• Hi,
    I’m using zotpress with a footnote plugins and I can’t insert zotpress reference into footnotes.
    So, i’ve tried with 2 plugins and encounter the same issue. plugins are :

    i’ve also tried to use those plugins with bracket and with parenthesis.

    Actually, if I do something like this :
    <p>some stuff about pygmy ((<a title="https://publicdomainreview.org/collections/recordings-of-pygmy-music-from-the-1946-ogooue-congo-mission/" href="https://publicdomainreview.org/collections/recordings-of-pygmy-music-from-the-1946-ogooue-congo-mission/">https://publicdomainreview.org/collections/recordings-of-pygmy-music-from-the-1946-ogooue-congo-mission/</a>))</p>

    footnotes from fisherman or civil footnotes put a <sup>(1)</sup> reference and I can click to go at the bottom of the post and having the link reference I can click on. So it works great ??

    BUT doing:
    <p>here is my citation about pygmy author (( [zotpress items="QER9N66V" style="chicago-fullnote-bibliography"] pp.21-22 ))</p>

    zotpress shows me directly the ref in the post AND in the bottom foot note, instead of showing only at the bottom.

    How can I solve this ?

    Thks for reading and let me know if you want futher informations ??



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  • Hi daeavelwyn.

    When I decided on a footnote plugin I ended up going with jQuery Hover Footnotes. I think it was the only one at the time (a year ago or so) that could display the footnote on mouseover, had automatic numbering, and some other requirements I can’t recall. As it turns out, it works beautifully with ZotPress, so that I can cite papers within footnotes.

    The only change I needed to make was to edit the footnotes php so that it used letters (“a,b,c,…”) rather than numbers for footnotes, since ZotPress insists on using numbers. Usually I avoid editing php, but here it isn’t a big maintenance problem since jQuery Hover Footnotes is no longer under development. Email me if you want the php files. [jessriedel at gmail dot com]


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