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  • Thread Starter admincami


    Thanks for the reply.

    As i am not a developer, i am a bit overwhelmed with this –
    how do i customize this snippet to hide certain fields? I think here it just returns an error to enter correct data into a field.

    Unfortunately i am not able to resolve this myself with my limited skills.

    Thread Starter admincami


    Hi, of course.

    the page that contains the Custom Post Block is:

    1) Here i chose my custom post type “Symptom Artikel”, works fine:
    2) Here it shows my custom taxonomy “Ausgaben Nummern” (works as tags), that is linked to my CPT “Symptom Artikel”:
    3) Here i chose my custom template “Newsletter Artikel”:
    4) Here you see the edit-page for my custom template. I want it to show date and tags (which is my custom taxonomy “Ausgaben Nummern”):

    It is not showing my tags. When i link it to WP Core Tags or put in “Categories” and link my CPT to a WP Core Tag (here i connected it to “News”), they show up – but never my custom taxonomy.

    It also doesnt show up when i apply my custom taxonomy in Admin Panel (See No. 2). However if i would want to only show certain posts with specified taxonomy then it filters correctly. The problem is only with showing the meta field.

    Infos regarding my CPT “Symptom Artikel”:
    name: symptom_artikel
    label: Symptom Artikel
    singular_label: Symptom Artikel
    description: “”
    public: true
    publicly_queryable: true
    show_ui: true
    show_in_nav_menus: true
    delete_with_user: false
    show_in_rest: true
    rest_base: “”
    rest_controller_class: “”
    has_archive: true
    has_archive_string: “”
    exclude_from_search: false
    capability_type: post
    hierarchical: false
    rewrite: true
    rewrite_slug: “”
    rewrite_withfront: true
    query_var: true
    query_var_slug: “”
    menu_position: 5
    show_in_menu: true
    show_in_menu_string: “”
    menu_icon: dashicons-text-page
    custom_supports: “”
    taxonomies: category / ausgaben_nummern

    Infos regarding my CT “Ausgaben Nummern”:
    name: ausgaben_nummern
    label: Ausgaben Nummern
    singular_label: Ausgaben Nummer
    description: “”
    public: true
    publicly_queryable: true
    hierarchical: false
    show_ui: true
    show_in_menu: true
    show_in_nav_menus: true
    query_var: true
    query_var_slug: “”
    rewrite: true
    rewrite_slug: “”
    rewrite_withfront: true
    rewrite_hierarchical: false
    show_admin_column: true
    show_in_rest: true
    show_in_quick_edit: true
    rest_base: “”
    rest_controller_class: “”
    meta_box_cb: “”
    default_term: “”
    Post Types: symptom_artikel / symptom_ausgabe

    I hope this helps clarifying the problem.
    Regards, Cami

    Thread Starter admincami


    oh sorry, i saw that it does in fact show wp core categories, its only missing the custom ones…

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