14 years ago
I have tried to improve this site…not sure if its better.
Any ideas on how to remove the ============================ lines from my site ? Is there a plug in i should remove?
Thanks for the tips… Which seo plugin is best to use?
I cant seem to delete socraties which is the red line ..any ideas It said cant delete when theme active on main page….but its not
Thankyou..much appreciated
sorry about that
Thankyou for the help
Hi, Looking at google anylize there has not been any traffic at all?
Hello, Is there anyone who can help me. My traffic is still terrible. Can anyone help if i give toy the nane of my domain?
Thankyou for your help. I really appreciate it. Still learning this stuff
Hi, I think i have found the problem. Can you please tell me how to paste the code into the header of each page i want tracked?
Tried but didn’t work?
14 years, 1 month ago
Hi8, I got onto my site ok on another pc. Still nothing on report.
How do i activate it..maybe i have done something wrong?
But it shows nothing now…i have had this sites for about a week
So, will it show past results?