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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Added a theme now I can’t open the dashboardyes delete the theme files. also, if that doesn’t work, you may want to clear the value for the ‘template’ option in the wp_options table of you’re database. I know that doesn’t make too much sense (for any advanced users that might see this), but I have seen that happen once (only time I’ve ever seen it).
There are only so many files required for a theme to work. For example: many themes have archives.php, category.php, and author.php. When really, all you need is archives.php to cover past posts for all three scenarios. Many themes use these custom templates for different layouts for each of these pages.
As far as placing a new DIV inside the main content area: yes, you will have to add that to all templates that display that part of the page. Whether it be index.php (blog index), page.php (default for any non-blog page), or another template. They will need to be updated.
You can get a little better idea of how the files work together from this page –
I usually use the sandbox framework. No point in reinventing the wheel ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: How long does it take for a new plugin to be approved?It may have taken up to 3 or 4, but I know it didn’t take a week. Did you follow their instructions to the letter? I do remember having a little trouble, and having to go back and redo it because I didn’t do one step just right. But I’ve published one plugin to the repository, so I don’t have a ton of experience in getting them into the SVN. If you followed it just right and your files were all in order, you may want to try to shoot the wordpress guys an email asking what’s going on.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Adding PHP Code in middle of posti didn’t say there wasn’t one, just that i don’t know of one off the top of my head.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Adding PHP Code in middle of postohhh…ok i get what you’re asking now. i don’t know of a plugin off the top of my head that will do that. one way you could do it is writing it into the template, but then you would only have the option of placing it before the content or after. did you absolutely want it in the middle?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Adding PHP Code in middle of postif you know how to write the code to accomplish what you are wanting to do, then try that plugin. i think you may have to switch to the html view, but you can place you <?php ?> tags anywhere you want within the post/page and it will execute it. i’m not 100% clear on what you’re wanting to be done automatically…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Adding PHP Code in middle of postrelated posts? no. that allows you execute php in a post. are you wanting something that will automatically show related posts?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: How long does it take for a new plugin to be approved?Best I remember it took my last one like a day or two. Not too long.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Adding PHP Code in middle of post
that should do it
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: eval base64_decodeThey said they haven’t had any problems. I’m thinking it might just be compromised FTP info. I’m about to change all my passwords and cross my fingers. I’m running a scan first to make sure I haven’t picked up any bugs on my system.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: eval base64_decodeyep..did all that. htaccess files, changed passwords, re-uploaded all my files, everything I could think. Still getting it. I’m running the latest version (re-downloaded it just to be safe). If I can figure where it’s coming in I’ll post it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Flash header/detect/redirectok I tested the $_SERVER[‘HTTP_ACCEPT’] part and apparently that doesn’t always read like I thought/understood it to. I’ve read all over the net that php flash detection is pretty much impossible, although I’m sure there’s got to be some way to do it. That being said, I found a group of files on the Adobe website that use javascript to detect if flash is there and if not, display an image. They also work so that if javascript is disabled, it assumes no flash and display the image. The files can be found at . All you need to do is plug in the image info and the movie info. I tested these files and they seem to work great in firefox (only browser I tested).
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Page Links doubling up.if you want to remove that automatic home page link you can look in the header.php for the line
<li class="page_item <?php if (is_front_page()) echo('current_page_item');?>"><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>">Home</a></li>
it’s inside the “nav” div. Cut it out and try that, if that doesn’t do it just paste it back, but I’m pretty sure that should eliminate that first home page link.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: HackedI’ve been recommending this plugin a lot here lately, but the exploit scanner plugin is pretty useful for finding any possible exploit points. The WP Security Scanner plugin is pretty useful too…
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: WP search engineif you check the settings > general page, is the wordpress address set to
or just