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  • Thread Starter a_mulg


    Ok I’ve cobbled something together from my previous code and the examples on the pre get posts page but I’m not really sure if I’m on the right track, though I do know it isn’t working!

    What I have at the moment in my functions file is:

    function archive($query) {
        if ( ! is_archive() && $query->is_main_query() )
          return $query;
              $taxquery = array(
                'post_type' => 'reviews',
                'tax_query' => array(
                'relation' => 'OR',
                    'taxonomy' => 'actors',
                    'field'    => 'slug',
          $query->set( 'tax_query', $taxquery );

    I have reverted my archive.php back to the default one and added the line <?php add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'archive' ); ?> before <?php the_post(); ?>. Presumably this isn’t right and needs to be integrated into the loop somewhere?

    What I’m seeing on the front end as a result of this is a page that loads but doesn’t return any posts, and has the following error:

    Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in localhost\wp-includes\class-wp-query.php on line 3080

    That line is $this->post = $this->posts[$this->current_post];

    Sorry to be so slow on the uptake here, I’m still quite confused by a lot of this but hopefully I’m getting somewhere. At the moment I just don’t know if I’ve structured my query properly, and how I get that to pull in multiple taxonomies at once. I should also add that the ultimate goal is to display posts from across multiple post types as well, though I’m more concerned with the taxonomies!

    Thread Starter a_mulg


    Hi @bcworkz, thanks again for your help. I’ll try to provide as much detail as possible.

    On my review page, I display separate lists of Directors, Writers and Actors that are specific to that particular film. The query that generates that list looks like this…

    $term_array = wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, 'directors', array("fields" => "ids"));
                        if ( is_array( $term_array ) ) {
                           $term_list = implode( ',', $term_array );
                           $args = array(
                              'taxonomy' => array( 'directors' ),
                              'format'   => 'flat',
                              'separator' => ", ",
                              'include' => $term_list,
                           wp_tag_cloud( $args );

    That is the directors one but I use the same one for Writers and Actors, just with ‘directors’ changed to ‘writers’ and so on.

    When I click one of those taxonomies, it takes me to what is at the moment my archive.php page, with the query that we’ve been discussing. Each slug is just the name that’s been entered in firstname-lastname format, which shouldn’t ever need to change. That’s what’s being used as the URL (generated by an SEO plugin). I think if this data can be used to build a working query, that’s probably suitable.

    I hope that makes sense? If you need any more info please let me know.

    Thread Starter a_mulg


    Ok, that makes sense but I’m still not understanding how to make 'terms' => '$act' show the integer that corresponds to the taxonomy that was clicked? If I use the integer directly like 'terms' => 268, , it displays posts correctly but I’m not sure how to make that dynamic.

    I wonder if the problem is with my URLs, as when I click a taxonomy from the front-end, the URL it displays is eg. /actors/ben-affleck/, with no integer involved.

    Thread Starter a_mulg


    Ok, I’ve tried adding the specific number directly to the ‘terms’ part and it displays correctly on the front-end. However, when I try to use this line $act = absint( (int) $_GET['act'] );, it’s returning no results.

    I’m curious what the ‘act’ part is at the end of that string?

    What I have currently is now…

    $act = absint( (int) $_GET['act'] );
                $args = array(
                  'post_type' => 'reviews',
                  'tax_query' => array(
                  'relation' => 'OR',
                      'taxonomy' => 'actors',
                      'field'    => 'term_id',
                      'terms'    => '$act',
                $the_query = new WP_Query( $args );

    Apologies if I’m being dense, I don’t really know php and rusty when it comes to WordPress!

    Thread Starter a_mulg


    Hi @bcworkz , thanks again for your help. Unfortunately I’m still having issues getting this to work. The code below is what I have at the moment but it doesn’t return any posts. (I’ve included the start of my loop in case that’s part of the problem).

    I’ve double checked the taxonomy and post type names and they seem to be correct so I must be going wrong somewhere else. Any guidance is very much appreciated.

                $args = array(
                  'post_type' => 'reviews',
                  'tax_query' => array(
                  'relation' => 'OR',
                      'taxonomy' => 'actors',
                      'field'    => 'term_id',
                      'terms'    => 'slug',
                      'taxonomy' => 'directors',
                      'field'    => 'term_id',
                      'terms'    => 'slug',
                      'taxonomy' => 'writers',
                      'field'    => 'term_id',
                      'terms'    => 'slug',
                $the_query = new WP_Query( $args );
             <?php if ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : $the_query->the_post(); ?>
    Thread Starter a_mulg


    Thanks for the replies.

    I currently have Trailers, Features and Reviews set up as custom post types, and I use Posts for news stories. All of these share the same custom taxonomies, which are currently Actors, Directors and Writers.

    I want to tag all Trailers, Features and Posts with the names of the talent involved so if you click on their tag, you see everything they’re tagged in.

    However with Reviews, I have the tags divided by Director, Writer and Actor so I can show them separately, but when I click on someone in the Actor column, I’d want to see everything they’ve done as a Writer and Director too.

    What I gather from what @bcworkz has said, is that I should use something along these lines…

    $args = array(
    	'post_type' => 'post',
    	'tax_query' => array(
    		'relation' => 'OR',
    			'taxonomy' => 'actor',
    			'field'    => 'slug',
    			'terms'    => array( 'action', 'comedy' ),
    			'taxonomy' => 'director',
    			'field'    => 'term_id',
    			'terms'    => array( 103, 115, 206 ),
    			'taxonomy' => 'writer',
    			'field'    => 'term_id',
    			'terms'    => array( 103, 115, 206 ),
    $query = new WP_Query( $args );

    Though I’m not entirely sure what values would go in Field and Terms?

    Thread Starter a_mulg


    I hate to bump an old topic and it might be easier reposting but I never did figure out how to achieve this. Any ideas?

    Thread Starter a_mulg


    Any help on this would be much appreciated – I can’t find any plugins or tutorials that explain how this can be done. Has no-one had this issue before?

    Thread Starter a_mulg


    I just got it from within WordPress as normal. It seems to be old and no longer supported for the newest version though, so possibly something to do with that?

    Thread Starter a_mulg


    Weirdly if I deactivate the Show Template plugin, the pagination seems to work.

    That’s using this line on the static page front-page.php…

    $paged = ( get_query_var(‘page’) ) ? get_query_var(‘page’) : 1;

    Thread Starter a_mulg


    Hi alchymyth,

    It’s a custom theme I’m working with. This is the full code for my front-page.php…

    Thread Starter a_mulg


    Hi keesiemeijer, thanks for your help but unfortunately that produces the same results. The link on my ‘older entries’ shows /page/2 but on click, it just reloads the same page.

    Where does this code reside? Is this the primary loop, a secondary loop or in a page template?

    That code specifically is used on my front-page.php, with slight variations of it used on templates for individual pages.

    Other than the WP-Navi plugin, I’ve tried this link from WP Beginners but had no luck with it. I think I’ve looked at paginate links too but to be honest, I’m very inexperienced with PHP and don’t really know what I’m doing with it.

    Numeric pagination would be great but at this point, even the default working would be a relief.

    Thread Starter a_mulg


    vtxyzzy, I tried your code and it worked perfectly right away. It also works with multiple taxonomies,I just added them all to both arrays like so…

                        //Returns Array of Term ID's for "actors"
                        $term_array = wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, array ('actors', 'directors', 'writers', 'post_tag'), array("fields" => "ids"));
                        if ( is_array( $term_array ) ) {
                           // Join the id array into a comma separated list
                           $term_list = implode( ',', $term_array );
                           $args = array(
                              'taxonomy' => array( 'actors', 'directors', 'writers', 'post_tag' ),
                              'format'   => 'flat',
                              'separator' => ", ",
                              'include' => $term_list,
                           wp_tag_cloud( $args );

    Thanks so much for your help!

    Thread Starter a_mulg


    Update: I’ve managed to add a class to the first post so I’m halfway there but still haven’t solved the solution of having different Foundation classes.

    My loop now looks like this…

                // set up or arguments for our custom query
                $paged = ( get_query_var('page') ) ? get_query_var('page') : 1;
                $query_args = array(
                  'post_type' => array ('post' , 'reviews'),
                  'posts_per_page' => 10,
                  'paged' => $paged
                // create a new instance of WP_Query
                $the_query = new WP_Query( $query_args );
              <?php if ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : $the_query->the_post(); // run the loop ?>
                <div class="<?php if(!is_paged() && ($counter==0)) { echo 'featured-post large-12 columns'; $counter++; } ?> post">
                  <h1><?php echo the_title(); ?></h1>
                  <div class="excerpt">
                    <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
              <?php endwhile; ?>
              <?php if ($the_query->max_num_pages > 1) { // check if the max number of pages is greater than 1  ?>
                <nav class="prev-next-posts">
                  <div class="prev-posts-link">
                    <?php echo get_next_posts_link( 'Older Entries', $the_query->max_num_pages ); // display older posts link ?>
                  <div class="next-posts-link">
                    <?php echo get_previous_posts_link( 'Newer Entries' ); // display newer posts link ?>
              <?php } ?>
              <?php else: ?>
                  <p><?php _e('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.'); ?></p>
              <?php endif; ?>
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