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  • I played a bit more with the code and I think that yellow light would look better if it was more powerful. You might want to replace the box-shadow for .navbar div.navbar-inner in the code above with:

    box-shadow:	-12px 12px 100px 10px rgba(243, 234, 125, 0.15),
    		-2px 2px 7px 1px rgba(255,255,128,.12),
    		inset 0 0 60px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.65);

    if you agree with me and like the effect.

    I hope I’m not being too intrusive.

    @barefeeted: it is considered impolite and it’s also counter productive to ask questions in someone else’s thread. To enhance the utility of this forum you need to open a new thread for every problem you encounter. Make sure you choose an intuitive title for your thread. This way, other users encountering the same problem are likely to find and use the answer that helped you.

    So please, ask your question separately and it will be answered.

    You’re welcome, mate.
    I like what you did with it. But that menu is a touch too light for my taste. Give these colors a spin (add it to the existing CSS) and let me know what you think (note: make sure you select all the code, not just the visible part):

    .social-block a {
    	text-shadow: none;
    .navbar div.navbar-inner {
    	background: rgba(26, 26, 23, 0.55);
    	box-shadow: -12px 12px 120px rgba(243, 234, 125, 0.15),
    			-2px 2px 7px rgba(255,255,128,.12),
    			inset 0 0 60px rgba(0,0,0,.65);
    	border: 1px solid rgba(255, 240, 155, 0.21);
    	border-radius: 0;
    .navbar .nav > .dropdown-toggle,
    .navbar .nav > .dropdown-toggle,
    .navbar .nav > .dropdown-toggle,
    .nav-collapse.collapse {
    	background: #212121;
    	color: #e9a825;
    .navbar .nav > li > a {
    	text-shadow: none;
    .dropdown-menu > li > a {
    	color: #ccc;
    .dropdown-menu {
    	background: #212121;
    .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover,
    .dropdown-menu > li > a:focus,
    .dropdown-submenu:hover > a,
    .dropdown-submenu:focus > a,
    .nav-collapse .nav > li > a:hover,
    .nav-collapse .nav > li > a:focus,
    .nav-collapse .dropdown-menu a:hover,
    .nav-collapse .dropdown-menu a:focus {
    	background: rgba(255, 240, 155,.07);
    	color: #e9a825;
    .navbar .nav > li > .dropdown-menu:after {
    	border-bottom: 6px solid #212121;
    .navbar .nav > li > .dropdown-menu:before {
    	border-bottom: 7px solid #444;

    You might also want to add an inline style of

    background: rgba(33, 33, 33, 0.76);

    to that footer center.

    Add this code to your child themes’ functions.php:

    function o_o_o() {}
    add_filter ('tc_category_archive_title', 'o_o_o');

    Now category titles will be displayed without prefix. Add the following lines if you also want the prefixes removed for author and tag archives:

    • author archives:
      add_filter('tc_author_archive_title', 'o_o_o');
    • tag archives:
      add_filter('tag_archive_title', 'o_o_o');

    Unfortunately, daily, monthly and yearly archive prefixes do not have a filter in place that we can use to remove them.

    Updating WordPress or the theme does not affect your Google pagerank!

    But a slow website can affect your google pagerank and very badly. Here is why: if a user finds your website in a Google search, clicks on it and, because it loads very slow, chooses to go back, Google scores that as a bounce, thinking the content of your website is not relevant for that search, and decreasing your pagerank.

    However, your pageload speed score is 92% for desktops and 65% for mobiles, the main problem for mobiles being your hosting provider. The customizr demo scores 70% for mobiles and 84% for desktops.

    So it’s nothing you should worry about. Your website is among top 20% fastest websites on the web. It is not going to lose visitors due to pageload speed anytime soon, unless your hosting provider is spiky and I did my testing during a peak.

    “Child theme folder root” means inside the child theme folder, but not in any sub-folder of it (in case you have any). Where style.css of your child theme is.

    Could you be more specific, please?

    1. Open a new text file with notepad or notepad++.
    2. Write


    in it
    3. Save it as functions.php, in your child theme folder root, with an UTF-8 encoding.

    Now you have a working functions.php.
    You may add php functions starting from second line and they will get executed by WordPress every time your theme gets loaded (that’s on every single page of your website, including admin).

    No, it’s not considered beta. It’s just out of beta. Call me paranoid, but since I have to admin a lot of domains I have this tendency to wait at least two weeks after the launch just to see if any bugs show up.

    And no, your GA account is not upgraded to universal. All GA accounts are now compatible with the “universal” tracking method. But your account remained the same, they just added a few ads for the “universal” tracking method. You upgrade a website to “universal” when you change the tracking method for that particular website through any of the available means.

    The code you should save as analytics.php, should you chose my method to add the code to the pages of your website, is the one under Tracking Code.

    I am intrigued to find out you do not have any data. You should have. I do for all websites I track and haven’t upgraded any to the new tracking method, I can assure you it still works. Check if your old tracking method still works and that the tracking code gets printed in the page. Maybe that’s why you don’t have any data. Anyway, this is definitely a matter you should take to the one who has installed GA on your account (or responsible for that plugin, if you use one). Or, if you tracking code is in the page and does not work, you should ask for support at GA, though I suppose they’ll just advise upgrading to the new tracking method.

    How would I specify this not for just the full-width template? …as I notice it is a problem site-wide?

    body {overflow-x: hidden;}

    You’re welcome.

    p.s.: congrats on the overall look of the website.

    Frank, please log into your GA account again and re-read that announcement. It says you can upgrade to GA universal, not that you must. Nor does it say that support for the “old” method is to be dropped any time soon.

    So, my advice is: if GA are important to you and your website, do not upgrade yet. Wait until eventual bugs are solved and until you have at least 3 plugin options or methods to insert the new tracking method. Most probably Google will develop a plugin featuring the new tracking method themselves.

    If however, you don’t care so much about the increased risk of incompatibility and want to make the switch now, select the tracking code for your domain from GA and save it as analytics.php in your child theme folder.

    Now save the following code as functions.php, also in your child theme folder:

    add_action('wp_head', 'include_ga_tc');
    function include_ga_tc() {

    Don’t forget to disable the old tracking method (plugin/function/whatever you had)… You don’t want both methods mixed up.

    It is generally advisable and considered good coding practice not to exit php mode before end of file of “pure” php files (that are to be included in other php files). The reason for this is quite obvious, to avoid errors like the one above: sending empty headers that can cause a WSOD.

    Namely, the problem in Math’s functions.php was that he had an empty line, space or tab after ?>.

    Remove the


    from the end of your code snippet. This might be the cause.

    You need to remove .page from that CSS so it also works for posts. Now it only hides the icons for pages.

    If you want to list excerpts in the post list, you need to select this option from theme options, under Pages and Posts Layout.

    It means one thing: somewhere in your snippets you have a selector of exact same specificity. If you add the same rule multiple times, with different values the last value always gets applied.
    If you make your selector more specific (more powerful):

    .item .carousel-caption {
        margin: 11%;
        padding: 3% 3% 3% 3%;

    it will apply even if you place it before the

    .carousel-caption {/* whatever */};

    from the rest of the snippets.

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