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  • Thread Starter 3pepe3


    In fail2ban I implemented the next feature :
    This is a nice option because on the same server I have several sites and with this I can be sure that this kind of attacks will be blocked (this will work only if they try 2 times… and yesterday was not the case, it was a different IP each time).

    And maybe I will set this approach too, but it means that I will need to send an email to each client and I will take the risk that something crashes:

    There are some points that bother me with the wp-login.php file…

    case 'lostpassword' :
    case 'retrievepassword' :

    Why we cant trigger an action ?

    Also since a few projects I always change the file structure :


    $protocol = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443)? "https://" : "https://";
    $server_name = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
    $doc_root =  $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ;
    define('WP_SITEURL', $protocol . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
    define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', $doc_root . '/content' );
    define('WP_CONTENT_URL', $protocol . $server_name . '/content');
     define('WP_PLUGIN_DIR', $doc_root . '/plugins' );
     define('WP_PLUGIN_URL', $protocol. $server_name .'/plugins');

    Now I need to figure out how can we prevent the attempts from login on sites where xmlrcp is enabled.

    Also prevent all the “Lost Password” attempts.

    :'( too much work

    Thread Starter 3pepe3


    Well…xmlrpc has been disabled with
    add_filter( 'xmlrpc_enabled', '__return_false' );

    but now let’s see if there is a filter or action to prevent the recovery password and logging attempts using wp-login.php

    maybe the straight forward solution would be in the .htaccess

    Thread Starter 3pepe3


    Thanks… I never use an admin account.
    Also I disable the archive for authors.
    and all my user accounts are e-mails.

    Use e-mail prevents showing the real admin account name in archives, blog authors, etc.

    Ex. [email protected] will result on
    and for all my passwords I use something very simple.
    so password would be: +H1$1$m1svp3r$1t3

    Well, tomorrow I will test this :
    add_filter( 'xmlrpc_enabled', '__return_false' );

    I feel that server will be down this night :'(

    Also tomorrow I will try to figure out if fail2ban can handle this.

    Thread Starter 3pepe3


    Actually reading all my logs I have hundred of connections per second.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Projects VS Pages

    “Projects” must be a custom post type from your theme or plugin.

    Thread Starter 3pepe3


    Too much lines and several files… so no that’s not an option

    Thread Starter 3pepe3


    By the way there are some plugins that are more tricky to disable because they implement a custom edition screen.

    For example tablepress is a tricky one but with my modifications you can add in your themes function the next code (filter):

    add_filter( 'qtrans_testCustomPostType', 'exclude_posttype_tablepress', 10, 0 );
    function exclude_posttype_tablepress(){
        global $current_screen;
        if( defined( 'TABLEPRESS_ABSPATH' ) && $current_screen->base == 'tablepress_edit' || $_POST['action'] == 'tablepress_edit' ) {
            return 'tablepress_table' ;
    Thread Starter 3pepe3


    Well I can do that but I really don’t like to work with exceptions when working with a framework.

    The condition to get the post_type of tablepress is kind of dirty and must be configured by hand :

    function qtrans_customTest($test_parent_screen,$test_action, $post_type){
    		$screen = get_current_screen();
    		$current_parent_screen = $screen->parent_base;
    		if(!$current_action = $screen->action){
    			$current_action = $screen->base;
    			$test_action = $current_parent_screen.'_'.$test_action  ;
    		return ($current_parent_screen == $test_parent_screen && $current_action == $test_action) ? $post_type : false;

    And the condition :

    if( defined( 'TABLEPRESS_ABSPATH' ) && $post_type = qtrans_customTest('tablepress', 'edit', 'tablepress_table') ){
    		return $post_type ;

    That would be great if tablepress return WP_Screen with all the variables filled in the object.
    Well this is my 2 cents ??

    thanks for the support

    Is there any way we can contribute and push modification ?

    Thread Starter 3pepe3



    Thanks you for this great plugin.

    Most of the time I use mqtranslate for the multilingual sites. So I’m adding a feature so the admin can chose the custom post types that don’t require mqtranslate. Or the custom post type that get corrupted by the mqtranslate (the case of tazblepress).

    I already fix this problem for several plugins (cform7, cpt-onomies, etc) where I didn’t have a problem to get the post_type but in tablepress I’m unable to retrieve the post_type.

    Exemple I’m in :

    In this screen I’m trying to retrieve the post_type
    like this

    function qtrans_disableTranslation(){
    	global $q_config;
    	echo "<pre>"; var_dump(qtrans_getCurrentPostType()) ; echo "</pre>"; //Tablepress always return null or wrong post_type
    	if( in_array(qtrans_getCurrentPostType(), $q_config['ignored_custompost'] ) ) {
    		define('QT_DISABLED', true);
    		return false;
    	return true;
    function qtrans_admin_notice_disabled_bypost() {
    	<div class="update-nag">
    		<p><?php _e( 'Translation disabled on this post type', 'mqtranslate' ); ?></p>
    add_action( 'admin_notices', 'qtrans_admin_notice_disabled_bypost' );
    function qtrans_getCurrentPostType() {
    	global $post, $typenow, $current_screen, $post_type;
    	if( $post_type ) return $post_type;
    	$post_id = ( isset($_GET['post']) ) ? $_GET['post'] : ( isset($_POST['post_ID']) ) ? $_POST['post_ID'] : 0;
    	$post = NULL;
    	$post_type_object = NULL;
    	if ( $post_id && $post = get_post($post_id) ) {
    		if ( $post_type_object = get_post_type_object($post->post_type) ) {
    			return $post_type_object->name;
    	} elseif ( isset($_POST['post_type']) && $post_type_object = get_post_type_object($_POST['post_type']) ) {
    		return $post_type_object->name;
    	}  elseif( $typenow ){
    		return $typenow;
    	} elseif( $current_screen && $current_screen->post_type ){
    		return  $current_screen->post_type;
    	} elseif( isset( $_REQUEST['post_type'] ) ){
    		return  sanitize_key( $_REQUEST['post_type'] );
    	}elseif (get_post_type($_REQUEST['post'])){
    		return get_post_type($_REQUEST['post']);
    	//last chance to get the post_type (this can be wrong)
    	$regex = "/^.*(id)$/i";
    	$vars = array();
    	foreach($_GET as $name=>$value) {
    		if(preg_match($regex, $name)) {
    			$vars[$name] = $value;
    			if ( $post = get_post($value) ) {
    				if ( $post_type_object = get_post_type_object($post->post_type) ) {
    					return  $post_type_object->name;
    	return "undefined_posttype";

    At the end of qtrans_getCurrentPostType I’m doing a loop to see if we have in the query something like xxxx_id and try to guest the posttype by that ID… but in tablepress table_id is not the same as the post’s id.
    So for example in my case table_id=24 will uses the wp_posts with the ID 586

    MMMMhhhh…. hope I was clear.
    By the way I tried several actions in the add_action ( without success

    Indeed… the method clearMenuCache from GantryWidgetMenu must have and argument to get ride of the warning.

    Another solution is to copy menu.php from the directory widgets from the gantry plugin into the folder widgets of your theme and remove the argument from the clearMenuCache function.


    then replace
    public static function clearMenuCache($menu_id)
    public static function clearMenuCache()

    GantryWidgetMenu has a lot of functions with unused argument… for me these class must be cleaned.

    Thread Starter 3pepe3


    Well I kind of found a dirty work around… with this method I’m still loosing some serialized data (data from another plugin but with less options to fix).

    So I did a dump of the original database.
    Then in notepad++ I replaced : –>
    Then again replace from :
    /srv/dev/www/ –> /srv/prod/www/
    And finally : –>

    Now your dump.sql is ready for the new server.

    Thread Starter 3pepe3


    So gantry is loading almost everything as expected :

    • rt_gantry_wp-template-options-override-assignments-xxx
    • rt_gantry_wp-template-options-override-sidebar-xxx
    • rt_gantry_wp-template-options-override-widgets-xxx

    But gantry is not loading :

    • rt_gantry_wp-template-options
    • rt_gantry_wp-template-options-override-xxx

    So is loading rt_gantry_wp-template-options and creating the correct _transient_GantryAdmin-4.1.1-gantry
    While is NOT loading rt_gantry_wp-template-options and instead I have the default gantry configuration with an extra transient. So at the end I have _transient_Gantry-gantry and _transient_GantryAdmin-4.1.1-gantry

    Not working with the latest version of gantry

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