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  • Plugin Author addthis_matt


    @prokreeger Thanks for letting us know and thanks to @dg1 for offering a solution!

    I’ve just created a ticket for our plugin team to fix this issue within one of our future release versions.

    Plugin Author addthis_matt


    Hi there,

    I no longer see our buttons on the page you referenced, but I am seeing them on the individual posts. When I visit a post, such as, I’m not seeing any Open Graph meta tags added.

    If you’re able to add the Open Graph meta tags, that should allow Facebook to know the desired image, title, and description.

    Plugin Author addthis_matt


    Hi Elvis,

    Thanks for the information and feedback. We don’t currently have a way to change the behavior, as it’s hard-coded. I’ll pass the suggestion along to our product team for consideration in a future version.


    Plugin Author addthis_matt


    Hi there,

    I apologize for the delayed reply. Were you able to resolve the issue you were seeing?

    Do you happen to have any sort of AdBlock tool installed in your browser?

    Are you seeing any errors appearing either within WordPress or within the browser’s developer console?

    Plugin Author addthis_matt


    Hi there,

    I apologize for the delayed reply. Once you add the share buttons to the site, the current page URL will automatically be shared, without requiring any additional configuration.

    Let me know if you still need assistance with configuring the plugin.

    Plugin Author addthis_matt


    Hi there,

    It looks like what is showing are notices rather than errors. You most likely have PHP notices enabled, which are typically not recommended for use on production sites. You can disable the notices by adjusting error_reporting or within php.ini.

    We’ll create a ticket in the meantime to get this notice fixed in a future release version of the plugin.

    Plugin Author addthis_matt


    Hi there,

    This would be possible if you are logged in to an AddThis account within the plugin and using the AddThis Dashboard ( to configure your tools.

    If you are using the Floating tool already, you can create a second Floating tool and configure one tool to show on desktop and hide on mobile and then vice versa for the second tool.

    From there, you’ll be able to select which services you want to appear on mobile. Here’s a quick screen recording to demonstrate:

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by addthis_matt.
    Plugin Author addthis_matt


    Glad to hear it! Let us know if you need anything else.

    Plugin Author addthis_matt


    Hi there,

    The format you had for the Sidebar tool was:

    I tried adding* to “Hide on These Pages” and am no longer seeing the Sidebar on the page you provided.

    Let us know if you need anything else!


    Plugin Author addthis_matt


    The plugin is designed to work on http or https sites, without showing any warnings. On https sites, assets should also be loading as https.

    If you can provide us with an example URL, we’d be happy to take a look at the issue to see what may be causing this. In some cases in the past, we’ve seen some theme templates that have older instances of the AddThis script already included.

    Plugin Author addthis_matt


    Hi there,

    It looks like one of your existing plugins is causing a conflict with our click tracking, described here:

    If you would like to disable the click tracking, there’s a checkbox to disable it under Advanced Settings from within the plugin.

    Plugin Author addthis_matt


    Some of the scripts you’re seeing may be from our data partners, as the AddThis tools may collect data for the purposes of interest-based advertising. For more information about the data that is collected, see our privacy policy page:

    Plugin Author addthis_matt


    Hi there,

    After taking a look at your site, I see that the og:description meta tag is too long. This tag should generally be only a sentence or two long. If you reduce the length of this meta tag, that should resolve the issue.

    <meta property=”og:description” content=”中国2016年资产管理额排行榜 自2012年以来,中国十大私人银行资产管理额平均增长35% 当世界聚焦于香港和新加坡逐渐成为全球财富管理中心,中国私人银行业悄然地集聚了一个足以匹敌任何国家的财富量。 根据APB连线的数据,在2016年中国10大私人银行的总计资产管理额同比增长21.8%,达到7.5万亿元人民币(美元1.1万亿1);其增长率赶超了亚洲的(除中国外)20大私人银行,他们的资产管理额同期上升只有6.1%。   下载 PDF 手機下载 中国十大私人银行排行榜:以资产管理额计(十亿人民币) 数据来源:APB连线跟据市场数据估算 下载 PDF 手機下载 Read in English   此外,自2012年以来,中国10大私人银行掌管的总资产已以30.6%的年复合增长率爬升,而亚洲(除中国外)20大私人银行的增长率仅有6.75%。 两者年复合增长率的差别并不令人惊讶。走过10年光阴的中国私人银行市场,从一个相对小的基数成长上来,但是它本身是有一个很大的成长空间。然而亚洲相对成熟的离岸市场,在近年来受到市场过度成熟、边际盈利能力下降和监管收紧的压力,资产负债表纷纷缩水。 这在2015年尤其明显,当时亚洲(除中国外)20大私人银行的总计管理资产缩减了4.7%。而在2016年,市场不确定性和监管剧变导致交易量暴跌(在美国大选前一些总体交易量跌幅达30%,结构性产品交易量下跌13.8%),遏制了新资金的流动,即便资产管理总额稍有上涨。 同时,随着中国高净值人士的数量上升,与零售部门息息相关的中国私人银行,受益于稳定的客户资产流和缩紧的资本管制。 高居榜首的是招商银行私人银行部,资产管理额接近1.7万亿元人民币(同比增长33%)。紧随其后的是工商银行私人银行部(1.2万亿元人民币,同比增长13.8%)和中国银行私人银行部(1万亿元人民币,同比增长23.5%)。 这三家银行都在着手优化私人银行服务,因为投资者的需求日渐复杂,对刚兑高收益财富管理产品的审视日益增加。例如,招商银行私人银行部最近引入了一套“科学性的”资产配置体系,这一系统已针对中国市场进行优化。而中国银行私人银行部则提高了集团内的协同效应以为私人银行客户提供“一站式服务”。 中国在岸市场的机遇:资产管理额的增值超过高净值人士财富 据凯捷财富报告称,印度和中国拥有近10%全球高净值人士,并贡献了自2006年来大约19%的全球新财富增长,这令人印象深刻。这两大经济增长引擎近十年新增财富达4万亿美元。 去年中国资产管理额增长22.6%,高于国内高净值人士财富的同期增长率。2015至2016年的增长率为16.9%。2 在离岸市场,开拓新客户的机遇显然不如在岸市场。2016年香港高净值人士财富的增长步伐较缓慢,仅有3%增长,而新加坡则同期下跌3.5%。3同时,亚洲(除中国外)私人银行的资产管理额增速不及亚太地区高净值人士的财富增长速度。   中国十大私人银行排行榜:以客户经理人数、客户量和分行数量计 数据来源:APB连线跟据市场数据估算 中国私人银行增招客户经理,增开分行以适应资产管理额和客户数量的激增APB连线数据证实,为了追上资产管理量的可观上涨,并促进未来的继续增长,中国10大私人银行(以客户数计)去年持续在前线招兵买马。 2016年底,十大行总计已有6,904名客户经理。虽然这一数据难以直接拿来与亚洲地区(除中国外)已有的5,459名客户经理对比。 原因是,在很多情况下中国的私人银行将零售银行客户经理纳入了计算范畴。其实,对一些中国私人银行而言,零售银行、私人银行往往和法务团队服务同一顾客群。然而对于其他银行而言,私人银行团队常常和“法务等国内事务”以及“海外/离岸事务”专家搭档。 “大多数中国私人银行的客户由零售部门客户经理管理。专职的私人银行客户经理则提供专业服务,例如产品销售。”一位行业专家表示。 然而行业趋势似乎正在改变,专职私人银行经理的比例正在上升。例如,有一家私人银行定下了目标,要在年底前由私人银行客户经理直接管理10%的私人银行账户。 毫无意外,2016年中国私人银行在扩大客户经理团队的同时,也在扩张着分支网络。 2016年,中国十大行的分支总数从2015年的331家上升至347家;年内客户数量增长18%,达474,968人。 但是,我们应当再次谨慎地解读这些数字。例如,并非所有分支都开设有私人银行部门或中心,即便私人银行客户仍可以从中得到服务。而且,这些数字通常只计算了一级分行。 同样的,在计算私人银行客户数量时,一些重复计算也在所难免。虽然大部分接受APB连线采访的银行证实,达到私人银行业务最低标准的客户已受邀私人银行服务,或自动脱离零售部门的服务对象,也已经不再被计入零售银行范畴。 1 汇率截至2016年12月31日 2 3 凯捷《2016亚太区财富报告》 ? 版权所有 APB连线 2017年。保留所有权利。优质新闻需要投资。请使用以下链接将本文共享给他人,请勿截图或复制本文。更多详细信息,请参阅我司服务条款和免责声明。 快捷 URL:; />

    Plugin Author addthis_matt


    Hi there,

    We recently had a release where we made some changes to how we’re loading the Facebook SDK and this appears to be related.

    I see that your site is currently loading the Facebook SDK, but it’s missing the Facebook App ID. Since the SDK is already being loaded, our buttons would use the SDK that’s already being loaded.

    I’d like to obtain some additional information to try to help our developers investigate the issue. Do you know of any reason why you may be loading the Facebook SDK on your site? Do you have any other apps on the site that would use this SDK or do you think it may have came with your theme?

    With the Facebook SDK, it requires a Facebook App ID and you would typically list the domains that you are going to use the app on. Do you know if you setup this Facebook App ID and if so, what domains do you currently have whitelisted?

    Plugin Author addthis_matt


    Hi there,

    We have a fix for this notice, which will be released in our next version, 6.1.1.

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