Hi there…
I am tried using above code to use doamin prefix (NTLM) instead of suffix. It doesn’t seem to work in my case. We have different NETBIOS as doamin name. Here’s the example:
Domain: us.it.local | uk.it.local | ch.it.local
So If I have to get authenticated with a server using us.it.local account, I will use usit\username and in case of ch.it.local I will use CHHIT\username
since your code split slashes \\ and put in as suffix, it does not work in our environment. Can you help me with a code where I can specify if:
username entered is USIT\”username” resolve it as “[email protected] and if username entered is CHHIT\”username” resolve it as “username”@ch.it.local
Sorry for multiple examples but I thought this will help.
Thanks in advance.