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Figured it out, comparing with another example I came across! ??
` add_action( ‘add_meta_boxes’, ‘so_custom_meta_box’ );
function so_custom_meta_box($post)
add_meta_box(‘so_meta_box’, ‘Sponsor’, ‘custom_element_grid_class_meta_box’, ‘event’, ‘normal’ , ‘core’);
}add_action(‘save_post’, ‘so_save_metabox’);
function so_save_metabox(){
global $post;
$meta_element_class = $_POST[‘custom_element_grid_class’];
update_post_meta($post->ID, ‘custom_element_grid_class_meta_box’, $meta_element_class);
}function custom_element_grid_class_meta_box($post)
$meta_element_class = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘custom_element_grid_class_meta_box’, true); //true ensures you get just one value instead of an array
?><?php $args = array(‘exclude’ => array(1),);
$users = get_users( $args );if ($users)
{ ?>
<select name=”custom_element_grid_class” id=”custom_element_grid_class”>
<option value=”No Sponsor”>No Current Sponsor</option><?php foreach ($users as $user)
echo “<option value=\”” .$user->ID.”\””.selected($meta_element_class, $user->ID ).”>”.$user->user_nicename.”</option>”;
}?> ‘Thanks for the reply caimin_nwl, I looked into what you sent, but I don’t think that will work for my purposes.
I need to work with the registered WP user list because elsewhere on the site I plan to have that user’s company logo display on the event, based on who is sponsoring.
Each user has the ability to upload a company logo to their buddypress profile after registering.
Forum: Themes and Templates
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