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  • I think Yoast would have renamed the JS object to keep it compartmentalised from other JS Google Analytics plugins. I’ll make a note to update my blog post to reflect this, thanks!

    Also, I have noticed I missed a single quote off the end of that code snippet – could you confirm whether you spotted that?
    It should be:

    on_sent_ok: "ga('send', 'event', 'category', 'action');"

    So for an enquiry form submission, copy this exactly

    on_sent_ok: "ga('send', 'event', 'Enquiry', 'Submit');"


    Hi platypideigns
    Are these events tracking in Google Analytics under Behaviour > Events?
    Have you set up your goals exactly matching your events?

    You might also need to check out whether there are any JavaScript issues on the page when you click submit, too. If you use a browser with a console (FF, Chrome, etc), are there any errors there?


    Hi everyone,
    Firstly, thanks for referencing the article I wrote (here on Impression).

    I wanted to drop by for future visitors to help clarify any issues on this topic – I’ve subscribed to posts via email. Alternatively there’s a comment section under the article.

    @roundcape. I am always weary with pushing additional page views on your website in the way you have identified above – this will double those page views in your Audience Overview in Google Analytics and may be misleading. Events (as per my article) are a much better solution as the double page views are avoided, plus you can also store additional data – such as category, action, label, value).

    To sum up, if you’re using Universal Analytics, the correct text to paste into Additional Settings will look something like this;

    on_sent_ok: “ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘category’, ‘action);”


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Cant find code

    It should be in page, and if not, index!

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Cant find code

    It’s all possible, you just need to find where it all goes!

    Have you worked out what template file your homepage is using yet?

    Log in to WordPress, then go to the editor page for the home page. Then on the right hand side it will tell you the Template name (under the publish button box)

    From that, it might indicate what PHP file you need to look in, but they don’t necessarily have to follow the same naming patterns…

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Cant find code

    If you’re adding in the Twitter Widget, just copy and paste the code in before the </div> that corresponds to the <div id="right">

    I’ve shown the placement in a previous comment above.

    Is there anything else you’re trying to add in?

    Oops fair enough.

    Thanks, that helps understand where we’re at.
    Basically it sounds like your manual install (or something else) may have removed or damaged a core wordpress file, that’s why you’re missing all of these functions.

    Cross reference my instructions with the official guidelines; here.

    I propose we follow the following steps;
    – Take a backup of the database via MySQL workbench (and confirm the backup works!!)

    – Backup /wp-content/ directory via FTP

    – Backup /uploads/ directory via FTP

    – Backup your wp-config.php file

    – Remove everything

    – Reinstall WordPress

    – Restore wp-config.php file

    – Restore your theme folder

    – Restore your uploads

    – At this point your database should be untouched, and you’re likely to be able to still log in, and all the function files will be there as required.

    – Post an update when you get this far.

    Drop me an email [email address moderated – these forums do not provide support via email] if you need additional help beyond the scope of this forum

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Cant find code

    The single.php page is for single blog posts

    Use this to work backwards to identify which file it might be in

    That said, you’ve found the correct section, you just need to find it in the correct file.

    You may have a /page-templates/ folder, or a home.php , homepage.php front-page.php, page.php, etc… Just depends on the theme.


    Let’s take stock of where you are right now.

    Can you list what you’ve done, and what you’re seeing as of now?
    And anything you’ve tried since we’ve been discussing this thread?

    Some of your default WP functionality seems to have gone missing, which isn’t the result of editing a theme functions.php file, so we need to see what WP version you’re running too.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Cant find code

    Most likely in your page.php file… It’s your sidebar.

    Do you have a separate homepage file somewhere? It may also be in there.

    I copied that from the source code off your homepage, so it’s definitely there somewhere ??

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Cant find code

    Ok, so your sidebar.php file isn’t being used

    Can you see this;

    <div id="right">
    		<div id="next_step">
    			<div id="padding">
    				<div id="title">Just For New Patients</div>
    				<div id="text">
                                    <a href="/clear-path-back-to-mobility">
                                    Your Clear <br>
    				Path Back  <br>
    				To Mobility  <br>
                                    >>> </a>
    		<a href="/just-for-medical-practioners">
    		<img src="" alt="Just for Medical Practitioners">
    		<a href="/forms/"><img src="/images/insurance.gif" alt="Insurance Questions?" style="position:relative;top:-135px;"></a>	<a href=""><img src="" alt="find us on facebook" title="facebook" width="180" height="68" class="alignright size-full wp-image-1003" style="position:relative;top:-125px;"></a>  
    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Cant find code

    Does your page.php (or whatever template you use) include this text?


    Have you upgraded recently?
    That function should be in the core WP install..

    Here’s the function declaration – put it in your functions.php file just for now, then once you’re sorted, upgrade wordpress and remove this function declaration again.

    function wp_unslash( $value ) {
    	return stripslashes_deep( $value );
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