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  • Thread Starter 528491


    the link return a 404 error. Could you simply return these posts in the order in which they were completed?

    The link I wrote is only a dummy link, it is not a real link. It is just to give example. I cannot, because I fill/feed these Tasks and Subtasks in different occasions, so some newly entered tasks could in reality be from 2 years ago, and the other could be from 2 minutes ago.

    I am looking forward you add multisortable.js support in the future, it will benefit the plugin greatly. Just a quick question: I tried simply adding the folowing script to my WP site via Header & Footer Scripts plugin:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
    	//$('ul#list1').sortable('option', 'connectWith', 'ul#list2');
    	//$('ul#list2').sortable('option', 'connectWith', 'ul#sortable-list');

    However it does not do anything to the list. The list is still mono-sortable. Am I going in the correct direction?

    Breakthrough! It works! The above code needs to be included into reorder-posts-within-categories.php file. It did not work when I put it in header/footer because it needs to show in Admin, not Front end.

    Thank you so much for your help.
    Just as a feature request, re-ordering posts in parent/child structure so it reflects this exact way into Menu would be amazing. Or vice versa. I know it’s a long shot but it would be fantastic feature.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by 528491.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by 528491. Reason: Success!
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by 528491. Reason: Feature request
    Thread Starter 528491


    First of, thank you for answering so promptly!

    thinking you have something like this in mind.

    Yes exactly like this. Thank you for this reference.

    I am developing a Project Management solution in WP, specifically for keeping archive record of different Clients I done jobs for, which then parent numerous projects further parenting different Tasks which further nest Subtasks. The final purpose of this structure is for me to filter out specific tasks I did in specific period for specific client, to list them in a Category page (it is a multi-category filtering, in example: so it can be printed out as a Pdf listing all the work done for that specific period. I use this Pdf as an Invoice for client, listing all specs for each job completed, with corresponding prices/costs.

    why not just use category terms as menu items, then your posts would be listed in the page.

    Because I use multi-filtering to list specific posts on the Category page, not just one condition.

    would recommend the Shortcode in Menus plugin

    I will study this solution and get back here when done. The important part in the Menu is that all the parent/child structure of the posts (or pages) needs to be reflected in this menu as well. It cannot be just a straight list.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by 528491.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by 528491.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by 528491. Reason: additional information

    I need to point out though, for anyone planning for whatever reason to deactivate this plugin and then reactivate it later on to use it again, upon deactivation, all of your order structure will be gone and will reset to default order, and you will have to start ordering posts again from scratch. Backing up your database is therefore mandatory!

    Same question here. I’d be thankful for pointing me in the right direction of making the colors show frontend.

    Thread Starter 528491


    I think it is like the developers said, probably an issue of being hosted locally. Seen few threads like this in Google search. Try to test your installation on a live remote server first, it might work. Since I soon moved on to a different theme which doesn’t use this plugin I cannot confirm anything, since I don’t have time to troubleshoot it.

    Hi, I am not plugin creator, only user, but perhaps you should try and inspect the class that is holding the specific h1 tag and then add to it printfriendly class, as explained here:

    Use the custom css feature and then apply (styling) to the element you want.

    WordPress Only:

    Use our custom class names to include/exclude content. Add class=”print-only” to include an element and all it’s child elements. Add class=”print-no” to exclude an element.

    WordPress Only:

    Thread Starter 528491


    I will try. The thing is, in category page, all the post are listed in a loop, and end up being encapsulated in the <article id="XX"> tag. Each post’s id has different number (XX). WordPress does not recognise any child/parent relations between posts. It only recognizes different posts (id numbers). At this point, in order to do this, I would need to literally hardcode a class for each and every post id, which would be crazy if a category page lists hundreds of posts. I am trying to find a dynamic way of doing this.

    Thread Starter 528491


    Thank you, but how would I go about in targeting for example a child of a child of a post? Cause if I simply make indent for each post the category Pdf will print out:

        Post 1
        Post 1-1
        Post 1-1-1
        Post 1-2
        Post 2
        Post 3

    as opposed to:

    Post 1
        Post 1-1
            Post 1-1-1
        Post 1-2
    Post 2
    Post 3
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by 528491.
    Thread Starter 528491


    Just posting a follow up that I will try the other way around: make this hierarchy visible already in the output HTML in Worpdress, and then go from there to see if PrintFriendly can pick it up.
    Trying with Post Connector WP plugin.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by 528491.

    Much appreciated! I had this issue, my WordPress is in its own folder, so after any post it would lead me to 404 page and redirect to wp-comments-post.php. So I literally hardcoded the path to my folder into this line and it worked, but of course your solution is better so I will use your code.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by 528491.

    Hello, I can confirm that this happens to me too, I use CF7 Version 4.4.1.

    It is like reCaptcha’s div is overlaying the Contact form and you cannot type into the text fields. I resolved it by simply placing the reCaptcha widget *above* the form, not below it. Now I can type into my Contact form text fields. It is most likely the issue with the theme I am using, the way the theme uses Contact Form 7 plugin.

    Thank you so much for replying, your support is superb! I already succeded yesterday by simply selecting ‘Content Algorithm’ under Webmaster Settings, and after that the titles showed up in Pdf. Also posted this find in my now edited review. Will keep this new info for future reference.

    I still have some minor detail questions, for instance the hardcoded HTML snippet button won’t pull anything from the custom linked CSS, but when I hardcode the little php button snippet on the same page

    <?php if(function_exists('pf_show_link')){echo pf_show_link();} ?>

    , then it will, but then I have two buttons on same page, one printing only one post, and the other printing all the posts from that category. I guess I need to make this function call wrap the HTML snippet or something, so I can have only one button (the HTML one) on the page.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by 528491.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by 528491.

    This works, however it does not include each Post’s title, only content. What do I need to include in code for it to include titles of all posts from one Category?

    I agree. The OP’s review is highly incoherent/inarticulate.

    Thread Starter 528491


    Thank you kindly for fast and informative reply!

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