Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Under Construction] URL rules brings me back to the PRO tabThanks a lot, I’m trying this right now and getting this error msg upon form submission:
reCaptcha verification failed, please try again.
although I’m not seeing any Captcha stuff on the page.Please advise, thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Under Construction] URL rules brings me back to the PRO tabHi, I’ve sent an email to: support email deleted to limit spamming two days ago and got no reply so far.
I can’t see the Contact widget, only the Get support overlay option (from the bottom right icon) which brings me here.
Please advise as we’re stuck (and can’t use the PRO features), thanks.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Jan Dembowski.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Footnotes] Post footnotes appearing on home pageFWIW, as a quick workaround, I hid the css elements from the home page:
ol.easy-footnotes-wrapper li.easy-footnote-single{ display: none; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Footnotes] Resize FootnotesI’m sorry I replied to the wrong thread :\
As your question, you’ll need to use CSS for this.
Try this:
.easy-footnote-single{ font-size: 20px; // or whatever size you need }
Here’s how you’d edit CSS in WP:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Footnotes] Resize FootnotesForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Browser cachingWell, it appears I was testing within the WP Engine Staging environment. I installed the plugin on the Live site and no problem.
Sorry and thank you again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Browser cachingOk, will try that, thanks.
If I disable AO, I’m not getting any browser caching errors. Any idea what that may be, or what I could try (for other files)?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Better WP Secutiry] Warning Fatal errorClean install done. I’ll never know.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Better WP Secutiry] Warning Fatal errorI just realized that all subdirectories inside /wp-includes /wp-content and wp-admin had been deleted…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Better WP Secutiry] Warning Fatal errorI tried renaming/disabling .htaccess, still no luck.
Please let me know what other info I need to provide if any (from php_info or else). TIA.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wp_options table vanishedIn case this may help, here is what I was able to do:
Do a fresh WP install in another directory, thus new database
Copy (overwrite) plugin directory from old to new install (after going through the process of cleaning Pharma hack…)
Dump wp_options table from new install
import wp_options in the broken database (where it’s missing)
Modify blog url to point to old install (vs. fresh one)I was able to log back in, and keep all posts, etc.
All settings are gone (custom menu, widgets, theme options) but at least the site is reachable and posts are there.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Google AJAX search API integrationJust in case…
I subscribed to get an API key
Then I struggled a little bit, from the “Hello World” example they give, and came up with this:
<div id="gajax"> <script src=""></script> <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> google.load('search', '1.0'); function OnLoad() { // create a tabbed mode search control var tabbed = new; tabbed.addSearcher(new; tabbed.addSearcher(new; tabbed.addSearcher(new; tabbed.addSearcher(new; // draw in tabbed layout mode var drawOptions = new; drawOptions.setDrawMode(; tabbed.draw(document.getElementById("search_control_tabbed"), drawOptions); tabbed.execute("<?php the_title(); ?>"); } google.setOnLoadCallback(OnLoad, true); </script> <div style="float: right;" class="search-control" id="search_control_tabbed">Loading</div> </div>
In a custom NextGen gallry template (gallery-gs.php) that I can call with “template=gs” as a parameter to my gallery tag.
This can be used within a page or post template I guess.
…which displays something close to this:
With different search options, that I display kinda like a sidebar to my gallery, based on the page title (an actor name in this case).I’m still struggling with styling; didn’t really get how you overwrite Google’s default css styling.
Also I wanted to hide the search box, and found this:…but I couldn’t really find where/how to throw these lines into the above code without breaking the whole thing.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGEN Gallery] Custom css per galleryAnyone ?
Many thanks.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGEN Gallery] Mass Batch Import or upload?If someone has got a version of this hack working with NGG 1.5.4 or 1.5.5, would you be kind enough to post it here?
I’m getting error msgs while trying it with my current install.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Version 2.9 image editor not workingHere, the crop button is greyed out unless your crop area is strictly SUPERIOR (not equal) to your thumb size settings.
Mine is 200×200. At that size, the button is greyed out, at 201×201 it’s enabled.