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I think what happened was that some time ago I needed to deactivate all plugins to troubleshoot a possible plugin conflict.
When I disabled ReallySimpleSSL the site would not work at all with the htaccess changes.
So I think I removed the ReallySimpleSSL section from htaccess.
After reactivating ReallySimpleSSL the site worked fine except that it was possible to access pages using http: protocol.Today, what’s happening is more strange.
I insert the following lines into .htaccess# BEGIN rlrssslReallySimpleSSL rsssl_version[2.3.10] <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L] </IfModule> # END rlrssslReallySimpleSSL
The system now (as expected) reroutes https:// requests to https://
The error message that appeared at the top of every admin screen disappears.BUT when I revisit the SSL Settings page, I once again see the error message which begins
Your .htaccess does not contain the Really Simple SSL redirect to https..
And when I check the .htaccess file I see that the lines I added have gone and the .htaccess file has reverted to the state before I added them.
How can this be happening?
Jeremy, thanks.
My site is now performing OK again.
I deactivated and reactivated the SiteGround caching plugin, but it may have been coincidence that the performance picked up at that point.Thank you for the pointer to
I used that route to Facebook and Twitter, so hopefully the publicize function will now be working again.Thanks for your email.
The performance is a worry, but as soon as I disabled caching and flushed the cache, I was able to reconnect Jetpack to WordPress.So the timeout error message was probably masking a cache-related problem.
This problem – [failed_publicize_action] Invalid Publicize ID
looks unrelated.In you suggested deleting the jetpack_options row from wp_options.
Should I try that?
I’ll re-enable the caching to help performance.
Within the last 12 hours, Facebook updated the bug report to say that “We have a fix for this issue and it will be pushed on or before our next weekly release (Tuesday afternoon PST)”.
They appear to deployed the fix already. My two sites which displayed the problem are now looking fine again.
thanks for your comments.
I get slightly different results.The preview panel of the developers page displays fine for me in both Chrome and Firefox.
Looking at the page ,
the text displayed in Chrome is clearly wrong because it’s a serif font.
The Firefox display looks better because it uses a san-serif font.Closer analysis with Web Inspector/Web Developer tools reveals that the text is unstyled.
It’s displayed in the browser’s default font which (on my system) is “Times” for Chrome and “sans-serif” for Firefox.After adding v2.6 to the iframe URL (see previous post), the text displays correctly.
Web Inspector shows that it is using a css file from a facebook server which sets
font-family: 'lucida grande',tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif;
I’ll add this to the facebook bug report.
Further investigation shows that the preview on the developers page at
is showing the correct sans-serif font.If I press the Get Code button I see a warning that
This app is in Development Mode and not available publicly.If I go ahead and copy the generated iframe code this is what I get:
<iframe src="" width="340" height="500" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
If I open that URL in its own window, the text is displayed in Times again.
Looking at the HMTL source code for the preview section of the developers page led me to try a variant of the URL above:
With the addition of the v2.6 in the URL, it displays OK.
Could it be that the Jetpack facebook plugin was amended to use code generated by the developers page at, despite the under development status?
Jeremy, thanks for your reply.
I maintain a couple of WordPress sites which use the jetpack facebook plugin.
Both demonstrate the same problem.
The simpler site is
You should be able to see the text in the facebook plugin panel in the right navbar displayed in a serif font (Times).
Before the latest Jetpack plugin update, the text was displayed in the facebook sans-serif font.I test your advice to reproduce the problem by pasting the facebook page address
into Page Plugin does not reproduce my problem. It displays the text in a sans-serif typeface, the way it used to be before the latest jetpack facebook plugin update
Any other suggestions as to how to correct the problem?
=====added later=====
Looking into it further, I see that the widget content is displayed inside an iframe hosted on facebook, so you are probably right that the problem isn’t in the jetpack code.
What could have changed recently?
And was it a coincidence that users first noticed it after the latest jetpack update?The latest update has also broken the font used in the facebook widget.
It’s now font-family: Times
Can we have the old font back please?Thanks!
Much appreciated.Jeremy
I did reply via the contact form, but I have since decided that a better fix is to use the dashboard Settings/Media/Thumbnail Size to control the displayed featured image size.
Making sure that “crop thumbnail to exact dimensions” was not checked, I then ran the regenerate thumbnails plugin.This means that I don’t have to override the thumbnail height in the WP Posts Pro settings.
So everything displays as I want and the problem of messed up aspect ratios with photon active is circumvented.Many thanks for your help and investigations.
Adrianps would it be reasonable to suggest that
- when (as in this case) one image dimension has been explicitly specified,
- photon should not set the other dimension (which would avoid altering the aspect ratio)
for the time being, I have added your suggested code to my child theme’s functions.php
thanks for your comments; they make things a lot clearer, although they don’t explain why photon alters the aspect ratio of only one of two occurrences of the same image on my homepage (see my previous post above).I forced the thumbnail height to 110 to make the featured image thumbnails an appropriate size for displaying in the featured post slider and the full post list below it.
If, as you suggest, I omit the height=”110″ definition, then photon doesn’t alter the aspect ratio.
However, several thumbnails are then larger than I would like (which is why I took advantage of the ability to fix the height).I’ll look at your suggestion to deactivate the image resizing code in Photon, although I’d really like to deactivate it where it’s messing up the featured image aspect ratio, and let it do its thing elsewhere on my site.
A weird thing is that there is a second occurrence of the same image lower down the page.
For the second image, the aspect ratio is not messed up on a smartphone.Smartphone – Photon active – aspect ratio OK
Chrome View Source is the same as above except for the left alignment:
<img height='110' class="wpp_image_left" src="" align="left" />
Chrome Developer Mode Elements Display:
<img height="110" class="wpp_image_left" src="" align="left" width="108" src-orig="" scale="3">
Chrome reports the image dimensions as 108 x 110 (natural 249×254)
I will check later whether the left/right alignment affects the aspect ratio problem.
@rogerwheatley can you show us the html with and without photon active?
In my case I initially thought there was a problem with the cached image that photon cached, but after checking the html my best guess is that the insertedwidth="249"
is the culprit.It looks as though photon only caches one size of image, whereas the media library (for performance reasons?) creates several sizes for each image.
Image without photon:
Image with photon:
width="249" src="...ballot-woman-300px.png?zoom=3&fit=250%2C254&ssl=1"
The full size image 300px.png has dimensions 295×300
The non-photon image 300px-250×254.png is (as the name implies) 250×254
The parameters on the end of the photon image URL cause photon to serve an image with dimensions 249×254
So thewidth="249"
, which I think the photon code adds, should be unnecessaryAnd the inserted
causes the wrong aspect ratio when combined with theheight="100"
parameter that I specified via an option in my plugin.If the photon code stopped inserting the
I think it would cure my problem.Problem with wrong thumbnail image proportions occurs on smartphones.
I only have the iPhone 6+, but the problem can be demonstrated to occur on various smartphones by (on a Mac) using the Xcode device simulator, or using Chrome’s Developer Tools device mode.
Problem occurs with slider on our homepage at of the thumbnails shown in the slider (on a smartphone) have the wrong dimensions when photon is active.
The html source to display such a thumbnail (if you’re using s smartphone) is
Without Photon:<div class="wpp_image"> <a href=""><img height="110" class="wpp_image_right" src="" align="right" scale="0"></a>
With Photon
<div class="wpp_image"> <a href=""><img height="110" class="wpp_image_right" src="" align="right" width="249" src-orig="" scale="3"></a>
You can see that photon modified the src parameter (as expected) and added an src-orig parameter. But it also seems to have added
which is causing the thumbnails to have the wrong proportions.Photon is currently activated so you should be able to see the effect.
I’m using a chargeable plugin, WP Posts Pro, to display the slider.
It allows me to override the thumbnail height, which I have set to 110.
It’s working the way I want when photon is inactive, but obviously I would like to be able to use photon.Note: I also use a caching plugin which I have temporarily deactivated so that it doesn’t interfere with the diagnostic process.