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  • Thread Starter Devilish Concept


    Guess i wasnt thinking straight sleep deprived again anyways simple solutution to any one having issues with ultimatum.

    Uncheck the option on the plugin to use templates then copy the single event template and save it as a loop in your child theme for ultimatum and booya ya done

    Thread Starter Devilish Concept


    I understand what your saying but why would i want to buy it for features I dont need also your pro version is rather expensive not only that but its only valid for one years worth of updates not lifetime which is kinda a douche move.

    Especially as you ask for different membership levels if customers want to use on more than one site. Which i shall remind you and other devs that often forget wp plugins are covered by GPL which means you have given away the right to charge for more than one use

    Basically if i wanted to i could contact someone whose bought your plugin and offer them $5 to send me a copy and legally you couldn’t do much about it other than deny me support for it – But that would be a dick move on my part so i wont.

    But maybe its something you should think about, if you made you plugin cheaper you would more than likely make more cash than currently yes only for the first two years granted but like most devs you will be bored by then and wanna move on to something new anyways.

    and before you come back at me about gpl maybe you should check these out

    GPL Site

    Warrior forum dicsussion

    Dev Violation article

    i could post loads of these but i wont

    im curious on you thoughts though

    Oh an i left a review

    Thread Starter Devilish Concept


    No i havnt changed anything i dont think, the video just takes ages to load and doesnt play correctly when it has

    Thread Starter Devilish Concept


    Sorry thought i did include it, here it is

    Thread Starter Devilish Concept


    Thank you so much, yeah i checked and my theme had fitvid ive turned it off and now my mp4 video plays in chrome/i.e/ff and i just tested it on opera and it works thier too

    The only problem im running into now is it doesnt seem to be working on my android phone, it takes ages to load, the play icon is not to be seen,

    Can you offer me any advice on making it awesome for phones and tablets too

    Thread Starter Devilish Concept


    i know but mine doesnt lol

    Is there any plans to allow this in the future as i was also hoping to be able to add mp4 and webm to make sure the majority of people can watch the videos

    but yet this is still one of the best out there even tho it is really outdated and in need of some love

    if somone could fix it for mobile view it would be awesome and maybe more functional shortcode box, i.e import from media library

    somone one should really take over dev of this plugin (he says hopefully – doubt it tho )

    If you add the video in your shortlink add 1 with mp4 an 1 with webm and it works fine in all browsers

    The plugins fine your video format is the issue,
    add a mp4 and webm file in your shortcode and it will work fine,

    Also looking for the same thing, so anyone know how let us know

    Thread Starter Devilish Concept


    i didnt mean the admin bar i ment the admin menu backend

    also thats what im saying why not create a fuller premium version

    Thread Starter Devilish Concept


    Interesting comments and im glad to know these are some things you are working on but i still think the styling options are a must,

    It would just solve all kind of conflict problems if we could choose widths and hieghts for the items on single item pages and activity streams/gallerys

    I understand your trying to keep it lightwieght but dont you think your underestimating the use of your plugin

    Bp-Media is basically features as you said that buddypress should have built in anyways, it transforms a crappy plugin into a fully functional social network with features we all want an need making its a big part of buddypress sites but lets face it buddypress dont give a shit the unnatural slow progress of the plugin proves that, so i wouldnt worry to much about keeping it lightwieght and just go ahead and put in the essentials.

    Ive noticed padding is off for the media play bars.

    I would also suggest making a media menu ( ALL ) as the default profile tab under media instead of photos.

    Use icons for the play/mute items etc on the video player and music player.

    Remove upload of all the tabs and have it only on the upload page,

    Option for upload pics to be set as avatar

    Also remove bpmedia from the admin menu as buddypress is now in the settings it would help us admins keep our backend tidy to many plugins add on there rather than in settings which is where the stuff should be kept.

    I’m actually using this plugin on a local host to test things before i migrate my live site to a single install wp, ive just updated the plugin an noticed now i have bullet marks for the widget and still all listing down but like you said your working on it i just thought id mention it.

    And as for your premium addons i want to keep all my files on mywebsite not else where an not sent to be converted giving me complete ownership so its back to why not include more formats it in the plugin.

    I seriously reccommend you reconsider adding this plugin on codecanyon why not have bp-media+ on codecanyon with more features such as i mentioned and better support etc and have a free minmium lightweight version for here

    This way it would be worthwhile and i honestly believe it would be the highest selling bp plugin on codecanyon so the man hours would be worth it.

    Anyways all in all i think this is the best bp plugin out there it just needs some tweaks and i look very much forward to when you have the sitewide gallerys added

    Thread Starter Devilish Concept


    Basically i only used the import to get some basic information, i then tried editing events adding new information, images etc,

    If the feeds still active it just reverts back to the original imported event so your cant edit them if the feeds live

    i then removed the feed but kept the posts and edited which works fine but this then still shows the imported from another calendar which i want to remove,

    also whats with the links

    Anyway to change it to

    so remove the ailec_ and instance_id=

    Thread Starter Devilish Concept


    I wanted it show a little button like the allday button

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