16 years ago
thanks (for nothing)
If anyone want to know more about the comments loop go to this page
Please, can you share your knowledge with me?
I′m sure several users on this forum know how to help me with my problem so PLEASE help me!
every time i post a thread nobody replay ??
(thanx mixerious)
i′m developing my own theme. And i have no comments.php file because i don′t know how to insert the php loop in the xhtml file provided below ??
16 years, 1 month ago
You have to set up the options theme. There are documentation in (only if you have payed for the theme, of course)
(Set up options are in the admin panel)
anyone know how to do?
16 years, 2 months ago
(i have 2.7 too)
i have the some problem with my spanish wordpress but i don′t have try it in a english wordpress
i Have the same problem
Just what i need! and easy to understand.
Thaksss ??
can anyone help me? is important
any other idea to fix the problem?
ok, now is solved, thanks anyway for replay fast
me too
My php.ini
[PHP] safe_mode = off; max_execution_time = 100000; max_input_time = 1000000; open_basedir = upload_max_filesize = 200000M; post_max_size = 1000000M; register_argc_argv = On;