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  • Thread Starter aalaap


    @laszlo This sounds more like it! I’ll try this out and let you know.

    I tried using a simple redirection plugin to redirect all wp-login.php requests to the social link, but that even redirects links to wp-admin (because it also redirects to wp-login.php internally) to the social links! ??

    Thread Starter aalaap


    @laszlo Thanks for the quick response, but I have already perused those methods and I still have some concerns. I have updated my question with more information about the same.

    Sounds great! I had to make do with the old version by using plain text, but I’m going to use the new version in a new project and I’m hoping things go better then! Thanks!

    Can you tell us what is required from the theme’s side to support the watermarking feature in CF7? I’m working on a custom theme and I have the same problem.

    EDIT: I figured it out!

    I missed out on putting wp_head() and wp_footer() in the theme’s header and footer files (before </head> and </body> respectively. This caused some JS and CSS to not get included, making the validation as well as watermarking fail.

    I hope this helps someone!


    I found your blog post about this just moments after I posted in here, but that solution doesn’t seem to have worked for me. I’m still getting extra Ps and BRs in my code and my problem is a bit worse because the actual contents of the fields are modified and saved, not just wpautop’d during run time.

    I can’t find any solution other than displaying the fields as plaintext textareas instead of HTML ones, which means the CMS users will have to learn code to edit!

    Even I’m looking for a solution to this. My copy of Simple Fields doesn’t even have function_post.php and there’s nothing useful on line 357 of just functions.php

    Thread Starter aalaap


    Easily done via code!

    Sorry, I missed that somehow!

    Thread Starter aalaap


    Found this bit of code below that seems to demonstrate what I wanted:

    function get_related_author_posts() {
        global $authordata, $post;
        $authors_posts = get_posts( array( 'author' => $authordata->ID, 'post__not_in' => array( $post->ID ), 'posts_per_page' => 5 ) );
        $output = '<ul>';
        foreach ( $authors_posts as $authors_post ) {
            $output .= '<li><a href="' . get_permalink( $authors_post->ID ) . '">' . apply_filters( 'the_title', $authors_post->post_title, $authors_post->ID ) . '</a></li>';
        $output .= '</ul>';
        return $output;

    I’m gonna leave this thread here, so others can find it easily.

    What would be the best way to incorporate conditional redirection?

    For example, if I have a Products page with four sub-pages for each product, I don’t want it to go to Product 1 automatically; I want it to stay on the Products page which has a introductory write-up. At the same time, however, I may have an About Us page which has four sub-pages, but I want the first sub-page to be displayed when the About Us page is visited.

    I’d suggest using a custom field called “dont_redirect” which can be set to 0 or 1. It will default to 0 (false), which means if this isn’t specifically set to 1, it will always redirect to the children.

    Here is the entire code block modified:

    if (have_posts()) {
      while (have_posts()) {
        $pagekids = get_pages("child_of=".$post->ID."&sort_column=menu_order");
        if ($pagekids) {
          if (!get_post_meta($post->ID, 'dont_redirect', true)) {
            $firstchild = $pagekids[0];

    Now I just set a ‘dont_redirect’ custom field in my Products page, set it to 1 and the page stays right there!

    Thanks to wildpawtrax for the original code and MichaelH for the infinite loop fix.

    I’m looking to do something similar. I have a site with a lot of static content, which I’ve created as pages and set the homepage to one, a blog section, which links to the default blog, obviously, and a third “News” section which I’ve been wondering how to integrate. I’d like to be able to post news just the way I post a new blog entry, but I don’t want them to get mixed up.

    I believe the way forward is to create a “News” category and use the ACE plugin to exclude this category from the main blog stream, and do the exact opposite in the news section…



    I’ve been using Turbo on Chrome for a few days now. I can’t see any difference in the speed. I’m on a pretty shitty connection at work, so I’d really know.

    I had the 404 /wp-admin/ not found problem on my server with 2.0.2, but I figured out a workaround for it, here’s my post:

    Hope it helps at least some of you guys!

    – Aalaap

    I think I just figured out a fix. But first, a little background.

    I just installed WP 2.0.2 on my site and imported one of my Blogger blogs without any hitches whatsoever. Then i made a few changes here and there to my themes and categories and all that stuff. After that, I wanted to import the next Blogger blog of mine, but I had this /wp-admin/ problem. At first, I thought it had something to do with the permalinks settings, so I reset those, but that didn’t work. I deleted the .htaccess file, but it still didn’t seem to matter. Then I went to the filesystem to see if I could figure out what to do next by looking at the import\blogger.php file, but I didn’t see anything wrong out there. Finally, I opened the import tool again and saw this nice little “Reset this importer” link at the bottom of the page. I clicked it, and it asked me for my Blogger details again. I put them in, selected the other blog, and voila!

    I hope this works for at least some of you guys…

    – Aalaap (in the process of shifting to WordPress!)

    Thread Starter aalaap


    Yeah, its probably not too difficult to make one, but like most things on the web today, if you can think of it – someone’s already done it, so I figured asking around would be a good idea…

    I couldn’t even imagine that someone would already have made a plugin like vHost. I have around four or five blogs, each of which are for a different purpose and each of them are hosted on their own subdomain. Now that WP has categories and subcategories, I figured I could just put all of that into one blog. But I still wanted the separateness of the earlier setup – not just subdomain access, but also individual look and feel. vHost does just that. Once I get my blog setup, I’ll give vHost a try.

    There is so much WordPress to discover… I feel like I’ve wasted an eternity by sticking to Blogger. Anyway, its never too late. ??

    – Aalaap

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