Forum Replies Created
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Where are files stored?Trad, do you mean that you want to try to link a post with a relative path?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: import-mt.php and unicode?The text file should be imported should be saved in UTF-8.
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: Importing from MT in 2.0 Betayup. I’ve noticed that the older importers (<wp1.6, which is an alpha version) are not written as classes but the newer importers (>wp1.6) are written as classes. That is, the importers are in beta version and so we couldn’t see the MT importer yet.
Hope that the MT importer is finished with the WP2.0 final. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Importing wordpress.com to www.remarpro.comhchan:
Have you tried to use the RSS importer yet? It is not a solution for ALL the old post (at your wp.com), but it is an idea as a help for the future.podz:
One of my wp blog has entries less than 1000. I’ve tried to set the RSS Feed number to 1000 posts for a sync (sync…import to another wp blog), but it seems that the max output of it is 150. Any idea?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Broken layoutsOh, this is my fault.
I’ve just checked the plugin list of my WP and I’ve noticed that I’ve activated both of the text formating plugins shipped with WP: Markdown & Textile.
After deactivating Markdown, a paragraph is wrapped by a “p tag” but not a double “p tag” (that is,
Thanks Kaf for the validation again ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Broken layoutsYes, to visit each post individually is a good way to track down the problem. By tracking down posts one after one, I notice that the layout problem is caused by the problematic post.
After clear up 2 “DIV align=center” tags and table combination, the layout doesn’t break in the post, and the layout of the main page doesn’t break anymore ??
Thanks for the validation from Kaf, and yes your guessing is right, the break is caused by table, fluideye.
By the way, after seeing the result from w3 validator, I’m wondaring why there is a double
in the posts. err…even I type plain text with no markup in WP, and I use an empty line to make a new paragraph. Do you think that the wired empty paragraph tag is caused by text formating plugins like Markdown?
Thank a lot again!
my main blog (with the default theme): https://aaronproject.no-ip.org/log-1.2/
my dev blog (with another theme): https://aaronproject.no-ip.org/wordpress-dev/As you can see, the layout problem has been fixed! ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Broken layoutsI’ve just switched back the theme to the default theme. The problem still exists: as you can see, the position of the sidebar is wrong. It should be in the right-hand side of the posts, but not leave below the posts, right?
By the way, what do you mean by “including your full layout multiple times”, Kaf?
Thanks, Kaf.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: alternative index file locationkaf, you help me to get out of the cloud ??
Now I know what does this sentence means in the WordPress Files.
Decides what to display based on the parameters that are passed to the blog. Included from any page that wants to display WordPress content.
It says “included from any page…”. However, I think it should be included once only for a script/theme. For example:
- Doesn’t matter is it “thesimpleindex.php” nor “narchives.php”, as they are individual files, the “wp-blog-header.php” must be included for each of them in order to make them function (they need the wp-blog-header.php as they display content from WordPress)
- When I develop a theme, I need to include “wp-blog-header.php” once only whatever how many files are written/created for the theme, as a theme can be seem as a big script.
Am I got the right concepts?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: alternative index file locationSorry, I think I’ve got the file wrong.The file that shouble be included is “wp-blog-header.php” (which presents in the root of WP), instead of the “header.php” (which present in every theme directory) which I mentioned in the last post.
By adding the code
<?php include('./wp-blog-header.php'); ?>
, The World’s Simplest Index Page works now.Now my question is: What is the wp-blog-header.php do? Does it hold the information of header.php and footer.php as a global setting and so the thesimpleindex.php knows where to find the header and footer in the current theme?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: alternative index file locationI’ve got the point about relative location between files. That is, regardless the file type (none of .html nor .php is matter), I should set the correct path in the call script.
However, which of the header.php is called (I see no header.php is placed in the root of WP’s directory, but in each of themes’ directory.)? And what is the relative location between the header.php and the thesampleindex.php (if I put thesampleindex.php in the root directory of WP “/htdocs/blog/”)? That is, should I specific a theme and type in the theme’s directory in the function
in order to make thesimpleindex.php works?Thanks for your help. ;P
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: alternative index file locationDo you mean that I should check the relative location of the header file from the script (thesimpleindex.php) that I install, whatever where the script it is?
If I’ve gotten the idea, the following should be right (assume that the header.php locates is “/htdocs/blog/”):
- I install thesimpleindex.php in “/htdocs/blog/”, and so I should set it:
?> - I install thesimpleindex.php in “/htdocs/blog/wp-content/themes/”, and so I should set it:
Anyway, the rule is to set the relative location of the required file from the index file manually, right?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to start to code myself archive page? (need sth to read)Thanks! The pages are helpful.