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Well i wasn’t able to uninstall it, but I still can’t get any other user role profiles to display besides the default member profile.
Maybe I’m not using the roles correctly? I’m trying to make a page with 2 directories: a short one for faculty (about 6 users), and another underneath it for students (100-200 users).
I built and used the default registration form for the students, which assigns their role to “Student”(the built in Member role I renamed) by default. I created another registration form for the faculty to force assigning the role to a custom “Faculty” role I created. This was before I realized there was conditional formatting, and now I realize that I can just have one registration form and using the role selector to filter the input fields for faculty or student. Maybe that’s where this is messed up, but using 2 different was working fine for a few weeks before it broke a couple days ago.
I then created 2 directories, one for Faculty that automatically pulled in the “Faculty” role, and another directory that pulled in the “Student” role and the “Admin” role (my account). I messed with some other settings to personalize how profiles and directories look, then left it for several days while i built the other parts of the site. At some point both the Admin and Faculty role profiles stop displaying anything on their individual pages. Buttons and sidebars on those pages appeared, but nothing in the div for the user profile. Only the Student role profiles display.
The only way I can seem to make this work for me right now is to have Faculty sign up as a regular Student role, changing them to the Faculty role to get them off the Student directory, then adding them individually by username to the Faculty directory, then deleting the Faculty role. Apparently deleting a custom role will still display their profiles if they are added in the directory by username, and they won’t need to edit their profiles after they are made.
This obviously seems like a crazy workaround to get 2 simple separate directories, but I don’t know what to do at this point if it’s still bugging out on me and I can’t uninstall the plugin to start from scratch. Please let me know if you have any other suggestions for me to try.
Side question, can forms take multiple layers of conditional formatting? Essentially I’m trying to nest conditional questions.
Thanks, Dave
i got frustrated and decided to just wipe it clean and start from fresh, but i tried uninstalling the plugin and i waited for about an hour and it never finished uninstalling. deactivating and deleting the plugin doesn’t get rid of the database though, whenever i install and activate it again the same roles and directories appear.
just noticed the plugin hasn’t been tested with the new 4.6 version of wordpress, any chance that’s what is messing a lot of stuff up?
the plugin is totally unusable at this point for me which is a real bummer, we have a department meeting tomorrow and were planning to sign 200+ people which we can’t do now. not happy…
actually i just tried it again for kicks and it looks like it’s hanging. i hit the sync button and the page goes white and to this url:
not seeing any errors on the page, actually there’s nothing in the source code.yes i’ve done that, the student roles are showing fine, just not the admin or the custom role i made.
Here’s both user roles
I renamed the default “Members” Role to Student, that hadn’t broken it before so I don’t think renaming it is the issue.
I changed one of the admin’s community roles in the default wordpress user manager to Student and the profile rendered, so it’s something with the ultimate member roles.Thanks for your help!