Forum Replies Created
I have.
thanks @thedavidpearson you inspired me to give it one more go and I got it to go!
I used most of @adminda’s code, put the ‘auto’ in the right place et voila…
/* Fixing the NextGen Gallery icon width problem with IE8 */
.ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box {
float: left;
/* next 2 are the Icon height and width */
max-height: 175px;
height: auto:
max-width: 200px;
width: auto;
margin: 0px 5px 30px 5px;
border: 0px solid #267026;
.ngg-gallery-thumbnail img {
/*float: left;*/
width: auto;
text-align: center;
}Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] [Plugin: WooCommerce – excelling eCommerce] breadcrumb issueA very loud ME TOO!!
If you Woo guys don’t want to participate in the forums maybe you could leave them up so your customers can help each other and SPEED things up a bit?
It’s incredibly helpful to see other problems and solutions (or just the problems!) Often times there is a fix you can use as is or modify just a bit and it will work.
With the ticketing system 1) no clear process trail, 2) no sense of anything happening, and 3)easier for you to dimiss an issue as “it’s you, not us” or “that’s beyond our support capabilities.”
@adminda: thanks — odd it worked for awhile. I just tried it — didn’t work for me — not sure how much to fiddle around with the settings since it looks PERFECT in FF! ??
@thedavidpearson: Your custom css file in theme editor.
Me too! ??
Same exact problem
Steve thanks so much for all your help! What a simple fix — disabling the Cloud Zoom plugin! My only regret is having bought that plugin before seeing yours! I’ve gone ahead and bought 2.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] [Plugin: WooCommerce – excelling eCommerce] breadcrumb issueThis doesn’t help you, BUT, I’ve had a number of issues with breadcrumb trails in my first WooCommerce project. The developers have been coming up with code to make it work correctly. Have a couple of sections corrected a few more to go. Have you tried the Woo Commerce forums?
Thanks — I sure hope this can work out!
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Images Not Showing; How Can I be Sure It's Set Up Correctly?yes, mapped domains using the plugin.
here’s the thing…..it’s amazing what happens when you forget the DOT on your .htaccess file … add it in et voila everything seems to work! so, I’m a little embarrassed by that but VERY happy I can get on with the project ??
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Images Not Showing; How Can I be Sure It's Set Up Correctly?ok — trying to be a little more scientific about this to see if it well help figure out what I’m doing wrong:
1. changed DNS to host’s DNS
2. Parked the Domain
3. Typed in newparkeddomain.com and it went to:
4. Logged into network and added site to network
now goes to newparkeddomain.oldfocals.com
5. Settings: Domain — mapped the domain to newparkeddomain.com — works
6. Site Settings: Info – change url from https://newparkeddomain.oldfocals.com to https://newparkeddomain.com
7. Changed Permalink settings to just postnameFile upload path is : wp-content/blogs.dir/7/files
File upload URL is https://newparkeddomain.oldfocals.com/filesthings that may or may not be relevant:
* I’ve only parked domains — did not create add-ons. (I think I did that on the first go around and then removed it becuase of 404 errors….)
*in public_html, where WPMS is installed, there is also an additional directory named oldfocals (nothing in it)
* in wp-content/blogs.dir there are the 2 folders for the last domains I set up I’m not seeing one for the first one metrofocals.comok — I sure hope there is something in all that that is useful and of course is a super easy fix ??
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Images Not Showing; How Can I be Sure It's Set Up Correctly?and another thing — SSL certificates. There is supposed to be one installed can all the sites on the network use it?? …maybe what I ought to do is read your book! ??
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Images Not Showing; How Can I be Sure It's Set Up Correctly?I just knew you were going to want more info ??
Subdomains, wildcard DNS at Hostgator
main site https://oldfocals.com
sudomains https://metrofocals.com (site id 5) https://globalfocals.com (site id 6)image with redx
I was having a 404 problem early on then it went away.
Is allowoverride set to all in your httpd.conf file?
I do not know and I flagged another thread where you brought this up and was waiting on that answer ??
fyi – had a heckuva time getting the first one, metrofocals.com set up working and then mapped. after I got the fix for the looping login and added globalfocals — piece of cake in terms of mapping and accessing. then I thought better start to work these things to see if they really work! and encountered this image problem.
and — true confessions — since I had pretty much decided before this that I was going to go back to regular WP I was rather indiscriminate about “things” I was changing. That’s why I’m hoping there is some kind of checklist I can run through from begining to end for how it should be.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Weird problem – Multisite admin login not successfulTHANK YOU! I think that solved it — and I had just decided that today was the day I was going rip out WPMS and just use the regular one.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Weird problem – Multisite admin login not successfulSame problem! ??
I’ve tried so many things to resolve it not sure what all I’ve done and where the hang up could be…..looking around the forums for a solution.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Two Dashboards for Each BlogBeer for everyone — this puppy is barking!!
Found these instructions for setting up a parked domain on an addon domain:
Did that and it all seems to work!
Thank you Andrea_r and Ipstenu for all your help …. I think I’m going to have to try this another hosting account with parked domains so I can get a better sense of the “flow” for doing this.