Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Add From Server] broken on activationPlug in could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
This plugin requires WordPress 4.0 or greater, and PHP 5.4 or greater. You are currently running WordPress 4.5 and PHP 5.3.29. Please contact your website host or server administrator for more information. The plugin has been deactivated.
I have tried several times to uninstall, reinstall then activate this plug-in only to get this error message for several several months (feels like a year) & my site is all about video !
I cannot upload anything over 100mb w/o this or some plugin ! What do I do ? is there an earlier version which will not F__K me ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Zombaio] Zombaio plugin Problemk, can u type some directions…
go here, swap this code here.The sign in / join form (Zombaio seal) is just fine.
Where the hell is this code incorrect.
I went over & reposted the code like it says in your guide.
I went into Zombaio, found my code copied & pasted from ‘Start code to end code’ in the same place it was already.The whole time I’m thinking how does this fix the problem on my widget ? It doesn’t that’s how. I ran the Zombaio wizard again, y, Idk…
Duh, still doesn’t work.
I can’t replace the code there (in the guide, where you have the example)I am still getting the same message…
Please tell me where ‘[zombaio_join align=”left” width=”300″ join_url=”https://yoursite.com/something/” buttonalign=”center”]PRICING[/zombaio_join]’ is incorrect so I can fix it … and this nightmare can be over, ty…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Zombaio] Zombaio plugin Problemk, I think I got everything else fixed but when you try to sign up it sends you to a page that says contact the admin. I looked at the url it is sending you to… It is a cross of my Join Page & my Zombaio addy.
I need it to go to my Join page & when they get done they go to Zombaio.
Where do I fix this ?
I got all frustrated & asked Zombaio to fix it, which they said they would that day. That was Friday & I guess I won’t hear anything until tomorrow, lol
Another thing, I am trying not to have people confused. The top right sing in has never worked. I wanted to delete it but scared. I have the Member & Join page top left.
I also have this member & Join widget that u suggested to put in my right side bar. Is that excessive ? Which should I get rid of ? If you say none how do I fix / find the code for the upper right corner Member signin ?
I guess that is it, the traffic is picking back up to ,my site after it being inaccessible for like 2 weeks… while I screw everything up… lol
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Zombaio] Zombaio plugin Problemoh thank god !!! lol
so it is all protected…
that just makes maybe 30 posts I have to make free…
I’m glad I asked !!!
(You got my question, not sending to Zombaio…)I am having the same problem the 1st person had who started this post…
It is signing into the WordPress not the Zombaio area…What did u say to do to fix this ?
And I tried to stop it from redirecting, now it goes straight to a wordpress (not zombaio sign in) from the home page, uugghhh
I think if I straighten this out I will be set !!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Zombaio] Zombaio plugin Problemk…
I think the seal is fine…
pretty sure it is correct on my Join page…Since I had to delete the Maven member plugin, does that mean I have to one by one send all the posts that were in the pay area to the Zombaio ?
That is just now dawning on me, holy hell !!! lol
In maven members you just check the categories. Is there a way to migrate these pages to the Zombaio ? Or do I need to tear down each page & repost it ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Zombaio] Zombaio plugin ProblemI’m not seeing this Zombaio Dev.
In my side panel I have Zombaio Log & Wp Zombaio (wp zombaio, guide & Logs)Also, I already placed my seal from Zombaio on my Join page so I didn’t place the widget seal anywhere. I should b covered right ?
I didn’t hit that link to turn off anyone can register until I sent that last post….
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Zombaio] Zombaio plugin Problemk, sorry, I still have a problem…
In the wp zombaio set up…
Redirect Target Page Title
I set it to my home page, but that is not right because It will not let users off this page…
What I need is for users to come in thru the home page & sign up on the join page.
What do I set to the join page so that they can join ?
Where it says ‘For Reference, your Zombaio Postback URL (ZScript) should be set to:’ ?Post the link to the registration page there ? right ?
I am going to place the widget so they can log in as a paying member so logging in is not the problem.
I have pages of videos, photos & a bunch of other stuff for them to look at before they join.
Should I run the wizard again ???Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Zombaio] Zombaio plugin Problemty for answering so quickly…
so I am just going to deactivate Maven members like right now…
I’m not sure how to turn off anyone can register…
I have to add the side bar widget and hope it all works out !!!
I’ll brb, ty again !!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Zombaio] Zombaio plugin ProblemHello, I could use a lil help too…
I think the Maven Member plugin is blocking Zombaio from installing.
The install team said ‘Your site seems to be using a more advanced membership authentication. We can only help you with installations on apache membership sites using .htaccess and .htpasswd files. Our API needs to be implemented by your tech department -or- you have to change your site to basic authentication (protection of a folder and sub-folders) ie. https://www.yoursite.com/members.
Please change your site to basic authentication -or- Implement the API’I have your wp Zombaio downloaded & active. I have been thinking about it, tried to tell them my issue. I even tried to read the ‘API’, I guess I’m not that bright… lol
So I’m thinking, I need to delete the Maven Membership & either ask them to try & install again or go with your WP Zombaio plugin (actually, ur plugin is what made me sign up with Zombaio [one of the reasons] in the 1st place, I thought it would be a no brainer, I was wrong… lol)
Am I right that your wp Zombaio replaces the zscript from Zombaio ?
I just really need this fixed. I just got approved & got the news that they can’t install the zscript yesterday.Also, I managed to lock my site up so that when a visitor comes in all they see is the maven member accepted page. Somehow they are still signing up, I take that as a good thing but I’m sure I have a conflict. Too many membership plugins. This thread doesn’t seem to address that.
I am really nervous about uninstalling anything w/o an expert saying to do so. But after much thought & if I don’t get a reply, I think that is what makes sense to do. I don’t have a problem with you poking around to see what I am talking about. So if you want my site addy, no problem. idk what the rules are here so… lol
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [NSFW] Adult Site Skin – Custom Theme Gallery Column…I am using it, I uploaded a gallery…
I tried the 4 column gallery, it did some weird wrapping thing… lol
I tried contacting the devolopers, no answer…
That was maybe a month ago…I just wrote this to them now…
I am trying to use your template on my site:
I have two problems… I wrote you about one or both of them before…
1. How do I access the HOT OFFERS boxes in the upper right hand corner ?
2. How do I rectify / connect the SIGN IN located top right,
the one people keep signing into with the membership sign in ?I am getting people to sign up but they are subscribing to the free area
of the site, not to my MEMBERS pay area.How do I fix this ?
Please write me back…
Smooches, Nilou Achtland
Idk if this is the right place but maybe someone can help, this is afterall the forum…
I tried the okpay 1st. It killed my site. I deleted it. I tried woocommerce. I don’t see it my wordpress site. I tried woocommerce sagepay, that killed my site. I have an account with okpay. Which one is going to work ? Or how do I see the one I did install (assuming it will let me use my Okpay ??? Please help !!!
Nilou AchtlandAlso, does it work with regular download or do I need to install a paid download that it will work with ?