Acreo Aeneas
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Capability Manager] [Plugin: Capability Manager] no longer supported?Even though it is no longer maintained, it still works with current WP versions. So I guess when it breaks, there’s always the “Members” plugin which pretty much has the exact same feature set, but is actively maintained.
Ah, perhaps add into the description that shortcut support is “coming soon in v1.1”?
Is there any rough timeframe on when v1.0 is expected to release?
I saw on the “Roadmap” that v1.1 is “due” in 4 weeks, but no mention of v1.0 (or is that a subversion that is being skipped over?
I’ve been reading the plugin description on the official WP page and I see “event filtering by category or tag”. Does that mean we can use shortcodes to filter events by categories and tags now in 1.0.9?
If so, what are the shortcodes?
Another suggestion, I just thought up:
Not sure if anyone suggested this yet. Could we have a option for “Time in Other Zone”? Basically, I run a international gaming community and often times we have events that gather people from various parts of the world (ex: USA, Sweden, UK, etc). Is there a way of adding an option that allows us to (check off boxes) for the correct start/end times in other time zones relative to the event?
Something’s very wonky. I’m using the Sidebar widget with the calendar (1.0.7). I just put up an event last night and in the widget, it shows up as the right starting time (1:00 pm). But when I click on the event, the event post shows the time as starting 2 hours later.
Before the edit/update, the calendar event post was even weirder. The event time showed up as: 3:00 pm – 2:00 pm
I’ve edited and updated it several times and the event post still shows the wrong starting time.
This might be a bit of a tall order, but is there a possibility of having events on the calendar hidden from certain user roles based on categories?
I have two categories right now:
1. Members Only
2. Officers OnlyI have these user roles:
1. Officers
2. Members
3. Visitors
4. Guests (not logged in)So if created an event and check “Members Only”, I would like on those users logged in and are of the “Members” user role to be able to see the event.
I’m thinking this would work better for a few of my sites instead of just having filtered calendar views based on shortcodes.
We are planning to add shortcodes for embedding custom filtered views of the calendar in pages.
The most important feature on my list right now since some events I don’t want the public to see (registered or not).
I suppose we could make “default start time of noon” a setting, at the risk of cluttering the settings page… I any case I’m afraid we’ll have to put this one a little lower in our priority list.
That’s fine.
24-hour clock: We’ll integrate this into Acreo’s request for #6, basically giving the blog admin the option to format dates and times however they wish.
Hmmm…nice! ??
2. I’ll need a more specific example of this to reproduce it, since this is not the behaviour that I see. The following is the intended behaviour, and is what happens when I play around with it: When setting the start date/start time, and the start date/time fields lose focus, the end date and end time are automatically adjusted so that the event’s previous duration remains the same. The default duration for an event is 1 hour.
3. I haven’t been able to reproduce this behaviour yet. Perhaps it’s a Windows-specific thing. When I have a chance I’ll get my Windows laptop up and running to see if that’s the case.
I’ll go through these again. Maybe a issue on my end or something I missed. Unfortunately, I don’t have a Mac system to test these on. Only Windows machines and a Linux VM.
Really looking forward to 1.1.0 considering the new features and changes.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Capability Manager] [Plugin: Capability Manager] no longer supported?I third the question. Would love to know if it’s still maintained.
Hmm, it’s fixed most of the issues above (one or two were for future releases as “features”), but introduced some new ones:
When adding or editing an event:
Click on the start/end dates brings up a pop-up (JS?) calendar. When I select a new date (in the future or past), then click out of the calendar (to close the pop-up), and then click back on the date, it exhibits some funkiness:
1. The “highlighted” date is today rather than the selected start or end date already in the field.
— Can we have the selected start or end date highlighted as well in a different color? This way we can satisfy the need to know the “current” date as well as highlight the start or end date of the event on the pop-up calendar.
2. Once I’ve selected a start date and time, the end date and time in 1.0.4 would auto change to the same start date but just 15 mins later. In 1.0.5, it sometimes changes to the day before on a completely different time.
3. In trying to set the end date and time, I sometimes have to do it twice at least before the date/time keeps.
4. (This is more of a behavior change I feel makes more sense.) When I select a future or past date (for start date/time), the time auto sets to my approximately 11:45 pm. For the end date/time, it sets it to the following day at 12:45 am. Rather than having it set to those two dates and times, I feel it would be better to set the start time to 12:00 pm and have the end date be the same as the start date and the time set to 12:15 pm. The reasoning here: it’s easier than having to scroll all the way back up or all the way back down the times list to find the time I want.
5. (David’s US date formatting) Still formatted in DD/MM/YYYY instead of giving us a choice between that and MM/DD/YYYY. Not sure if this was for a future release or supposed to be in 1.0.5.
When viewing the calendar:
6. The day of the week should be spelled out all the way (looks more professional). Instead right now I see a three letter abbreviation rather than the full day word. For example, I see: “Sat, October 1 @ 10:00am – 4:00pm” instead of “Saturday, October 1 @ 10:00am – 4:00pm”.
I know we click on the event from a visible calendar, but on the event post itself, there should be a year. So it should read: “Saturday, Month Day, Year @ Start Time – End Time”. This, I feel, is mandatory for repeating events and general non-repeating events. Often times, my members will share the event post link (rather than the calendar page) with other members. They could easily be lost and confused wondering what YEAR the event is supposed to take place on.
Additionally, to make it easier to read, could we have a space between the time and the “am” and “pm”? Also could we have a choice between lowercase “am” and “pm” and uppercase “AM” and “PM”?
That’s what I’ve found so far. Will post more if I find anything else.
Awesome! Thanks so much! I’m eagerly awaiting that update today. ??
I agree, possibly the fastest and most detailed response of any of the plugin developers so far. You guys are great! ??
Are you familiar with debugging JavaScript? We will probably need the exact line of code that is causing the error to get any further, which you can find out from Tools > Error Console, or using Firebug.
According to FF Error Console:
“show_end_fields is not defined” Line 218.
Hope that helps.
I’ll also second Suggestion (A) by David Silverlight. I can’t stand the DD/MM/YYYY formatting (as I also live in the U.S.).
What browser, browser version, and OS are you using?
I’m using Firefox 6.0.2 and running Windows 7 Professional 64-bit with Service Pack 1 and all of the latest updates.
1. Can you confirm that you can change “Published on” on a normal post?
Yes, I can confirm I can change the “Published on” on a normal post.
2. Can you confirm that you can “Add Category” on a normal post?
Yes, I can “Add Category” on a normal post.
3. You can turn the “Update” button at the bottom of the page from Settings. Make sure that “Display Publish at bottom of Edit Event form” is unchecked (default state).
Ah, I see it. Unchecked. ??
4. This is not supported yet, we expect to add it in the next release which will happen very soon.
5. Just tested latest Fluency Admin with default WP 3.2.1 and the submenu items are working on my end. You said that you tried to disabled all plugins and that didn’t work but if it is not too difficult then can you list the plugins that you have enabled on your WP install? I am suspecting some sort of a JavaScript error that happens on Add/Edit event page, which will also explain items 1 and 2 from this list.
Hmm. Well this is interesting if it’s a JS issue (seems a lot of plugins have JS problems).
Here are the plugins I’m currently using:
1. Akismet
2. All-In-One Event Calendar Plugin
3. Blog in Blog
4. Custom Admin Branding
5. Custom Post Donations
6. Fluency Admin
7. Global Hide/Remove Admin Bar Plugin
8. Google Analyticator
9. Jetpack by
10. MapPress Easy Google Maps
11. MCE Table Buttons
12. Members
13. NextGEN Gallery
14. Pierre’s Wordspew
15. Plugins Garbage Collector
16. Role Scoper
17. Secure WordPress
18. SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam
19. Simple Press
20. Theme My Login
21. Viper’s Video Quicktags
22. WordPress Database Backup
23. WordPress Download Monitor
24. WP-UserOnline
25. WP System Health6. Added to the list of bugs, we will fix it in the next bug release (1.0.5).
7. This is related to the items 1, 2, 5 from this list. When we fix the items above I expect that this will also be fixed.
8. Lets consider the following scenario: A meeting from 8 am to 9 am on Mondays that repeats only on Mondays for two months
Start date/time: 12 September 2011 @ 8:00am
End date/time: 12 September 2011 @ 9:00am
Repeat: Mondays
End: On date
On Date: 9 November 2011Let me know if this doesn’t work for you.
We know that there is a lot to desire in terms of setting up recurrence events but I can assure you that we are working on it and a release that will fill the gap is on its way.When I initially set up the event, I don’t see “End” or “On Date”. I only see the options above those two.
9. Can you post the start/end date and time that you used as well as the recurrence rule that you set up?
I used this for one meeting as a test:
Start date/time: 16 September 2011 @ 1:00 pm
End date/time: 16 September 2011 @ 4:00 pm
Repeat: Weekly (also tried with Fridays)
(The last two options do not show up for me.)10. Added to the list of bugs, we will fix it in the next bug release (1.0.5).
@ Rik,
Great. Haven’t found anymore problems yet. Will the Monday update address everything or just some of the issues above?
@ ritabaumann,
It looks like a theme issue. It doesn’t look like the content wrapper for the page is containing the calendar (and the calendar is breaking out of the container).
It looks like the calendar is organized via a TABLE and the theme might have some CSS properties overriding that default TABLE tags (table, tr, td, etc) and causing the calendar content to break the container and be some exaggerated width.
A quick method of determining of the theme is to blame is to switch your theme back to default WP themes: Twenty Eleven or Twenty Ten. If the calendar doesn’t break in either of those, then more than likely your current theme is to blame.
(I don’t have your problem at all. I’m using Mystique theme on my site:
Found more problems:
7. Unable to change visibility setting in Edit/New Event page.
— I am unable to change the visibility setting of the new event or editing an event.8. Unable to set how long recurring event occurs for.
— There’s is no option to set the length of the recurring event. Also given a recurring event posting, I am unable to set a beginning and ending date and time for each individual event of the recurring event. Example: if I want to set up a meeting from 8 am to 9 am on Mondays and have it repeat only on Mondays for two months, I cannot do it. Same goes for private meetings that recurring at a certain interval only for a period of time. If I try to create a limited private event post, it results in #9 and #10 or a daily recurring event from the start date to the end date I set.9. Never-ending recurring private events are missing proper start date and time.
— After I post a recurring event that doesn’t have a end date and when I go back to edit the event, the start and end dates and times are set to 1/1/1970 rather than the start date and time I original set for the recurring event.10. Events where linked post is set to “Private” no longer visible on calendar.
— This is probably the single most frustrating “bug”. If I try to create private events where the post is set to “Private”, the event has #9’s problem and disappears from the calendar (even from admin view). The event no longer shows up on the frontend calendar, nor in agenda frontend view.