Forum Replies Created
Sadly, no. :-/ I received a couple of snarky responses from moderators on a different forum post and the converting plugin has been completely abandoned with no known replacement. Their advice was to simply hire a developer.
I had better luck with the TextPattern forum people, but in the end had a WordPress developer proficient in siphoning out database information compile the blog data in a CSV format for me to import. Lost a bit of Category information, but overall got the info injected into WordPress as best as could be expected…. so, in a sense I ended up following the original advice, I guess.
Good luck.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: plugins by 'wordpressdotorg' not attended to / updatedJust FYI to others looking to migrate from TextPattern to WordPress (the core issue of this post)…
Developers on the TextPattern support forum were quite helpful & quick to relay a great resource available via GitHub:
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: plugins by 'wordpressdotorg' not attended to / updatedokey-dokey.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: plugins by 'wordpressdotorg' not attended to / updatedUm, yeah — I already assumed it’s not supported. The question is, why? It’s username: “wordpressdotorg” links to www.remarpro.com — so is it via the .org development ‘team’ or not? If so, then that account should be cleaned up and/or manned (or womanned?) appropriately, not just left out there to rot and disappoint Support requests with no responses… that’s just poor all-around.
Yes, I did the Google search thing. Nothing. Even contacted a guy who wrote an article about it a couple years back. He’s no longer even using WordPress at all… probably because of some of these same issues — support inquiries and requests get stuck in seemingly endless loops instead of coming to some resolution.
As to “hire someone”, that “someone” is myself — and this “hire” wants to know how to do something like this with the use of plugins and/or other available resources instead of chasing down long-neglected features that seem to be put out there by www.remarpro.com itself (according to the user account on record as making the import plugin).
So, thanks for the hasty reply, WPyogi, but I’m afraid it was just that — a hasty reply that isn’t of much help.
Ah, thanks! I was not going to the Reg. Subscribers (not enough clicks-in)… Much appreciated.
Understood. What if only 1 admin would like to know that a new post has been sent out? For instance, I get notifications of the blogger that state:
“Joe Public has posted a new item, ‘5 Tips to Grilling'”
Is that a function that can also be sent per admin, or is it locked into sending to all admins without some heavier lifting from a coding standpoint?
So, where does the admin change manifest itself when these 2 edits are implemented? I have 1 blog that isn’t sending me updates anymore, while the other still does… not sure what to instruct the Post-er to do or not-do. Can you give me insight as to what now happens when a new Post is made and how/where this filter comes into play?
Got it.
I also have added the 2 edits you suggested earlier. The functions.php file now contains the my_admin_filter and I overwrote the class-s2-frontend.php file you referred me to. We’ll see how it goes!
Steve C.
3CstudioOK, in: Subscribe2 > Settings > Templates, I see:
for the Subject: line now…. That is what it defaulted to — shouldn’t the default have been {TITLE}, or no?
Just curious — thanks for clearing that up for me, and wondered if you could consider making that in brackets “out of the box” on the next iteration.
Thanks for the info! I’ll get back to you on what I originally inquired about at the start of this post. ??
Steve C.
3CstudioOK, back to working into this today — got a side issue:
The Subject is not working…
Subject: [Poppy Fields Studio] TITLE
Where/How should the TITLE be properly fed to the Subject field? I couldn’t find it in Settings, nor in other Support requests…
Ah, thanks for the heads-up — I may not respond for a few days, but will tackle this when a redev. is launched successfully and I have a few minutes to throw at this fine feature update. ??
Thanks again!
Steve C.
3Cstudiowhoa… very nice. I’ll take a stab at it and let you know how it goes. Thanks again!
I’m far from a coder/developer, but I’m happy to try something if you are willing to work it into Subscribe2… I know enough to get me into trouble — and enough WP friends to then get me out of it. ??
No, don’t go to great lengths, by any means… turning off notifications for all Admins will definitely suffice. I was just checking… thanks!
OK, mattyrob — all set. Thanks!
Might be a nice future feature to be able to assign only certain admins to receive those notifications, or not that simple?