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  • Thread Starter abailey


    Throughout the code. Here’s a search result on Events manager with line numbers

    Find 'seperated' in 'Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\readme.txt' (12/19/2014 11:50:29 AM; 12/19/2014 11:50:29 AM):
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\readme.txt(719): * fixed blog search filter not allowing comma seperated values e.g. 1,2,3
    Found 'seperated' 1 time(s).
    Find 'seperated' in 'Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\admin\em-docs.php' (12/19/2014 11:50:29 AM; 12/19/2014 11:50:29 AM):
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\admin\em-docs.php(18): 					'category' => array( 'desc'=> str_replace('%s','categories', 'Supply a single id, slug or comma-seperated ids or slugs (e.g. "1,%s-slug,3") to limit the search to events in any of these %s. You can also use negative numbers and slugs to exclude specific %s (e.g. -1,-exclude-%s,-3). If you mix inclusions and exclusions, all events with included %s AND without excluded %s will be shown. You can also use & to seperate ids and slugs, in which case events must contain (or not contain) both %s to be shown.'), 'default'=>0),
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\admin\em-docs.php(19): 					'tag' => array( 'desc'=> str_replace('%s', 'tags', 'Supply a single id, slug or comma-seperated ids or slugs (e.g. "1,%s-slug,3") to limit the search to events in any of these %s. You can also use negative numbers and slugs to exclude specific %s (e.g. -1,-exclude-%s,-3). If you mix inclusions and exclusions, all events with included %s AND without excluded %s will be shown. You can also use & to seperate ids and slugs, in which case events must contain (or not contain) both %s to be shown.'), 'default'=>0),
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\admin\em-docs.php(20): 					'event' => array( 'desc'=> sprintf('Supply a single id or comma-seperated ids (e.g. "1,2,3") to limit the search to %s with the %s.','events', 'event_id(s)'), 'default'=>0),
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\admin\em-docs.php(22): 					'post_id' => array( 'desc' => sprintf('Supply a single id or comma-seperated ids (e.g. "1,2,3") to limit the search to %s with the %s.','events', 'post_id(s)')),
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\admin\em-docs.php(29): 					'scope' => array( 'desc'=> 'Choose the time frame of events to show. Additionally you can supply dates (in format of YYYY-MM-DD), either single for events on a specific date or two dates seperated by a comma (e.g. 2010-12-25,2010-12-31) for events ocurring between these dates.', 'default'=>'future', 'args'=>array("future", "past", "today", "tomorrow", "month", "next-month", "1-months", "2-months", "3-months", "6-months", "12-months","all")),
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\admin\em-docs.php(36): 					'location' => array( 'desc'=> sprintf('Supply a single id or comma-seperated ids (e.g. "1,2,3") to limit the search to %s with the %s.','locations', 'location_id(s)'), 'default'=>0),
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\admin\em-docs.php(37): 					'post_id' => array( 'desc' => sprintf('Supply a single id or comma-seperated ids (e.g. "1,2,3") to limit the search to %s with the %s.','locations', 'post_id(s)')),
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\admin\em-docs.php(67): 					'orderby' => array( 'desc'=> 'Choose what fields to order your results by. You can supply a single field or multiple comma-seperated fields (e.g. "event_start_date,event_name").', 'default'=>0, 'args'=>'Database table fields, e.g. <code>event_name</code> or <code>location_name</code>'),
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\admin\em-docs.php(72): 					'near' => array('desc'=>'Accepts a comma-seperated coordinates (e.g. 1,1) value, which searches for events or locations located near this coordinate.'),
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\admin\em-docs.php(258): 							'#_LOCATIONFULLLINE' => array( 'desc' => 'Shows a comma-seperated line of location information, ommitting blanks (format of address, town, state, postcode, region' ),
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\admin\em-docs.php(259): 							'#_LOCATIONFULLBR' => array( 'desc' => 'Shows a line-break (br tag) seperated location information, ommitting blanks (format of address, town, state, postcode, region' ),
    Found 'seperated' 11 time(s).
    Find 'seperated' in 'Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\admin\em-options.php' (12/19/2014 11:50:29 AM; 12/19/2014 11:50:29 AM):
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\admin\em-options.php(17): 				if( in_array($postKey, array('dbem_bookings_notify_admin','dbem_event_submitted_email_admin','dbem_js_limit_events_form','dbem_js_limit_search','dbem_js_limit_general','dbem_css_limit_include','dbem_css_limit_exclude','dbem_search_form_geo_distance_options')) ){ $postValue = str_replace(' ', '', $postValue); } //clean up comma seperated emails, no spaces needed
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\admin\em-options.php(439): 						$performance_opt_page_instructions = __('In the boxes below, you are expected to write the page IDs. For multiple pages, use comma-seperated values e.g. 1,2,3. Entering 0 means EVERY page, -1 means the home page.','dbem');
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\admin\em-options.php(1292): 						em_options_input_text ( __( 'Distance Values', 'dbem' ), 'dbem_search_form_geo_distance_options', __('The numerical units shown to those searching by distance. Use comma-seperated numers, such as "25,50,100".','dbem') );
    Found 'seperated' 3 time(s).
    Find 'seperated' in 'Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\includes\langs\events-manager.pot' (12/19/2014 11:50:29 AM; 12/19/2014 11:50:29 AM):
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\includes\langs\events-manager.pot(1679): msgid "In the boxes below, you are expected to write the page IDs. For multiple pages, use comma-seperated values e.g. 1,2,3. Entering 0 means EVERY page, -1 means the home page."
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\includes\langs\events-manager.pot(3094): msgid "The numerical units shown to those searching by distance. Use comma-seperated numers, such as \"25,50,100\"."
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\includes\langs\events-manager.pot(7972): msgid "If you're using the Google Maps, the more detail you provide, the more accurate Google can be at finding your location. If your address isn't being found, please <a=''>try it on</a> by adding all the fields below seperated by commas."
    Found 'seperated' 3 time(s).
    Find 'seperated' in 'Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\classes\em-object.php' (1/18/2015 5:06:35 PM; 1/18/2015 5:06:35 PM):
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\classes\em-object.php(51): 			'near'=>false, //lat,lng coordinates in array or comma-seperated format
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\classes\em-object.php(96): 			//Country - Turn into array for multiple search if comma-seperated
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\classes\em-object.php(101): 			//OrderBy - can be a comma-seperated array of field names to order by (field names of object, not db)
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\classes\em-object.php(402): 		//START TAXONOMY FILTERS - can be id, slug, name or comma seperated ids/slugs/names, if negative or prepended with a - then considered a negative filter
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\classes\em-object.php(767): 		//Filter by category, can be id or comma seperated ids
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\classes\em-object.php(800): 		//Filter by tag, can be id or comma seperated ids
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\classes\em-object.php(1136): 	 * Cleans arrays that contain id lists. Takes an array of items and will clean the keys passed in second argument so that if they keep numbers, explode comma-seperated numbers, and unsets the key if there's any other value
    Found 'seperated' 7 time(s).
    Find 'seperated' in 'Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\classes\phpmailer\class.smtp.php' (12/19/2014 11:50:29 AM; 12/19/2014 11:50:29 AM):
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\classes\phpmailer\class.smtp.php(315):    * and the message body being seperated by and additional <CRLF>.
    Found 'seperated' 1 time(s).
    Find 'seperated' in 'Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\templates\forms\location\where.php' (12/19/2014 11:50:29 AM; 12/19/2014 11:50:29 AM):
    Y:\html\\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\templates\forms\location\where.php(6): <p class="em-location-data-maps-tip"><?php _e("If you're using the Google Maps, the more detail you provide, the more accurate Google can be at finding your location. If your address isn't being found, please <a=''>try it on</a> by adding all the fields below seperated by commas.",'dbem')?></p>
    Found 'seperated' 1 time(s).
    Search complete, found 'seperated' 27 time(s). (7 file(s)).

    Thread Starter abailey


    OK found the BUG and verified it.
    I figured out that the difference comes from the fact that some of the browsers were logged in and some weren’t.

    Here’s the difference in the two queries.

    Logged in:

    SELECT wp_em_locations.post_id
    FROM wp_em_locations LEFT JOIN wp_em_events
    ON wp_em_locations.location_id=wp_em_events.location_id
    WHERE (<code>recurrence</code>!=1
    OR <code>recurrence</code> IS NULL)
    AND ( 3959 * acos( cos( radians(35.967) ) * cos( radians( location_latitude ) ) * cos( radians( location_longitude ) - radians(-83.188) ) + sin( radians(35.967) ) * sin( radians( location_latitude ) ) ) ) < 25
    AND (<code>location_status</code>=1 )
    GROUP BY wp_em_locations.location_id
    ORDER BY location_name ASC

    Logged OUT

    SELECT wp_em_locations.post_id
    FROM wp_em_locations LEFT JOIN wp_em_events
    ON wp_em_locations.location_id=wp_em_events.location_id
    WHERE (<code>recurrence</code>!=1
    OR <code>recurrence</code> IS NULL)
    AND ( 3959 * acos( cos( radians(35.967) ) * cos( radians( location_latitude ) ) * cos( radians( location_longitude ) - radians(-83.188) ) + sin( radians(35.967) ) * sin( radians( location_latitude ) ) ) ) < 25
    AND (<code>location_status</code>=1 )
    AND (<code>location_private</code>=0
    AND <code>event_private</code>=0)
    GROUP BY wp_em_locations.location_id
    ORDER BY location_name ASC

    The difference is in the two lines

    AND (<code>location_private</code>=0
    AND <code>event_private</code>=0)

    I’ve checked all my records and ALL of them are marked private=0.

    So I tried adding
    $_REQUEST['private'] = 1;
    to the query and this got the correct results! Because this removes the private conditions.

    The problem is a BUG where you require the
    BUT if that Location does not have any events this fails and the location is hidden even though it is not Private.

    You need to ignore event_private on a Location search. Locations should be shown without regard to whether the event is private. Only the Location private should apply.

    Hope this helps..

    Thread Starter abailey


    Figured out part of it. PHP5 needed the imap mod installed on the server.

    Next problem. Can’t find the tabs mentioned in the readme on the MailCWP admin menu or in the User profiles.

    Thread Starter abailey


    remote is origin
    this on hostgator VPS Centos
    git works fine from ssh
    cloned from bitbucket

    Just ran into the same problem

    add_filter('request', array($this,'on_request'));
    function on_request($vars){
      return $vars;

    Does anybody know what WP uses it for?

    I recently used version 3.15 and made some modifications to get it running properly on WP MultiSite and integrating with Moodle. It uses the Moodle database as the master as it’s more complete. I wanted to use WP for blogging instead of Moodle blogs and this should work nicely.

    Thread Starter abailey



    I got the crontrol plugin and I can see the backwpup_cron job in the list. There are several other jobs there for other plugins and tey are working.

    The backwpup_cron job has a date of 01/01/1970 12:am GMT

    Well that don’t look right so I deleted it. It was gone for a short while and then was recreated again with the same bogus date.

    Still getting the message that cron’s not working even though the email scheduler I have running is working fine.

    It’s broke on your end.

    Thread Starter abailey


    Tried 2.0.5 today

    Get a message on every page

    WP-Cron don’t working please check it!

    Don’t know how to check it. Setting don’t show that it’s disabled.

    Tried a backup.
    When I clicked th Run Now button the screen came back with a “cannot display the webpage” Cliccking See Working showed me the black screen whic was running a log. Does this everytime.

    It created the zip and tried to send it to Sugar Sync and failed three times.

    Of course got an error in the log too many retries.

    REpeated tries have the same results.

    Thread Starter abailey



    Tried 2.0.3 and it works adequately on most of my sites. The problem that remains is on starting a job the screen doesn’t come back until the job is complete. Then the black Working screen comes up showing the log.

    However I have one site that is totally messed up. I deactivated and deleyed all versions. Installed 2.0.3. Go to jobs and there is already a job there called “New”. Try to delete the job fails. Edited the job and got a new job called “Copy” and the “New” job remaons as well.

    Tried running the New job and got this error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function rtim() in /home/danward/public_html/ on line 221

    It also will not create the log and backup directories but doesn’t report an error like log directory does not exist.

    Looked through the database and can’t find anything with “New” in it so I don’t know where the zombie job comes from.

    Thread Starter abailey


    For zero charge items, which this is, it doesn’t go to PayPal at all. It just sends the download instructions.

    I do want to get a contact address in case some new problem comes up. It should not be your PayPal address. Just someplace I can contact you if needed.

    Thread Starter abailey


    Tried v2.02. Still not working. A few things behave differently but still can’t make a backup.

    Stsrt backup get black window. Let run for an hour or so. Abort snd check the logs and it has one line, aborted by user.

    Yet the 1.7.8 that I patched for 3.2 runs perfectly.

    Thread Starter abailey


    BackWPup Interim

    I patched up the 1.7.8 version and posted it on my website for those who want to roll back to 1.7.8 patched to work on WP v3.2. You can download it from here

    Hopefully Dan will get 2.x working soon.

    Thread Starter abailey


    OK. Just for the fun of it I took the 1.7.8 version and tracked down the problem that was causing grief with v3.2. It was mostly improper constructors in the list-tables.php file.

    I patched them up and tried it on one of my sites that is having major trouble with v2.01. It ran perfectly. Bingo. I can do backups again!

    Tried it on a couple of different hosts that were having the problem and it worked there too!

    Now my only problem is watching that update icon and keeping some one from doing an update.

    I really hope Dan can get 2.0x figured out, it looks like it will be real nice when the bugs are squashed.

    Thread Starter abailey


    I think it’s a bit unfair to keep blaming the host as the problem when most of us were upgrading from a working BackWPup installation. To blame the host does not answer why the the plugin could work before! Most have little control over the hosting anyway

    You might do better to re-release the last 3.1.x compatible version (v1.7.8?) with the bare minimum of patches to get it working on 3.2 while you work out the kinks on 2.0x. At least we could do backups. I’m sure any number of use would be glad to let you analyze what’s happening on our machines that are having the current problems.

    But don’t dodge the problem by blaiming the hosts.

    Thread Starter abailey


    Opps that should read WP 3.2 and 2.01

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)