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  • “you know ita€?s a slow day when i am taking pictures of myself.”

    I know it’s a slow day when you have that many templates for people to choose from on your site.

    Way to go Darcie. You are certainly very persistent. Looks much better!

    P.S. Don’t let the validation Nazis get to you. Valid XHTML is a great goal, but it’s not the be-all and end-all of creating websites. Check out this post regarding validation:

    The majority of web surfers are on 1024×768, although there is still a fairly good-sized chunk of masochists holding out at 800×600. I think the vast majority of this website’s target demographic are using at leasrt 1024 screen res.

    Nice job, although I feel like there is far too much content on the page for me to really focus on anything. The fact that there aren’t any contrasting colors to separate content (even the links are the same color as the rest of the text) makes it all kind of bleed together.

    I’m also a bit confused by the navigation. There is a vertical nav on the left side (nicely done with rollover graphics) and then a text based horizontal menu toward the top right. Why is it separated?

    Lots of content. Maybe you could trim it down. Do we really need to see the Weather in D.C.?

    It’s a great start, just pare down some of the content and try to separate things with a bit of color, and I think it will be top notch.

    Nice job. Clean, easy to navigate design.

    Your code needs some serious attention.

    There is an element: <div id=”madnessDIV”> placed in your code BEFORE the <head> tag. You have no <html> tag and no DOCTYPE. You are closing a div, </div> AFTER your closing </html> tag.

    Oh wait… I found your DOCTYPE, <html> and <head> tags in the middle of the page. Yikes!

    At least your CSS is valid.

    Hi John – You were right, must have been a temporary IE display issue. I checked again, and the layout is back to normal.

    I’d suggest either a 3 column layout, or scrapping (or at least shortening) some of your sidebar content.

    Good luck.

    Looks “taw-i-fik”.

    Sorry, couldn’t resist.

    I like your logo graphic with the bird on the branch. I like the shortcut icon as well.

    The font color in the sidebar is a bit hard to read – not much contrast to the background color. The comment form, while visually interesting (consider lining up the input boxes a bit better) seems like it might be hard for some users to navigate. It’s not intuitive that the “Speak” graphic is the submit button, especially because there is no roll-over effect.

    Finally, are you creating a graphic for every headline? It looks like there is a .png file between the <h3> tags rather than actual text. Using the sifr 2.0 technique would probably be easier as well as more accessible.

    I promise not to shoot you.

    Nice job.

    Hey John:

    Interesting template design. A couple things that I noticed:

    1. Your right sidebar is out of control. It’s far longer than the main content area (and you don’t have a short main content area).

    2. The rendering of some of the ads is out of whack. I’m using Firefox on Windows XP Pro. I noticed some Google ads in the middle of a post (stretching beyond the content container). The header ad, under your Gadget Guru logo pushes to the right which makes the whole design off balance.

    Ready for the bad news?

    I just looked at the site in IE6 on Windows. Too many rendering issues to even talk about. Train wreck. You might want to consider using a different tempalte.

    I looked through your CSS and couldn’t find the background image file: “background.png”. Turns out you’ve placed an inline style in the head on your XHTML page (why?).

    Place the background-attachement: fixed; with the code that sets the background image:

    body {
    background: #6C7C8B, url(“;) repeat-x;
    background-attachment: fixed; /* FIX THE BACKGROUND HERE */

    You may also want to move this entire bit of CSS into your style sheet rather than leaving it in the XHTML.

    Thread Starter adjustafresh


    Earther, thank you so much for your thoughtful post; I really appreciate the feedback.

    A couple things in my defense…

    While the site is readable at an 800×600 screen res, I made a conscious effort (based on my target audience) to create a design best suited for 1024×768 and higher.

    I read through the Sitepoint forum regarding font size – some interesting points of view. On the one hand, I have to agree with ALA: you decided to change your default font size, which is atypical. I use percentages and ems to scale fonts and they are, of course, legible when increased for people with vision problems.

    On the other hand, it seems like a fairly easy CSS fix for those of you who shrink the default browser font size.

    The visited link colors are definitely muted, but that again was intentional. I’ll bounce the issue off a few others, and get more feedback.

    Again, thank you for your remarks.

    No, I also like the white stripe where it is. I am suggesting that you keep it in the same place even when the user scrolls down your page:

    background-attachment: fixed;

    Nice job. Very clean, simple template. Did you create it or find it here? I think fixing the position of the background image (the horizontal strip) might have a nice effect.

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