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  • Plugin Author Add to Calendar


    Yes, that’s correct. Basically both. “[]” would kill the setting, but providing an image is even better. Google recommends to provide 3. One format 1:1, one 4:3, one 16:9.

    Plugin Author Add to Calendar



    This is the result of the rich data, the script generates. If no image option is set, it uses default images.

    What you can do now: Specific images="[]" .

    We will drop the default in the next version as well.

    Plugin Author Add to Calendar


    When you are on PHP code level, you can simply use the <add-to-calendar-button> tag. When you change the attributes, the button automatically adjusts. This would even apply if you change attributes via JavaScript later.

    Therefore, as long as the plugin is installed (or you included the script via CDN, see, the only reason why this would not work, would be the other plugin where you pull the event data from.

    One advice: Add the “debug” attribute (simply “debug” or debug=”true”). You can remove this later, but while developing, it shows you more information on what’s not right (like formatting, etc. – I can see in your code that you are using an unsupported format for the time, for example).

    Also check out the “Configuration” docs and examples at for more insights.

    Plugin Author Add to Calendar


    You mean in the Gutenberg Block or a nested Shortcode?

    Plugin Author Add to Calendar


    Closing this for now, since (from a support perspective), this is more about gravity forms than this plugin.

    The mentioned approach should work. Besides that, maybe there is a better way like letting the user complete the journey and show the summary then. Maybe you are then able to retrieve the data first and already put it into the button code directly.

    Anyway, we will try to offer more options in the near future to better support such cases. Stay tuned ??

    Plugin Author Add to Calendar


    Exactly, there is a backend/server part necessary. The current script runs 100% on client side. As mentioned, there is a big thing in the pipeline to support this way in the near future.

    Plugin Author Add to Calendar


    #1: Yes. However, it is a little bit tricky, since you can use the button in multiple ways (not only shortcode, but also directly as element). Would require a settings page, so it is up to the user. This way, we can get it optimized. Put it on the roadmap. Thanks for the input!

    #2: I would argue against this. In case you are using an iPhone with Chrome, Safari is also available to you. So, hiding options, just because they are not working on Chrome, could easily lead to the button being of no use at all. Imagine a case, where the admin defines the apple option only. In this case, following your proposal, we would need to hide the button completely on Chrome. At the moment, we are telling the user that he can simply switch to Safari and paste the content of his clipboard (where we automatically already stored everything). This way, the process is still operational.
    Of course, this is not ideal. We are working on a hosted version, where at least the ics download functionality receives better browser support. But this will take some more months and event with this, there are many fallback situations left, where Big Tech is not playing nicely.
    Anyway, for the current concept/product, it makes more sense to inform the user about his options instead of showing nothing.

    Plugin Author Add to Calendar


    It is on the future roadmap, but we do not plan to integrate this in the short term.

    The reason for this is, that this feature would be very badly supported by calendars. I am not fully sure about Apple, but in all other cases you are really lucky if it works. Therefore, this would be no reliable feature – only a try-but-not-rely-on-it one.

    Also, calendar operators are blocking this usually, because it is considered as highly intrusive and to most users feels annoying – especially keeping in mind that you usually set a default reminder in your calendar, which you do not want to get overridden.

    Bottom line:

    • will come, but long-term.
    • Not recommended at all to use. Very rare use cases, where it could make sense and almost never supported.
    Plugin Author Add to Calendar


    Generally, this would not be directly possible with the current solution. There is another setup in the making, which would enable you to create the button code on the backend side via API, but not sure if this would match your case either.

    One would need to write an official add-on for the gravity form platform.

    What could work (experimental):

    • Create the button and set something like id=”abc”.
    • In the JavaScript function, you want to create, identify that element on the page and rewrite the name=”xyz”.
    • When it gets rewritten, the button would automatically update.
    Plugin Author Add to Calendar


    Hi Steve,

    Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce this behavior. Not on my tests and not with your website.

    Based on what you observed and my tests, I would guess that you have another time zone set on your machine (or outlook specifically), which makes it look wrong for you (since outlook adjusts for your set time zone), while it still is totally correct. Could you double-check this?

    Closing it for now.


    Plugin Author Add to Calendar


    Please try latest version 1.2.3 .

    It supports the multi-date object in a way that you can omit the start “[” and end “]”.

    Something like the following would work now.

    [add-to-calendar-button name="Event Series" dates='{"name":"Reminder 1/3 to test the Add to Calendar Button","description":"This is the first part to check the Add to Calendar Button script at {url}{/url}","startDate":"today+3","startTime":"10:15","endTime":"23:30"},{"name":"Reminder 3/3 to test the Add to Calendar Button","description":"This is the third part to check the Add to Calendar Button script at {url}{/url}","startDate":"today+8","startTime":"09:00","endTime":"19:00"}' timeZone="Europe/Berlin" location="Munich" options="'Apple','Google','iCal','','Yahoo'" ]

    Hope this helps!

    Plugin Author Add to Calendar


    You are right. That slipped through my fingers.

    A fix will be applied soon. In case you cannot wait, you could always use the Gutenberg Block instead – or add it as HTML directly, instead of using the shortcode.

    Plugin Author Add to Calendar


    Good catch! Thanks a lot.

    The latest update 1.2.2 comes with a small update for that. You would need to use {*} instead of [*] for elements like [url]. holds an example


    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Add to Calendar. Reason: Mistake at version number
    Plugin Author Add to Calendar


    I would close this topic for now, but will keep you posted when the respective release is out.

    Plugin Author Add to Calendar


    Hi Nelson,

    Thanks a lot for your input!

    The short answer would be “no”.
    However, we have this on our roadmap. Actually with a little different concept, since we consider the described approach a little unstable (url might change, not working with Apple/iCal, …).
    Still, from a user perspective, it will be putting links/code into an email and it simply works ;).

    Bad news: it will take some more time (months) for this release.

    All the best!

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