade to 5.7.0 would have a fix, but alas, it did not.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WooCommerce Admin] Doesn’t work correctlyAnd what do we do if the Start button is inactive and the page reports: “Status: Nothing To Import”? I’ve been seeing nothing but a dashboard full of placeholders and spinning discs since it was installed.
Sorry, forgot to add that adding the items does not calculate a total. The order amount is $0.00.
Woocommerce 3.5.4
Wordpress 5.0.3
MacOS 10.14.2
Firefox-dev 66.0b2Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Shop Isle] Where are customizations stored?Unfortunately, I lost the account due to this problem. This was the only site I had that used this theme, so I probably won’t be testing it any time soon.
And I don’t know why this was marked as ‘resolved’ as it isn’t. The problem persisted and is not solved. If this site doesn’t allow issues to be closed without resolution so be it.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Shop Isle] Where are customizations stored?After some investigation, it seems those mods are indeed stored for the child theme. So now I’m stumped as to why they disappear when the parent theme is updated to the newest version.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Shop Isle] Where are customizations stored?Thank you Hardeep,
I’ll dig into wp_options and theme_mod to try to resolve this.
Much appreciated!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Shop Isle] Where are customizations stored?Sorry but that reply doesn’t make any sense.
For starters, I asked a simple question, “Where are customizations stored?”
This reply is not an answer to that question.Second, it doesn’t explain anything. I’m not about to install something else to retain functionality that was already present.
Third, the plugin is advertised as offering full screen slider and special custom about page, neither of which have anything to do with my question, and both of which are ALREADY a part of the Shop Isle them I already have installed.
I need to know where are the customizations stored when using the theme Customizer so that when I upgrade the them from one version to the next, those customizations are not lost. They SHOULD be stored or tied to the active theme, which in this case, is a child theme. Unfortunately, it appears they are tied to the parent theme. I need to know where they are tied so I can change that so this never happens again. I understand I’m using the free version of the theme, but what possible incentive would I have to purchasing a pro version if this is the level of response I get?
Do you even work for Theme Isle?
Thanks. The source does indeed show correctly. And I knew GA took some time to pick up stats, but 5-7 days seemed like a bit much to me. The site traffic is slow enough right now it looks like GA is picking up the visit where a customer purchased, but not any of the e-commerce data. I guess it’s off to the great brick wall of Google ‘help’ then.
I ran some tests with other images. It seems the offending images were rotated with Apple Apparently, Preview does not actually rotate the image, but indicates in the EXIF data that it is rotated. Some apps will display it properly, some won’t. (Those that don’t read the EXIF data I presume) I tried opening one of them in GIMP and this is where I discovered this issue. GIMP informed me the EXIF data said it was rotated and I was prompted to actually rotate the image or leave it. I told GIMP to rotate the image, saved it again, and now Picu (and WordPress) import the image in proper portrait orientation.
I don’t mind that the images show up in the gallery as this allows me to correct any issues I didn’t catch before uploading. However, if you are curious as to which plugins might be responsible for this behavior, I’ve included my Debug Info.
Thank you for your assistance!
Setting Value
WordPress version 4.7.3
Active plugins contact-form-7, custom-related-products-for-woocommerce, disable-google-fonts, email-log, email-tracker, loginpress, mailchimp-for-wp, password-protected, picu, regenerate-thumbnails, simple-history, types, woocommerce-google-analytics-integration, woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips, woocommerce-xml-csv-product-import, woocommerce, wp-all-import, wp-donottrack, wp-fastest-cache, yikes-inc-easy-custom-woocommerce-product-tabs
picu version 1.0.0
PHP version 7.0.17
MySQL version 5.6.28-76.1-log
Server Apache
Operating System Linux
Safe Mode Off
Maximum execution time 120 seconds
Server Time 19:15
Blog Time 14:15
Blog language en-US
MySQL client encoding utf8mb4
Blog charset UTF-8
PHP memory limit 768M
Maximum upload file size 128 MB
WordPress memory limit 40M
WordPress maximum memory limit 768M
Memory in use 10.00 MB
ASP style PHP tags Off
Loaded PHP extensions Core, PDO, Phar, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, Zend OPcache, bcmath, bz2, calendar, cgi-fcgi, ctype, curl, date, dba, dom, enchant, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, hash, iconv, imap, intl, ionCube Loader, json, ldap, libxml, mbstring, mcrypt, memcached, mysqli, mysqlnd, openssl, pcntl, pcre, pdo_mysql, pdo_pgsql, pdo_sqlite, pgsql, posix, pspell, readline, session, shmop, soap, sockets, sqlite3, standard, sysvmsg, sysvsem, tidy, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, zlib