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  • Plugin Author 3dolab


    Glad you managed to solve any possible conflicts by using the original Collapsing Archives plugins for jQuery

    Plugin Author 3dolab


    Everything’s automated.
    As you enter your associated email address in the comment form, the image will be displayed.

    The URL field in the admin options screen is meant to provide a custom default image to override the standard ones (mystery man, identicon, monsterid, etc). That image will be loaded if the commenting user has no Gravatar.

    Plugin Author 3dolab


    I can confirm that this should not happen.
    I had some trouble while adding version 1.6 to the repository: most files were missing during the first attempt. Something might have gone wrong with your setup.

    Please try a fresh new install after having completely removed the plugin.
    Let me know if it helps.

    I guess there is a plugin conflict between Social Connect and Simple Twitter Connect.
    I just enabled STC Base (not the STC Login extension) and Social Connect: when both are activated, logging in through Social Connect would lead to a callback.php blank popup, without redirecting the main window.

    After having disabled STC Base, I found that Social Connect is able to register and login through Twitter.

    Please, someone, help us to make these crucial plugins work together!

    Thread Starter 3dolab


    Whoooo it’s nice to ask and answer my own questions ??
    It’s all about javascript… I’ve just added an additional condition to connect.js (line 109) and now everything seems to work!

    so, replace

    if(!jQuery('#loginform').length) {
    		if(jQuery('#registerform').length) {
    			// if register form exists, just use that
    			form_id = '#registerform';
    		} else {


    if(!jQuery('#loginform').length) {
    		if(jQuery('[id^=loginform]').length) {
    			// Theme My Login widgets
    			form_id = '#' + jQuery('[id^=loginform]').eq(0).attr('id');
    		} else if(jQuery('#registerform').length) {
    			// if register form exists, just use that
    			form_id = '#registerform';
    		} else {

    Login With Ajax still doesn’t work, though.
    Adding another condition in javascript (to submit #LoginWithAjax_Form) and checking submission with function sc_ajax_login (in social connect.php) will simply make it throw out an “empty username / password” error.

    I’ve found a quick and dirty workaround, by using an hidden Theme My Login widget where it isn’t already present, so the Social Connect flow could go through that instead of the LWA form.

    However, any hint would be highly appreciated.

    Thread Starter 3dolab


    Why is the init hook invoked multiple times

    I was able to track the requests through Firebug and it reports no 404s, but just a couple of index.php?wpsc_user_dynamic_css=true… and index.php?wpsc_user_dynamic_js=true…

    However, considering these variables is still not enough: Live HTTP Headers detects a connection to the site root (the referrer is the cart page) as the very last thing that gets loaded.
    That’s the culprit, but I don’t know where it comes from.



    Awww I think the first guess was almost right:
    it was all about just adding
    add_filter( 'the_content', 'wpsc_single_template', 12 );
    after every apply_filters to the_content in sfc-base.php and sfc-meta.php

    * and not add_filter => apply_filters => remove_filter
    as previously explained



    Seems that I’ve talked too soon.
    The problem still remains: the fact is that SFC base stops WPEC from applying its filter (and then loading the product page template).
    Shortcodes seem not being involved in this case.
    Only single (is_singular) product pages are affected, not the homepage.
    WPEC missed conditions should be:
    if ( 'wpsc-product' == $wp_query->post->post_type && !is_archive() && $wp_query->post_count <= 1 )

    I have to disable any filter in sfc_base_make_excerpt, sfc_media_handler, sfc_media_find_images and sfc_media_find_video in order to get the content back to be loaded within the correct template file.

    What I’m missing, is how SFC could ever manipulate all that, only by applying filters to internal “placeholder” variables like $content or $text?
    I guess that some global variable alteration is occurring somewhere in the plugin. Am I wrong?

    BTW, what does $id refer to in sfc-base.php at line 503?



    I guess the culprit is the function wpsc_single_template in WPEC/includes/theme.functions.php, since it does remove its own filter.

    It’s really ugly to see, but I’ve found a simple workaround by editing the same sfc-base.php and sfc-media.php to (re)add and then remove again the filter ‘wpsc_single_template’ to ‘the_content’ around where filters get applied



    in effect, apart from static WPEC page templates (triggered by shortcodes) that aren’t posted to FB, this should be a case where the shortcode output doesn’t matter to FB (could it really embed a js image slideshow?)
    anyway, I don’t want the bracketed [shortcode] itself to get shown: do you think I should take care of any remaining custom queries or the content filter thing should lead to another approach?

    thank you for your help



    I’ve been experiencing a similar problem when using SFC in conjunction with a slideshow plugin and WPEC, which heavily relies on shortcodes and custom templates.

    On single products (custom post type), when just SFC-Base is activated the site displays only the text content.

    Unfortunately, swapping the $post object and running wp_reset_postdata() seems quite useless, or anyway it’s a bit hard to keep track of every manipulation in such a complex plugin as WP E-Commerce.

    So, it may not be elegant but I found it much easier to directly edit SFC, by simply commenting sfc-base.php at line 574 and replacing sfc-media.php at line 18 with $content = $post->post_content; in order to prevent filters from being applied to the content.

    It seems that a javascript localization file is getting loaded when activating the “follow button” widget.

    Unfortunately, the text is still in english.

    E.G. in the Firebug NET console I can see that my italian site tries to load without success (wheel keep spinning), then it seems able to get 207kb but the “reply” content is empty!
    If looking at the same address from a new browser tab, one can clearly see that there is a string translation for “Follow %{user} on Twitter”.

    According to the Anywhere Dev Group, italian language should be supported, however I could find official docs just for the normal follow button, but nothing about @anywhere localization.

    Can you please help me to figure out how I could get the button translated? The same seems to apply also to the “Sign In” button.

    Thanks robscott, I would really like to test your patched script and maybe further improve it, if necessary & possible.

    Can you please paste it to a site like codepad or pastebin?

    I guess we have to add some fields in the product admin screen in order to set gtin & mpn codes, brands, product categories, product types and everything is needed to properly submit the feed to Google Base.

    I made my choice to use this plugin mainly because of this feature (btw, as listed in its description), I do absolutely need it and don’t want to migrate to WPEC!

    Thread Starter 3dolab


    Well, I’ve dug a little into the source code and placed some die(); here and there.
    This made me eventually able to discover that the plugin hogs my site because of the CheckForTermOrderColumn() function (line 149).
    I guess that the query

    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.COLUMNS
    				TABLE_NAME = '$wpdb->terms'
    				AND COLUMN_NAME = 'term_order'

    is the main culprit, as it seems that $wpdb->get_var is being prevented from accessing the information_schema table.

    I still don’t know whether it’s the WordPress default behaviour or a limit set by the host, but then I’ve replaced that query with
    SHOW COLUMNS FROM $wpdb->terms LIKE 'term_order';
    (checking if(empty($row_count)) instead of if($row_count==0))
    and everything eventually goes at full speed.

    However, further testing may be needed to determine if this could be a reliable workaround.

    I tried any possible conditional tags, including is_front_page() or is_singular(), only to realize that it would never work, since the ‘init’ hook is too early for them.

    Scripts and styles should be moved in another function outside qpw_init and then added as action to the ‘wp’ or ‘wp_print_scripts’ hook.

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