Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Breadcrumb NavXT] Error: breadcrumb-navxt and buddypressThanks @mtekk for looking into it. it seems to work now!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Follow] How to add styles to follow buttons?No worries, I found the function myself.
Thx, it’s working now. But how can I make sure extensions get updated automatically?
It’s AAM Plus Package v2.4.1.
Both the plus and teaser extension. But the content teaser option limit is still only available for individual posts.
I installed the extension but I still can’t limit all category post, there’s no limit option availsable. it’s still only working for individual posts…
Thx @vasyltech. Not sure if I overlooked it but is the Addon a onetime or yearly payment?
Sorry I did something wrong.
Just one little question, right now I have to set this inidvidually per post. Is there a way to limit a entire category adding a teaser message while just playing the excerpt?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Social links issuesHi bdbrown,
Unfortunately my site isn’t publicly available yet.
I could solve the second issue with social links not opening on mobile. It was due to trying to deactivate tooltip (see issue one) using css for tooltips display: none which made the entire link disappearing not just the tooltip when hovering.
Still having the issue with the tooltips. First css tooltip appears, a bit later standard browser tooltip via title tag. It’s worst using Edge, as one tooltip covers the other, on Firefox, chrome there’s a notable time lag before the browser tool tip appears, so it’s only notable if staying on that link via mouse over for a certain time.
The tooltip issue is even notable on hueman demo page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Breadcrumb NavXT] Buddypress and Breadcrumb Nav XTI added it and hope you’ll find a solution.
I can’t see doing anything differently. The error appears even when all plugins except AAM are deactivated.But I will do further checks and come back to you if neccessary.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Widget Area IssuesThanks for the clearification!
Hi Marcus, it’s not my theme, the issue started immediately after I activated your plugin. It’s apparently a common issue on mobile devices that input fields get zoomed in when on focus.
I did some research on the internet and found a solution
you have to set font-size to 16px for input fields, using em 1 had to set it to 1.125em to work. As all my other form fields had correct font-size, I only noticed when using your plugin. It even happens on wordpress main site on mobile version.
I added this peace of css:
@media only screen and (max-width: 719px) { input, textarea {font-size: 1.125rem!important; } }
Now everything works fine again.
Thanks @angelo_nwl for trying to help.
I now added the code
remove_filter('em_event_save','bp_em_record_activity_event_save', 10, 2); remove_filter('em_booking_set_status','bp_em_record_activity_booking_save', 100, 2); remove_filter('em_booking_save','bp_em_record_activity_booking_save', 100, 2); remove_filter('em_booking_delete','bp_em_record_activity_booking_save', 100, 2);
to my functions.php. Is this correct?
Anyway, now events don’t get displayed in the activity loop (as desired).
But the first issue still persists.
Do you (or anyone else) know how to remove the select option ‘Bookings’ and ‘Events’ from the Activity dropdown box?
It would be so much easier if Events manager would allow an option to enable or disable buddypress integraton by one click… Unfortunately I’m not a php expert.
New events are still getting displayed in the actvity loop. Weird.