Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] problems importing depotThank you. I had an IP problem the host should have caught it but did not.
Can now access website.I will pass your response on to my webmaster.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] problems importing depotI assume nothing was done your end. Because after I wrote this message, I have not been able to access my website although I can access every other website. In an effort to solve, I am just writing to you, as a last resort, on this issue as I can’t access my website for the second day and have tried everything with everyone. Beyond frustrated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] problems importing depotPS – I meant to say Views for each photo (not each album) – this was a feature I liked.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] problems importing depot1. I cannot erase photos already downloaded to my Import Folder.
Upgraded to the latest recently and still have the problem.
It is most annoying to have to work out which photos are the new
ones I just uploaded and which are not.
Have tried de-selecting and everything. Nothing works.
What to do? My webmaster, who usually knows, does not know.2. Since my last upgrade, uploading a zip does not work.
I can’t upload using the Multi function because my computer is
not the latest. So I have to upload photos one by one, which
is annoying when I have more than 20 photos to upload.3. Off this subject,but since the upgrade, I note the number of
Views for each album is always O. Even when I know this is not so.
Is this feature no longer valid? Hope not, good to know one photo
got over 1,500 Views (even though hardly promoted)
and which got very few Views (even though heavily promoted,)
~HUpgrading on Tuesday.
Upgraded my iMac, but still have Safari problems, gone kaput, also my laptop died, publicity, so Tuesday. Thank you for everything. Check Acknowledgments.
I note that a Google doesn’t come up with any WPPA+ albums. Webmaster asked me to ask you about Meta Tags for Albums.
Thank you for email redacted.
Webmaster very busy today, no time for me!I am so sorry, press campaign started, also i have computer problems, appreciate the 4 hours. I will pass this on to my webmaster.
I receive email notification on Comments.
[ email redacted ]The Share feature works now, thank you very much.
if someone wants to post one photo on their Facebook or any page, they are limited to posting the cover photo of that album, as well as the whole album of course, but not necessarily the photo they want!!!Since I have many and varied photos in each album and the cover photo of the album is not necessarily the best photo for all albums because of sizing or whatever, is there any way people can have their photo of choice on their Facebook page or are we stuck with just the album cover photo?
While waiting for my webmaster to contact you – or maybe he has already by email, I have another question.
Is there a way that if I want to send a page link to someone from any album, I can, without getting only the cover of that album.
Case in point – I am trying to send a link of one photographer to his bio page on my website, and get the only the front cover of the whole album – which features a rival photographer!
I often want to send someone a link to one page and cannot.
Thank you so much for fast response. Much appreciated. I have passed it on to my webmaster.
My webmaster just sent me this and asked me to copy and paste it to you:
The AddThis API needs to be positioned under the description text of the photo in an album in order to post that text. I tried hacking the album template to do this but, it did not work. Right now it positions it’s self either at the top or at the bottom of the post page. This is why it only picks up on the comment HTML capabilities text. (It is the only text on the post page).
AddThis is definitely not working right in the way that it is not picking up the text of the description of the photo and rather the text of the comment HTML capabilities.
“You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <abbr title=””> <acronym title=””> <b>
<del datetime=""> <i> <q cite=""> <strike> "
Yes, yes, yes, would love that feature.
Can you let me know as soon as it is done because I am holding up doing major press on the website?Not sure I understand your Emails/Comments response. So you are saying you can Configure it so I get email notification when someone comments, and approval?
At the moment, No one is getting emails when someone posts a Comment on WPPA+ so I can’t approve what they Comment, and their Comments, which may be unsuitable, go straight up on my Website!!
But I am getting email notification and approval rights when someone posts a Comment on a few other Word Press albums I have on my website.Looking forward to hearing from you.
OK, thanks. I found a lot more of html that had been done is missing today. Very distressed. I am sure he will fix it very soon. I’ll try to be patient.
Wow, Ralph, you’re a genius. And so kind. What a nightmare!!!! Putting me so far behind. I’m suffering.
br with back ticks is what worked, just br with backticks. Didn’t show in above post.