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  • Thread Starter abieker


    Hmmm.. perhaps I need an update or something. I’ll have a few other people look, but I was able to replicate this on one other computer already.

    Thread Starter abieker


    Got it… although I ended up deciding to nest an icon image that links to the actual image. If anyone ever wants to put images in their comments though, this seems like a good way to go. Thanks for the help, Kafkaesqui.

    Thread Starter abieker


    Okay.. last part of my question…

    I don’t currently have a my-hacks.php file as I’ve just started modifying the original code. I DID enable hacks in my admin panel. Do I simply create a file “my-hacks.php” with NOTHING in it other than this array (and the ‘custom_tags’ true command) and then plunk it down in my root folder?

    Thread Starter abieker


    Okay… so I’m trying the second option, but being new to WP, I’m a little stuck.. when I copy the $allowedtags array, where do I copy from and to?

    if (!defined(‘CUSTOM_TAGS’))
    define(‘CUSTOM_TAGS’, false);

    // You can override this in your my-hacks.php file

    <i>OR HERE>>>?</i>

    if (!CUSTOM_TAGS) {
    $allowedtags = array(
    ‘a’ => array(
    ‘href’ => array(),
    ‘title’ => array()
    ‘abbr’ => array(‘title’ => array()),
    ‘acronym’ => array(‘title’ => array()),
    ‘b’ => array(),
    ‘blockquote’ => array(‘cite’ => array()),
    // ‘br’ => array(),
    ‘code’ => array(),
    // ‘del’ => array(‘datetime’ => array()),
    // ‘dd’ => array(),
    // ‘dl’ => array(),
    // ‘dt’ => array(),
    ’em’ => array(),
    ‘i’ => array(),
    // ‘ins’ => array(‘datetime’ => array(), ‘cite’ => array()),
    // ‘li’ => array(),
    // ‘ol’ => array(),
    // ‘p’ => array(),
    // ‘q’ => array(),
    ‘strike’ => array(),
    ‘strong’ => array(),
    // ‘sub’ => array(),
    // ‘sup’ => array(),
    // ‘u’ => array(),
    // ‘ul’ => array(),
    ); <i> >>>HERE? </i>
    } <i> >>HERE? </i>
    function wp_kses($string, $allowed_html, $allowed_protocols =
    array(‘http’, ‘https’, ‘ftp’, ‘news’, ‘nntp’, ‘feed’, ‘gopher’, ‘mailto’))
    <i>>>OR HERE? </i>

    Thread Starter abieker


    Thanks.. I’ll try that.

    Thread Starter abieker


    thanks oriecat… I actually had found that on my own, but was unable to make any of the options work properly. However, it is a good starting point for anyone looking for an answer to this problem so thanks for posting the link for me.

    Thread Starter abieker


    okay… I’m new to this… that’s all I can say for myself. Sorry to waste everyone’s time, but apparently, WP only searches POSTS and not COMMENTS. Is there a way to make it index comments and search them? Or am I asking you all to reinvent the wheel?

    Thread Starter abieker


    thanks miklb

    Thread Starter abieker


    Is there no simple answer for this? Since nobody’s posting in response, I have to believe that either:
    -This really hasn’t been tackled by anyone already and I’m going to have to write the code myself (which, I just can’t believe)

    -OR I’m asking such a stupid question that noone will even dignify it by saying “Hey, idiot, that’s really simple, you just…”

    Which is it?

    Thread Starter abieker


    Thanks, Ted… I really appreciate the help, but I was really looking for something more simple than that. You see… it’s not that I want to post pics for myself, it’s that I want to allow ANYONE who’s posting a thread (basically a classified ad) on the site to include a picture. To this end, I don’t want to require them to do any tagging (not even ‘<img>’) to get their pic up. They should basically just have to hit a custom button that says “include pic” and browse around on their hard-drive to open and upload it. I suppose I also don’t really need this capability with follow up comments so much as for original threads that someone is creating. As far as I can tell, this cannot be done with Gallery, but I could be wrong and if so, I expect someone will correct me. Thank you all for your time.

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