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  • Plugin Author 2J-Slideshow


    Sorry, no it’s not gonna work this way. In our slideshow we have timer which enable slide, fade or some other animation slideshow effect.
    But it’s gonna work few different ways: first it’s gonna work like auto slider or in another way it’s gonna work in manual mode.

    Plugin Author 2J-Slideshow


    yes, it’s not a problem. Our slideshow work with all popular browsers type. You can use it in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera. It’s not depend of the versions. Our slideshow work properly in all modern version of the browsers.

    Plugin Author 2J-Slideshow


    Every slideshow image have link option. When you open slideshow settings / slides manager you can select every image and define link for every one of them. We have no limits for the slideshow links. You can create links for local or external pages.

    Plugin Author 2J-Slideshow


    Yes, it’s possible to crop uploaded images to the slideshow. When you open slideshow slider manager you can find there additional tools where you can crop or rotate uploaded image. Just try to use this tools and let me know if you’ll have some other questions.

    Plugin Author 2J-Slideshow


    No, we have no catalogue of the tags in our slideshow. Our slideshow do now support such type of the functionality for now. I’ll forward your request to developers.

    Plugin Author 2J-Slideshow


    Actually it’s depend of your needs. Every slideshow image have field for video link where you can define link to youtube or vimeo video. Every image of slideshow could have only one video, but amount of the videos in slideshow depend of the amount of the pictures in slideshow.
    In future we have plans to implement support of the youtube playlist links. So you can insert for the single picture link to the video playlist.

    Plugin Author 2J-Slideshow


    Sorry, it’s first time request of such functionality . For now our slideshow don’t have this option. Please describe more detailed it if you wish to see such option in future releases.

    Plugin Author 2J-Slideshow


    I guess you mean slider with few active images on page at the same time. Such a frame with slideshow with horizontal or vertical thumbnails block. Unfortunately for now we don’t have such functionality. Our slideshow show only one images on the same time. We have plans to implement it in future releases.

    Plugin Author 2J-Slideshow


    Sorry, but for now it’s not possible to insert videos to the slideshow from server directly. For now you can insert video links to the youtube or vimeo videos. We have plans to make possible to upload videos to the server with slideshow directly in future releases.

    Plugin Author 2J-Slideshow


    Sorry, but for now our slideshow don’t have features for automatically post parsing for the slider images.
    You can use image manager to upload media to the slideshow and configure uploaded images.

    Plugin Author 2J-Slideshow


    Sorry, but for now it’s not possible to use animated gifs or mp4 files in slideshow. Actually you can upload gif images to the resources of the slideshow, but it’s not gonna be animated in the main slider view. I’ll note your request and we can implement this functionality in future plugin releases.

    Plugin Author 2J-Slideshow


    Sorry to hear. Actually we don’t have any limits for pictures amount or slideshow amount on page. But in the case if you upload set of big size images it’s could slow down page loading. For example if you incorrect configure slideshow and do not enable any load optimization of configure size of the slider thumbnails it’s could be that slideshow load big size images on page.
    Before upload images to the slideshow resources please make sure that you do not use over sized images. For example if you upload images directly from some your photo camera it’s gonna be much better to upload images to your computer, optimize size of this images and after that create a slideshow from this pictures.

    Plugin Author 2J-Slideshow


    In general, I guess, I know what you exactly mean. This stripes you can see in the case if you upload to the slideshow images with a way different values for the width and height of the images in the same slideshow. For example if you have mix of the album and portrait layouts at the same slideshow then you can see such difference in some slides.
    I think this is explain why you don’t have such problems in about us section. In most cases it’s portrait photos and you don’t have such stripes on your slides.
    If my explanation incorrect please send me screenshots of your slideshow options.

    Plugin Author 2J-Slideshow


    I guess, you mean link to the slideshow resources in slideshow list. It’s really strange case and actually it’s not only one place to open resources of the slideshow. When you open slideshow for edit you can click on manage slides button to open images manager.
    This resources link in listing could work incorrect in the case if you have admin theme modify someway. Try to use default theme or turn off some additional backed optimization, temporary to find the reason of the problem.
    For now it’s not possible to create slideshow list on the front end. You can create list of the linked thumbnails in some post of your blog. This post could be linked to another posts with slideshow inside it.

    Plugin Author 2J-Slideshow


    I’m sorry, but animation effect for the slideshow it’s not just few lines of the code modification. I’m afraid we’re not able to guide you how to customize slideshow this way.
    As alternative solution you can send us more details about effects which you looking for and we’ll try to include it in future release of the slideshow.

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