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if you dont like the look, remember that WordPress has Thousands of Themes.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Seventeen] A Developers Introduction + Kinsta.comGOT IT!
I Was overlooking a very Important STEP*
“Add the Kickstarter item to the Social Links menu and jump to the page footer to appreciate the result of our work”
lol. Coding, is so much FUN*
Now how do I creae my own custom SVG. ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Seventeen] A Developers Introduction + Kinsta.comand yes I did create a folder in the twentyseventeen-child theme assets/images/ < placed the svg-custom-icons.svg in there/here >
is it the code? is it me must be me ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Seventeen] A Developers Introduction + Kinsta.comabrightclearweb,
Thank you so much for your support. I have tried it and the icon still does not show.
so took the svg code in the tutorial, <svg…/svg> saved it as svg-custom-icons.svg
& then copied the functions and pasted them into the functions.php file.
function childtheme_include_svg_icons() {
// Define SVG sprite file.
$custom_svg_icons = get_theme_file_path( ‘/assets/images/svg-custom-icons.svg’ );// If it exists, include it.
if ( file_exists( $custom_svg_icons ) ) {
require_once( $custom_svg_icons );
add_action( ‘wp_footer’, ‘childtheme_include_svg_icons’, 99999 );& still… Nothing. Perhaps I am overlooking something. do I need an actual image? I dont know. I Love patience ??
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Twenty Seventeen] Minimal coding, maximise usageHi Klento,
For me it is the first and only theme I have ever used. Trust me when I say I wish I would have started working with WordPress in its infancy, that way the coding would come naturally. I am loving the challenges of coding so that once I get my back end right, I can focus on Content. Cheers to twentyseventeen*
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Securing page/content with text message OTPJarek,
I don’t have any suggestions but will say that you are onto a very forward thinking concept. Anything Blending Text Integration with WP Sites is Futuristic. Keep up the good thoughts and ensure the ideas keep flowing, good luck, you might need a Pro Developer on this one.
Hi Omalinov1994
You are running into a Classic Newby Misconception.
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