You are the best…thank you very much. As you can tell I am not the most tech savy so this has been a bit of a challenge trying to figure this out. One last question if you know-Do the views on the website count towards YouTube videos when you embed?
I logged in using that link but had to re-register but now when I go in the back office I cant make any changes…seems like the account may only be set up as a contributor. Its telling me to contact site administrator for changes. When I try signing in the old birabiro account it redirects me to the original sign in-feel like I am going in circles. The hosting company suggests that this particular part of issue is a wordpress problem. Right now not sure whats the next move here? ;/
Thanks. How do I get into my back office?
Do I have to go through the instructions you mentioned. Is there another way for me to sign in as I was doing before i.e. domanin/wp-admin.
As I mentioned I am not very website savy.
Thanks in advance.
Thank you for the response @wpyogi. This is really helpful.
However, I cant even get into my back-office to implement any of the changes.
Is there a way to resent my WP admin account so I can access it?