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I’ve done some follow-up on my staging site and stripped it down. Deactivated all plugins except Events Manager, switched to 2022 theme. I still have the issue. What I notice is that below the footer I have large left, right arrows, and drop downs for month & year. Plus a listing of the dates.
#_EVENTIMAGEURL is the link to the image. #_EVENTURL is the link to the listing. So you can use the #_EVENTIMAGEURL as the src for an image, but use #_EVENTURL to link to the event.
This is the code I use in my event listing to display an image and link it to the event. (replace { with < and } with > or else it tries to process the statement)
{a href=#_EVENTURL}{img style=”max-height:200px;” src=”#_EVENTIMAGEURL”}{/a}- This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by a2withkids.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by a2withkids.
For your second issue, I would use the conditional placeholder {has_location}#_LOCATIONNAME #_LOCATIONADDRESS #_LOCATIONTOWN{/has_location}
{no_location}online{/no_location}Documentation on conditional placeholder: https://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/conditional-placeholders/
But, it looks like #_EVENTLOCATION is from when they added support for online events. I don’t use this feature as I aggregate events and was already providing links to events in a custom attribute and kept doing that for online events, but more details are here: https://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/location-types/
I can’t help with your first question as 99% of my events end before midnight. For the few that dont, I just end them at 11:59 and leave a note in the description that the event ends later. I hate seeing the event that ended at 1a showing up the next morning.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast Duplicate Post] Post Stuck in Rewrite ModeI did manage to fix mine, but in a former life I was a programmer who stored data in databases.
I went in using SQL in cpanel, poked around on my tables, and found where the rewrite references – the new drafts were in the database, even though I didn’t see them on the front end. I manually used SQL to delete the drafts, and more importantly delete the rewrite reference.
I made sure to have a backup, but I don’t recommend doing this yourself unless you have some SQL experience.
I don’t use bookings, but I use tags to handle this with other event listings. Give the event a cancel tag (I am using covid-cancel on my site to reflect events canceled due to covid).
Then use the tag conditional (https://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/conditional-placeholders/) to decide whether to display buy now or canceled. In pulling the conditional placeholders URL, I see there is a way to close bookings. So that might be the way to go.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Spectra - WordPress Gutenberg Blocks] Table of contents issueThanks for reporting. I just discovered the same thing. Looking forward to the fix.
As a future development, I’d love the option to customize the bullet format.
A custom recurrence pattern is near the top of my wishlist!
Both a multiple recurrence like your case,
And a custom list of days/time: the event happens 12/20 at 4-5p, 12/20 at 6-8p, 12/21 at 4:30p-6p, 12/27 at 2-5p, etc.Even better if it can have different locations for each occurrence item.
Many times I have the same title, description and custom attributes but with varying times and even locations.
Using a duplicate plugin, I am able to copy my individual or recurring event template to make them easier to add but they’re still not as good as having it in one recurring event.
Tim is probably using a duplicator plugin and didn’t realize it.
I use Duplicate Post and it behaves as he describes. I tend to forget it’s running.
It’s a free plugin available through the WordPress dashboard. But here’s their website: https://duplicate-post.lopo.it/- This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by a2withkids.
Those are pending events waiting for your approval. Typically submitted through the front end submission form. (Although maybe by other users without publish capabilities, I’m a single author site)
Display the list of events in the backend and select the pending option.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - Calendar, Bookings, Tickets, and more!] ical linkYour main calendar feed is <yoursite>/events.ics
You can access iCal feeds with placeholders for:
Single event: #_EVENTICALLINK
Events for one location feed: #_LOCATIONICALLINK
Events for one Category feed: #_CATEGORYICALLINK
Events for one Tag feed: #_TAGICALFEED
You can find url and other variations on the placeholders documentation page in support.One note when working with the iCal feed (I have thousands of events) – you can choose the scope of your feed under events – settings- events. Near the bottom you’ll have options for what is included. I have current and next month. All events or longer future horizons were too big of a drag on my server. But if you have less events you could include all or longer scopes.
Realistically no one is going to subscribe to my whole calendar, but might use a category or location feed.
My location pages seem ok, but I’m having a similar problem with canonical URLs on category pages.
So https://annarborwithkids.com/events/categories/age-range/preschoolers/
is canonical to https://annarborwithkids.com/events/open-swim-7-2019-10-16
Even the open graph URL and title are based on the canonical URL.Digging into a few category pages, it seems that the URL it is pulling the information from is the most recent past event in that category.
It happens both on a category like:
which is a hierarchical child category and where I have customized the description and featured image.
and https://annarborwithkids.com/events/categories/crafts-2/
which is a top level category where I have not customized the description or image.EM only allows Recurring Events that have a regular recurrence pattern. ie Every Monday, Every other Monday, First Monday, and always at the same time & location
If you have an irregular recurrence pattern, or varying times or locations, the built in recurring event function doesn’t work. For my site it’s typically a theater performance that is at 7:30 on Friday, 2p & 8 on Saturday, and 3p on Sunday.
What I do, is give all the events in the series a tag & use a shortcode to display all instances.
Shortcode examples:
[events_list tag=”Class 1″][/events_list] (displays future instances using your standard events list format)
[events_list tag=”Class 2″ scope=”2019-10-01,2019-12-31″]#_EVENTDATES #_EVENTTIMES #_EVENTLINK</br>[/events_list] (displays events from October through December with just dates, times, & event name as link)Your page is displaying properly for me too. But I’ve seen the same issue.
Here’s one of mine that has a similar issue – and Facebook preview pulls the incorrect information. https://annarborwithkids.com/events/categories/indoor-activities/
I know for categories, tags, locations, etc. You use a negative (“-“) in front of the id-number to get a not.
So category=”-5″ or location=”-10″, but town is a text field and doesn’t have an id number. You could try town=”-ROME”, but I don’t think it will work
I got the same email and was wondering if Events Manager would be updated to include this schema.
I’m hoping they’re more responsive to this than Gutenberg block editor compatibility