Forum Replies Created
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Enhanced Media Library] mediocre filter optionsHello Nadia,
I too have several suggestions, if you are open to listen. I have an art gallery with hundreds of artists, each with their own gallery. I do ‘not’ use multi sites for various reasons.
But with having to control thousands of images, the media library never was any good, and probably will never progress either. Ergo, the dire need for this “wonder” plugin, that makes our life easier.I am strapped for time right now, but will come back and post some suggestion in detail.
Cheers, just found you tonight, but will come back in a week or so ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Admin Menu Manager] How to insert blank row or separator?about a separator: there is a plug-in that creates separators. It’s bit clunky looking because there is no adjustment to the thickness of the separater [it’s about 3 pixels high] – and again – it’s yet another extra plug-in to install.
Here is the link: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: anybody help why dashboard is so slowI believe at this point that it is neither – since it seems to be a universal problem. I found over 350,000 search results by using the month of july 2015 in the search terms and slow admin. This is about as generic as it can get. And ALL resulted in the exact same problem: WordPress 4.2.2 suddenly being very slow in the admin.
I too have checked my sites for reasons for a slowdown suddenly. There is none. Also, the same sites were very fast BEFORE that upgrade.
Same server, same domain same empty database, after completely deleting everything [of course have a full backup]did a clean install and using only 4 basic plugins [disable-comments, lorem-shortcode, post-types-order, wordpress-importer] and got the same results: frontend speed results are slower by ca.6 sec, backend[dashboard] uses at minimum 15sec. but averages 90% of the time up to 25sec.
This IS unacceptable and clearly a problem with the latest upgrade to 4.2.2.I am not a newbie and know how to speed up a site when it comes to plugins usage, theme and js,css etc. compression. I also always have images not only correctly formatted but also take great care of only using sizes that are actually used on the site. etc. etc.
I resent that it is always first assumed that has to be the fault of the wp installation/customization or anything the programmer/consumer did to slow down the backend.
Giving them the run-around advise to spend hours trying to figure out where the flaw may be on THEIR side.WordPress has as it is plenty of flaws, requiring the user to be on top of everything at all times where security is concerned, which plugins to use [selecting from the “slimmest” ones] and so on.
Yes, using a “whole bunch” of plugins can slow down a site, if not carefully selected which plugin is the better one out of hundreds that essentially do the same thing…. – but if the site ran falwless in the backend BEFORE the upgrade, it would be logical to FIRST look at wordpress itself for problems.
But, as it becomes more and more customary to blame the consumer – after microsoft provides that shining beacon as long as they exist, everyone else follows suit, to simply blame the consumer, well anyone else, just not themselves. And we, trying to help each other [when there is the need to fall back on that method], have also become eager to immediately look for blame of the person posting such question.
This is not an attack on any particular person or post – just the hope that we all can “normalize” our interaction without heaping more time loss on to a poor fellow, that happens to experience a sudden unexplainable problem, where there was none before.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Janrain Social Login] [Plugin: Janrain Engage] enable on ALL subdomainsfor the prices that janrain charges – its sure not very fast in keeping updates with the latest wp version
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Single Sign On – gone in 3.3.2?I wish there would be one page of all the thousands of explanations for single sign-on to wordpress installations.
I am not a newbie at that but fail to clarify for myself the following:
I have 4 domains where I will have wordpress installed, each domain has it’s own topics and agenda – the only thing I want to share is the user database to accomplish a single sign-on.
I found an article about sharing the user tables but only for a previous/outdated version of wp. Nothing on how to go about it for version 3.3.2.
Would anyone please be so kind and explain what I need to do.
If not, I have no choice but offer the open ID choice aside from 4 separate logins for users.I am surprised that this day and age there is no clear explanation regarding this issue. I see thousands of others asking – everyone offers a different solution.
To something that should be actually agiven at this point.
Am just very frustrated because I have not intsalled anything yet due to the fact that I have not yet learned what is the correct and best way to accomplish single sign-on for 4 different domains wp installations.Any help is greatly appreciated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Collapsing Categories] Browser incompatibilitieswell, no matter what I choose for options – it simply does NOT expand anything,
I tried every which way [ and yes, I have parent and sub selected.
So – it’s useless.
It shows the number of sub categorized and posts but the expander simply does nothing. Hovering over it looks like it would – but it does not do anything – it simply shows the 5 main categories I have like static text, thats all. The categories this way are ofcourse not even links – so, I have to scrap that entire thing.I have the latest version of WP, just installed the latest version of this plugin – so, there should not be any conflict whatsoever. :(:(:(
I give up after trying for more than 2 hours to get this to work.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Plugin: Twitter Tools] Doesn’t worksidebar tweet does not work after WP upgrade to latest. All I get is
<a href="">[aktt_tweets]</a>
showing as text in the widget :(:(Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: many links broken i.e. returning 404yes, did the same thing. Links work again, but categories and links now show up twice on my page.
WordPress sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get another blog solution – like RIGHT NOW.
CheriosForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Links to all posts in one category suddenly broken!same here – I did a clean install of WPMU – everything worked just fine last night.
Today – I made absolute NO changes to anything – all links to categories and page are broken – 404 error.
This totally sucks.I don’t have much up there yet since it is a new install – but, if it does not work – I might as well not give anyone the url, cause they cant use it.
Maybe I look for some other blog system.
Nothing but trouble