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  • Is there any more information on this? This is exactly what I want to do as well… I want to have a rolling blogroll on the main page (homepage of the blog) and then have a link to a page with the complete blogroll catalog…

    Any help would be greatly appreciated…

    WordPressStats 1.0 is the only one you mention that makes sense to my situation. I just installed it a few days ago… at the same time I installed a custom theme. I would lean that direction on this one.

    I have feedburner, but have had it for some time before this problem arose.

    OTTO42- might sound like a dumb question, but where/how does one change the default name of your theme to “default”? Do you do it right in the directory? I would check to see if there WAS a theme called “default” but I think I deleted it…

    Thread Starter 570thusaag


    Alison- you can switch off the visual editor on your profile. Go to the dashboard, click on the top right where it says “Sign out, Profile” and then click the box to turn off the visual editor.

    And the operating system I use is Safari. I check my stuff then in Firefox and IE.

    Thread Starter 570thusaag


    And, YOU, are a moderator? A Spokesman for WP?

    You have NOT, and I will say it ONE more time, provided a SOLUTION to the problems that were posted by me and others. You have instead told us what NOT to do after the fact. Great. We know now not to do that.

    You keep telling us how to NOT do something that is already done, and you have NOTHING to offer on how to undo it. This is kind of like talking to a free falling amateur parachutist about making sure that YOU inspect your OWN parachute prior to jumping from the plane.

    The amazing thing is, it appears you have been involved with WP for over 3 years or so, and the best info I am getting is from LAYMEN like my damn self.
    I will ask ONE MORE TIME. Do YOU, or anyone you know, have ANY flipping information on HOW to find a solution to the run off the side of the screen text on my SITE?

    I will say one more time- I don’t expect people or what they make to be perfect. I do, however, expect a LOT better information that someone like you have given so far, if in fact you are a WP moderator and have been exposed to the code issues for so long.

    If YOU don’t have any better information than to say “Just don’t do what you already DID!” then you are useless to me.

    Ask some of your friends. Offer it up like this, just for future reference:

    “I have seen this several times. Most often, it has to do with putting pasted text, or editing your own HTML. The best way to find out the source of the problems is “XXX xx xxx xxx xx “. Sometimes it is the theme. So, contact that person as well. I could be a plugin, so turn all of them off and test that too.
    Let me know what you find out.”

    Class over.

    Thread Starter 570thusaag


    Allison- email me…
    my screen name plus “wavecable (dot) com”

    Thread Starter 570thusaag


    Moshu said:
    <<<Because the wysiwyg is NOT for using your own code (and you do not have to insert ever p tags – WP would do it for you if you just let it work in its own way.

    If you want to handcode… turn off the wysiwyg. Period.>>>

    I don’t WANT to handcode. I handcode when the formatting is lost on edits…

    And since I have been forced to handcode, I fear I might have put HTML errors in my posts over the last couple of weeks. This would answer your other question:
    “Why are you using Tidy Up?”

    Honestly, had nothing ever gone wrong with WP, I never would have been IN the code, trying to FIX things, in the first place.

    Thread Starter 570thusaag


    <<<I have used Tidy Up

    I just don’t get this. You publish TEXT, not a webpage written in HTML… so what on the erath are you doing with tidy?>>>

    You are aware of the plugin Tidy Up? It is written for WP. It is used to check to make sure you don’t have errors in your posts (HTML).
    Asking why I might be using it means that you are not fully understanding the breadth of the potential problem. It IS possible that I have or had cut and pasted formatting from another site, when I for example, might have quoted a site. This may or may not be the problem. It is also possible that an idiot like me goes back in, after reading my post, to edit, and then I see formatting disappear, just like the other gentleman is stating happens to him. So in order for this layman to “fix” it, perhaps I have inserted hard HTML code to make it happen,… maybe I have made a mistake in the past with that… not sure. But to answer your question, the reason you use things like Tidy Up is because you are not able to completely understand the source of the problem, and you are not able to get better answers from those who might know- like say, the folks who write the dang code and live in the world of code.

    <<ckortman>>, you are right, and I don’t expect everyone on this site to know the answers, or to hold my hand and fix them. On the other hand, I don’t expect them to come back with my car after a test drive and say “I don’t hear the bump, so it must not be happening”… if you get my drift. Tell me my background image is too huge when I am dealing with a problem that prevents my site from even being read is kind like going to the Doctor, complaining about all of my insides not feeling right, and he says to me “You DO realize your shirt does not match your pants, don’t you???”

    Losing a customer- painful to anyone here?… No, you are probably right. But I am not interested IN leaving, nor am I interested in arguing with people who don’t offer solutions but instead keep insisting the problem lies with you, figure it out.

    <<AlisonMooreSm>>, what you described above is EXACTLY what happens to me when I try to fix the problem you describe. Post once, things are fine. Go back and edit, problems start to occur, and the text runs into a block without formatting for paragraphs. And from what I have read, this is not a “new” occurrence here at WP.

    Now, Moshu’s response is basically “That is your problem, related to your computer or browser.” In the world of computers interfacing with programs, that is akin to saying “I don’t care.”

    IMAGINE that I take the same approach with my problem, where when people who use Internet Explorer see the text field breaking format and flying off the side of the page/screen. “Your problem— it is your computer or browser.”


    The RIGHT response would be:
    “That is concerning.
    Do this for me- can you go and edit in Firefox, and see if it happens there? Let me know what happens there.”

    That is directing energy at a “solution”. “Answers” are not always “solutions”.

    <<<And as I said in my email: it is your computer/browser, not WP.>>>

    No- the problem really is, WP is not working with those browsers or computers, as you put it. Since WP is in the business of writing software for computers and browsers, I would humbly suggest that the problem is theirs, not “ours”. I don’t expect anyone to have perfection, or to kiss my butt and hand me a simple solution, but I also don’t expect them to say to me “your problem, figure it out.”

    Thread Starter 570thusaag


    These are answers, but not solutions.

    IF you have the problem I have on my site, what are the possible solutions?

    If it is code in the posts, how do I find it and fix it. I have used Tidy Up, and I thought it was going to fix it. Still have the problem in Internet Explorer (which is the only place the problem ever existed).

    I am writing the theme author.

    I have tried turning off all plugins (did not fix).

    Barring other approaches, I don’t have any choice but to redo the damn thing from scratch, probably somewhere else. .Mac, Blogspot, whatever.

    Thread Starter 570thusaag


    Thanks for the pointers ckortman. To answer your questions:
    No, the theme did not have this problem at the beginning. One thing I read today by a guy that doesn’t seem really happy with the editor assumptions in WP and TinyMCE is that once you save a post, it might seem fine, then if you go back in and change it, it starts making edits, possibly each edit. This does describe what I was seeing in my posts.

    At any rate, what he said was that sometimes, once an assumption is made that is incorrect, it is not always possible to go back and edit it out, as some errors go into parts of the style/theme code and you never see it again (unless you really dig for it).

    I am not sure I understand the rest of your answer, but I think you mean a clean install if I can. I have started a dialogue with the Mandigo author, due to another problem with a plugin conflict in the new release. Perhaps he can add some light here too.

    I am not certain it is a WP issue, or a Theme issue. My frustration here is, nobody seems to be able to give much in the way of guidance how to solve the problem. You have, and I appreciate that. I am not asking someone to fix it for me, but someone has to know the right direction to go and what to do.

    One other note- I was not seeing the same problem using other themes with the same posts… so, perhpas the Mandigo folks have an idea.

    Could you imagine a way that this could be a problem due to a plugin? I am going to try to disable all of them tonight and see. But I doubt that is going to be it.

    The reallllllllllly frustrating part of this is that I am only having to solve this problem because of Internet Explorer. The other browsers have no problem with this.

    Bill Gates is the richest person in the world producing second rate crap. There isn’t a thing out there that MS has made that someone else has not done better.

    Thread Starter 570thusaag


    I agree on the image- it has been in place since I set up the site. Unfortunately, I have much bigger problems due to WordPress essentially not working – and from what I am finding in the support (what paltry little there is) other people have had major problems with this. So unfortunately, right now, I could give a rip about a background that is too large. At least it loads the way it is supposed to, everytime, which is more than I can say for WordPress.

    I just spent about two hours “fixing” code with “Tidy Up”. Guess what? Even with all of the “errors” fixed, I still get formatting breaks on the page in IE.

    I am about ready to leap to another platform to blog on… this kind of crap should not be so prevalent.

    I am quite sure that turning off the wysiwyg is NOT going to solve the problem I am having, and have not been able to find an answer for. The problem lies in the code that already exists.

    Does ANYONE have any tips for a semi novice on how to find out what is causing this?

    Thread Starter 570thusaag


    site is

    Not sure why the link did not post in the last post.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: HTML issues
    Thread Starter 570thusaag


    Can anyone help with this????

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: HTML issues
    Thread Starter 570thusaag


    The general site link is

    I am assuming you mean a link to the site?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: BlogRoll
    Thread Starter 570thusaag


    Outstanding- I have not tried it yet (rushing out the door!) but thanks for the help Moshu! (Nice to get some help.. it has been kinda hard to get lately on several forums.)

    By the way, 2.3.1, Mandigo theme…

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