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  • Thread Starter acmac35


    Haha! Might help if I wrapped the code in code tags. Sorry.
    <div class="featured-thumbnail"> <img width="300" height="240" src="" class="attachment-writer-widgetfull size-writer-widgetfull wp-post-image" alt="" title="" scale="0"></div>
    <div class="featured-thumbnail"> <img width="300" height="200" src="" class="attachment-writer-widgetfull size-writer-widgetfull wp-post-image" alt="Formal silverware at an empty table." title="" srcset=" 3864w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1568w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"></div>

    Thread Starter acmac35


    The srcset is definitely in the image tag markup from my old site and the theme I was using. Here’s an example of the before (.com) and after (.org) (NEW)
    <div class=”featured-thumbnail”> </div> (OLD)
    <div class=”featured-thumbnail”> Formal silverware at an empty table.</div>

    Having the srcset is great, but I don’t think that’s what is causing my theme to use lower quality images than necessary. I’m thinking this is a bug in the theme and I’ll have to work it out with the Theme creator.

    For example, in the “similar posts” section at the bottom of each blog post, it includes a 726px wide image area for the featured image, but is using a 225px wide version of the image and blowing it up. Obviously that just makes no sense. There are larger images available for use, but it is not choosing those.

    Very weird, but I think I’ve figured out this is a theme issue and not a WordPress issue.

    Thank you for helping me sort through this.

    Thread Starter acmac35


    @joyously Actually you’re right. It looks like I loaded the images for “Will You Be Remembered At Work” and “The Power of Emotional Bookmarks” BEFORE I migrated the site to (The posts went live after, so I thought I had loaded the images after. Nope.)

    Is there a way for me to get WordPress to set the srcset and sizes attributes again when uploading the images?

    Is it possibly my new theme does not specify these values?

    Thread Starter acmac35


    @rizwanrafiq That image is gone because I deleted it. Sorry. I deleted all the wrongly cropped versions of the images (after taking the screenshot above) to see if that would force it to use a different image. (It does not. ?? Re-uploading the image will create all those strange versions again, but that does not fix why it is creating those strange croppings, and why it is using them in inappropriate places (low-res versions) only for this image and none of my others.

    @joyously I suspected it might be an issue with the new theme, but then I would expect it to use weirdly-cropped and low-res images for the “Will You Be Remembered at Work” and “The Power of Emotional Bookmarks” images as well. I loaded those images and blog posts in the new Theme on my installation and it’s displaying those images fine (using proportional versions) and using the appropriate resolution versions in the right places. It’s just this one image for “Fundamentals of Early Retirement” that is behaving strangely.

    Thread Starter acmac35


    @rizwanrafiq Do you mind clarifying what directories the thumbnails should be in? And what does “upload it properly again” mean? Have I been uploading my images wrong?

    Thread Starter acmac35


    Yes I do. Sorry. Should have mentioned that too.

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