Hi I found it and I want to share with you.
So If you have Ultimate-Member plugin installed and you import data using the ‘role’ column. If you specify wordpress user roles such as ‘Administrator’, ‘Editor’ etc. then it will only give it a wordpress user role, and leave The Ultimate-Member role field also called ‘Community Role’ empty and imported users don’t have access to Ultimate-Member pages. By default Ultimate-Member has 2 roles you can assign to users, then to pages to restrict access: ‘Admin’ and ‘Member’.
Here comes the tricky part: they use the same column in the Mysql DB: wp_xxxx_usermeta.role.
So for example if you assign it with the CSV import:
role = “Administrator” it would be a WordPress-user role.
role = “Admin” it would be a Ultimate-Member role.
took me a while but i’m proud ??