13 years, 1 month ago
cheers ive fixed it now
a custom theme i built my self with artisteer
But when you click text widget at the bottom you select the theme appearance which is default, sidebar block or simple text.
i want to create a second block
so its default, sidebar, block, block2 or simple text
if that makes more sense
doesnt work, just goes back to the left hand side thats why i wanted to create a second block so i could select block or block2 in the widget drop down
block one with title to the left block 2 with the title in the center
if you get me
no need now i figured it out, had to enable on each post for some reason
that doesnt help, i want to hide the contact button from all users other than admin
no thats not what i mean, first of all im using a theme i created myself
and i want to be able to create multiple static pages were there is nothing but widget boxs, not blog post on the page
if you create a new page view it and you will see theres like a blog post on it and thats what im trying to remove